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Do you enjoy your job?


Do you enjoy your job?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you enjoy your job?

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It's a job... so no.


If I genuinely enjoyed it then I'd do it for free... but then it wouldn't be a job as I wouldn't be getting paid. :heh:


I'd say I tolerate work at best and any brief moments of unintentional satisfaction or enjoyment gained while working is a bonus. :)

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As there are only five of us, we all get along pretty well.


By "pretty well" I mean we constantly insult and make fun each other (including the boss). We all know that it's all for fun and nobody means anything. It livens things up a lot. The work itself it getting a bit repetitive and tiresome.

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I'm very lucky that I love my job. Couldn't be happier with it.


I've had some shocking jobs in the past with both poor managers and actual poor career prospects, but working as a careers adviser in a college is brilliant. I get to see all the college kidz (who usually ain't fussed tbf) but it's working with adults that is rewarding. We get to go out and see the long term unemployed too which is challenging but also has moments of real reward.

I also run our website at the college, do the marketing for the service and liaise with schools and curriculum areas including the always hilarious hair and beauty departments.

I also get courses for free which means I study allsorts (cert ed this year) and the pay is waaaay above the average for the North East of England.


Oh...And I also love N-Europe!

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As mentioned before, when my work consists of purely being JUST a Database Administrator its fantastic,


but all week i've been Database Administrator Slash Dialler Manager... and it's the worst job ever.



so normally yes i love my job, it's very entertaining, very challanging, and you get a great feeling of satisfaction knowing your hard work is benefitting other departments greatly, and generates a heck of a lot of income.



Dialler Manager i'd enjoy if i was purely in that role, not juggling it with the DBA work.


oh Well 2 weeks off starting from next week, so wont need to worry :)



oh yeah short answer, yes i like my job :)

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Another thing about my job is that, even though he sits roughly two metres away from me, my boss never notices anything. He's sitting there right now as I type this, unaware of my lack of work doings.

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Work is one of the things you'l need through life, can't receive without giving some of your time, so I've no problem doing it.


When I'm consistently fucked about though, taking absolute liberties because there is barely jobs going so they feel they can pretty much treat us like slave labour (and break laws during the process).. No, I fucking hate my job.

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As there are only five of us, we all get along pretty well.


By "pretty well" I mean we constantly insult and make fun each other (including the boss). We all know that it's all for fun and nobody means anything. It livens things up a lot. The work itself it getting a bit repetitive and tiresome.


Basically this.

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The majority of the time I love my job as a swimming teacher, but obviously it depends on who I'm teaching. You're obviously going to get an annoying child who cries all the time every so often.


I used to be a swimming teacher/lifeguard! STA fully qualified back in the day. Totally awesome job at times. But yeah - kids who cried, complained or fought were well annoying. A simple foot on their head seemed to work when their parents weren't looking...


Work 'colleagues' are usually the Bain in most jobs. People who are lazy or complain are an annoyance.

Some twisty wifey I work with today had a go at me as I couldn't cover the reception as I was busy. She was saying 'you can tell there's no 'I' in teamwork with you. The reply of "yeah but there's a me" was full of win and shut her quickly.


I hate to generalise but a lot of women I've worked with have been REALLY complacent and argumentative with anyone. Leave your shit at the door!

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I used to be a swimming teacher/lifeguard! STA fully qualified back in the day. Totally awesome job at times. But yeah - kids who cried, complained or fought were well annoying. A simple foot on their head seemed to work when their parents weren't looking...


Work 'colleagues' are usually the Bain in most jobs. People who are lazy or complain are an annoyance.

Some twisty wifey I work with today had a go at me as I couldn't cover the reception as I was busy. She was saying 'you can tell there's no 'I' in teamwork with you. The reply of "yeah but there's a me" was full of win and shut her quickly.


I hate to generalise but a lot of women I've worked with have been REALLY complacent and argumentative with anyone. Leave your shit at the door!


If you used to be a swimming teacher, what are you now? I totally agree people you work with can make or break a job too. It's one of the reasons I'm working less lately, actually.

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