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Is Gaming Your Dirty Little Secret?


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Had this thread in mind for a few weeks- thought it would be an interesting discussion. In the Mario Kart thread in the online board, yesteryeargames mentioned that he goes to a gaming club, to which dazzybee responded, saying that barely anyone in his life has any idea how big a deal gaming is to him. Beverage also replied and of course I couldn't resist adding in my two cents worth as well.


Basically, for me, only a few people would have any idea that I'm big into games, I suppose. I don't try to hide it or anything but its not something that comes up in conversation. I wear my fair share of gaming themed t-shirts and take my DS to work now and again, but would that many people guess that I'm online keeping up to date with gaming news and playing games on a daily basis? Nope. ::shrug:


What about you? Do you go round preaching about the games industry, wearing your gaming heart on your sleeve? Do you let everyone know about however many thousand posts you've amassed on here? Or do you keep it a secret at all costs?

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Is gaming my dirty little secret? hell no... anyone with the decency to ask what I'm interested in will know that I play games regularly :heh: does it ever crop up in conversation at work though? not often, and even when it does, it's usually only when some "big" game like GTA comes out, at which time of course everyone at work comes out of the gaming closet because GTA is deemed 'socially acceptable' even if it is overhyped.


So yeah, gaming isn't something I'd ever keep a secret but at work it might as well be. :indeed:

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Im loud and proud when it comes to my gaming ways.


When im at work I usually take a handheld console in and play it during break times. A couple of the lads usually look to me for the latest gaming news as they know that when not playing games im usually reading news about them. When I go out im usually wearing at least one bit of gaming clothing, which is usually a nintendo themed t-shirt ;) When I get the oppertunity I usually discuss gaming left right and centre, its very much an important part of my life, much more than any other form of media/entertainment.


I find it funny that a once geeky hobby is now slowly becoming a massive mainstream machine that can easily hold its own against the movie and music business. Its far more excepted now more than its ever been, you just have to look around for yourselves to see.


I can proudly say that I was there near the start of it all when the industry was seen as nerdy, childish and anti-social. Yup, I had the last laugh :D

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To be honest, it's not really seen as "geeky" to be a gamer anymore, at least from what I've found. I've played games like de Blob and Madworld (two extremes) in the living room at my old house at Uni, and played with my mate and his 360 in his room. I think people aren't all that "afraid" anymore to go out and come home with a game. Out of a house with 7 students, 3 of us had some form of the DS (DS, lite, I), 3 of us had Wiis and 1 had a 360. There was only about 1 person I lived with who was flat out not into games at all. He's perhaps one of the most anti-gaming people I've ever known.


Whether or not people meet me and know I'm into games, I don't know. I don't think I have any or many gaming related t-shirts, but then wearing a t-shirt doesn't make you an insane gamer, to me it's only a t-shirt. If people were to come into my room, they'd spot the consoles and then probably deduct from that that I'm into games pretty heavily. My bedroom currently houses my NES, SNES, 64, Gameboy and GBA, and I think they're all pretty visible. The Wii, Dreamcast, Gamecube and XBOX are in the living room. So, people will come in and spot that, haha.


A lot of people know that I spend a lot of time online, looking at game related, football related, movie related or random stuff. That's part of my what I do, I like researching things.

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The entirety of last year I worked for Square which meant that I clocked up about 50 hours of gaming a week (That killed my eyes). Gaming, apart from university and the pub, were effectively my life. :heh:


Now, I only play games when I have nothing else to do which meant during term time I didn't play often. Now it's the holiday I play a little more but I don't know anyone else who plays games that regularly so I never talk about it.


If someone does ask, I'm all up for the banter.

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I'm open about it. I don't have any gaming shirts though. I have a few Nintendo hats and a sweater, but I don't wear them as I don't want to loose them somewhere. I really should get a few gaming t-shirts at the least though.


Most people I know right away see me as a gamer, but thats mostly because the people I talk to are gamers as well.


I don't hide it at all. If an assignment is open ended in terms of topic, I'll usually use games as my topic.


I don't generally bring my DS around with me though. It doesn't fit in my pocket very well (its an original model), and like the hats, I don't want to loose it somewhere.

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Pretty much everyone who knows me would know I'm into my games. It's also my career and people usually find games more fun than other industries so there's often big chats regarding the subject with me at the centre. With new people I find I don't tell them as much, not because it's a dirty secret, but because they're generally far too interested and it can become very tiring - especially when you meet gamer types.


Games are a massive part of my life and probably (hopefully?) always will be. I would never hide something I'm this passionate about.

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This depends on who I'm with or talking to. My family all know I'm a gamer and that I play a decent amount but I never really bring it up in conversation with friends mainly because the vast majority of them either don't play them or just don't have the current generation of consoles. I mean, I have talked about it with people but it was a little weird and I felt them sort of immediately judging and redefining their opinions of me. But they did play retro stuff so that I was able to be open about.


Really, I don't usually keep things secret in my life but while I'll happily game at home and in front of my family, it's still sort of looked upon as geeky even with the Wii having brought it fully into the mainstream. So yeh, it is both a dirty little secret and it isn't for me. I like playing games. I wouldn't say I love it, which mainly comes down to this current moment in time with work, in the same way I love music but I still think it's something I'll continue to do for the foreseeable future, probably relapsing more into the retro side of things to provide more entertainment.

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My neighbourhood friends all play games and I talk to them most of the time about it. At school though they mostly either don't talk about it or talk about games like COD4 and the other mainstreams I'm not really into.


I don't think I come of as a gamer as I don't have any gaming accessories, I am starting to play my DS a lot now but mostly just listen to my iPod when travelling.

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I'm open to chat about gaming to anyone who is interested at all. I don't have many collectibles though, i'm more of a games person.


I don't deem myself a geek anymore, because everyone i know plays games often. If i chat Nintendo, then people see it as geeky but if i chat about the 360, then that is a different story all together as nearly everyone has a 360 and they deem it as "normal" if you talk about GTA, GoW or Halo.

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I don't like people to know I play games a lot, whenever me and friends go to cinema or to the rec games are barely ever talked about because we are all heavily interested in sports etc and gaming is sort of done by everyone but in my case probably too excessively.

There's endless amounts of conversation material for videogames with a few of my friends though which is good, although if something like 'third party' slips out it does draw weird looks.

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I'll talk about gaming as much as any other hobby / interest, whether that be sports, music, physics, festivals blah blah.


If people still think gaming is some kid's hobby acne faced geeks do and that no one else has any interest in whatsoever then let them judge, I couldn't honestly care. Why would people honestly be secretive about playing video games in the 21st century? :S

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im open about it, to my mates, though if i wouldent talk about it as a hobby at a job interview.


im probebly seen as more into games then i actualy am by mates, though alot of them will ask my advice, either in what to buy or if they are stuck.


to be honest, any one who knows me knows i like my games as much as i like drinking and women and swords. id probebly play down how much i game if i was on a first date, mostly because of how alot of girls see it. though id never lie about it.

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chris... drinking, women and swords? I hope you never mix all three!

I used to hide my gaming passion when I was younger but now Im not fussed what others think of me (usually the opposite sex). it's a part of my life, take it or leave it. I would say though that gaming has never been seen as geeky by others Ive dated as they have always said it's good to see a guy with a passion for something that isn't booze/purely football and is something a bit different.

The wii has probably been the most accepted console ever in my eyes and it builds relationships with family, friends and the ladies. it's the ultimate pulling machine tbf and offers plenty of hot and sweaty moments. *lies down*


Gaming is a great part of my life but I DO take it less seriously than I used to - which is purely because adult life has taken over!

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I'm very open about it. All my frieds, colleagues, family and girlfriends friends and family constantly ask me which Wii or DS games are fun to play.

My gaminghobby is fully accepted, even though I'm 28. Friends and family seem to love it as they come around to my place every week and play games.


At work we have a huge chill-out place with a pool table, 50" flatscreen with a Wii and PS3, darts board and a pinnballmachine. Everybody uses those and is really fond of it too.

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Everyone knows I love gaming! I don't wear gaming t-shirts or take my DS anywhere, but neither of those are due to shame. I'm just fussy about the quality of t-shirts I wear (I like a certain thinness and a certain material) and, as for the DS, well, I've never, ever got time to play it outside of the house. If I'm on holiday, for example, I'd rather spend every minute soaking up the locale in any way possible, even if it's just reading leaflets in the evening. If I'm travelling, I'd rather keep tabs on where I am and the scenery.


But yes, back on the subject...! Whenever I get friendly with anyone, one of the first things I ask them is if they're into gaming. The vast majority are, and you'd be surprised how many people (in real life) are even into the good games like Zelda and Metroid.

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I don't see why anyone would want to keep it secret, it's not like you're going to ridiculed for it, the majority of the youth of today plays video games, as well as an increasing percentage of the older population.


It's more acceptable now than it ever was.

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I don't see why anyone would want to keep it secret, it's not like you're going to ridiculed for it, the majority of the youth of today plays video games, as well as an increasing percentage of the older population.


It's more acceptable now than it ever was.


Depends what type of game you play. If mainstream gamers find out you own a Wii, its not a good thing. If those media brainwashed people find out you play games with a rating higher than "E", (I'm not familiar with any of the european rating systems) they will treat you like the devil. ect.

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