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Your Sayings!


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Recently I've come to realise that I'd been saying "let's rock and roll" whenever me and my mates set off somewhere - if I ever do it now I ask them to punch me, it's working well.


I also say "How rude" quite a lot.


I used to say "let's get the rock out of here" when finishing work at Game, although I picked that up from the guy who trained me. Or sometimes "lets get the cock out of here".

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Friend: "Do you usually see [insert show here]?"

Me: "Only when it's on"


Basically meaning I don't follow it, I just watch it if I stumble upon it while zapping.


While posting on the internet, I usually come up with the term "crap" or "shit"whenever I just want to say "things" or "stuff" (I usually control myself before posting).

It's a terrible habit and I blame it on the countless foul-mouthed english-speakers I hear on TV and the internet.

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Friend: "Do you usually see [insert show here]?"

Me: "Only when it's on"


Basically meaning I don't follow it, I just watch it if I stumble upon it while zapping.


While posting on the internet, I usually come up with the term "crap" or "shit"whenever I just want to say "things" or "stuff" (I usually control myself before posting).

It's a terrible habit and I blame it on the countless foul-mouthed english-speakers I hear on TV and the internet.

What the fuck are you on about?

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I've had many throughout the years, here is a selection that I say or type online during my lifetime:


Coolness Bears.

I'm a wicked.

I like ones.

Well done have a cookie.


Back to the miller's wife.


Leave me alone.

So's your face.



Apple's whales of the sea.

let's see which one is it? IT'S A DINOSAUR.

I Lim'd.


There is more but my brain can't think at the moment.:)

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I have certain things which I have been told are "things that Jim says a lot."


I ask "Are you ok/you alright?" quite a lot. At home or at work, "Do you need a hand?" My old housemates used to laugh at me for these ones.


Whenever I make a mistake, I declare "Ohh noooo." Or, "nuuuuuuuu."


When something impresses me: "Impressive, Starfox!"


If somebody says something that I agree with, "Yeees." I've noticed that my eyes go wider and my voice sounds different when I say this. It sounds like a character off futurama. Zoidberg maybe.


"Jammy dodgers are amazing."


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"I swear when it's appropriate"

"the whole point of swearin' is that it ain't appropriate"


Firefly, in case anyone wants to know.


When I die on Xbox Live I generally shout out a long, quiet NOOOOOOOOOO!

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When something impresses me: "Impressive, Starfox!"

YES! I do exactly the same! Whenever I say "impressive", it's an internal struggle for me not to add "Star Fox".


When I'm genuinely thrilled or happy about something that just happened, I'll often shout out a short, but heartfelt "Yes!" that sounds both surprised and relieved.

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"I swear when it's appropriate"

"the whole point of swearin' is that it ain't appropriate"


Firefly, in case anyone wants to know.


When I die on Xbox Live I generally shout out a long, quiet NOOOOOOOOOO!


I like to go against expectations and when playing multiplayer games shout stuff like "OH DARN!" when I die.

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Nano-sheath (a small quantity - (undisclosed amount)) Coined by me but had origins in a particular comedy scene, where it's use was different.


Also, I find it highly amusing to mismatch measurements e.g. I drank 40 ferlongs of beer last night. Try it out for amazing results!

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Nano-sheath (a small quantity - (undisclosed amount)) Coined by me but had origins in a particular comedy scene, where it's use was different.


Also, I find it highly amusing to mismatch measurements e.g. I drank 40 ferlongs of beer last night. Try it out for amazing results!


Ah brilliant.


"Theres a guy two nano metres away from my rear."


"The HAMMER is sixteen hours from my dead body."




We've had many discussions that if anyone joined our conversations on Unch they'd genuinely think we were mental.


A favourite is quoting David Bowie in Extras at the moment.


Oh and by the way, I say "terrid" constantly IRLreal life now. Like literally. Its genuinely replaced all negative words for me. I've said it so much even Claire is starting to pick it up.

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Ah brilliant.


"Theres a guy two nano metres away from my rear."


"The HAMMER is sixteen hours from my dead body."




We've had many discussions that if anyone joined our conversations on Unch they'd genuinely think we were mental.


A favourite is quoting David Bowie in Extras at the moment.


Oh and by the way, I say "terrid" constantly IRLreal life now. Like literally. Its genuinely replaced all negative words for me. I've said it so much even Claire is starting to pick it up.

Terrid is a terrid word! Don't use it! You're such a pathetic little fat man.


Btw I thought your examples were less than exemplar. But yes, the idea is brilliant. I'm incredible.


Oh yeah and I can't even believe that we finally found Maddy! Nothing was made of it at the time, BUT WE FUCKING FOUND HER!

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i tend to call my girlfriend...


A Bean. Your a bean


A Towel. Your a towel



i also say Douche alot.


and... "So's your face!"




Girlfriend - You can be such a dick sometimes...


Me - So's your face!


it makes no sense.... but never mind

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I use the word "awesome" a lot.

I also say "it's been emotional" whenever I'm leaving from somewhere or someone... especially if it's not been emotional!


If someone asks me if I can do something for them I tend to reply "I can" but then I ignore their request as I said "I can" meaning 'I am able to'. Then they realise and ask me if I will do it.

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