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The Last Guardian


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From a glance at impressions from TGS it sounds like it suffers from some of the same problems that Team Ico's first two games suffered from but has the same great visual flare and emotional heart as them so it's all sounding good. If the delay can iron out some of the control kinks then it will be a bonus but as it is it seems like a fitting follow up to Ueda's PS2 masterpieces.

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I'm glad the games been delayed, for selfish reasons in that I won't have a PS4 until November but also because I want it to be the best it can be. As Huber would say, "let it cook".


As if a month or however long it is will make any bit of difference at this stage. This game has had yeeeeeears to cook. I fear it may be overdone.

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I wonder if what happened to No Mans Sky had any baring on the decision?


Maybe the decision to fix the last minute bugs in-house was deemed preferable to a hefty day-one patch and people playing/reviewing the game before it arrives. Undoubtedly certain websites and Youtube characters are already waiting for an excuse to hate on the game, for page views.

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Polygon are a bunch of pricks. Team Ico game plays like a Team Ico game, what a bloody shocker.


Maybe, just maybe, that's why people are interested in this game? Just a thought :indeed:


To be fair, the feeling of the controls in Ico and Shadow of the Colossus was the weakest part of both games. It could be frustrating if these problems are still present in their latest offering..

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As if a month or however long it is will make any bit of difference at this stage. This game has had yeeeeeears to cook. I fear it may be overdone.


If those problems are minor bugs and balancing issues as appears to be the case from the impressions then 6 weeks is more than enough time to iron them out, that's what the final stages of development is used for. How long was it between No Man's Sky going gold and the patch being released? About 6 weeks wasn't it? And by all accounts that changed the game a tremendous amount.

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To be fair, the feeling of the controls in Ico and Shadow of the Colossus was the weakest part of both games. It could be frustrating if these problems are still present in their latest offering..


I have to agree here. I get that's the feel they're going for. But there's only so much half-control I could take in ICO. It stopped being fun very quickly.

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Well, fuck. That's the game I'll be getting for Christmas then. : peace:


YESSS!!!! So very chuffed when I saw that earlier. Love this..


at one point, I was trying to climb a chain, and I discovered that I was almost being shaken off it by the beast who was batting at the other end of the metal links in a manner I've seen my own cats do a thousand times before with a bit of ribbon or string. If you're a cat person, you're particularly lucky here


Guardian review is particularly great - the-last-guardian-review-fumito-ueda-playstationhttps://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/05/the-last-guardian-review-fumito-ueda-playstation


Reviews are starting to pop up. Scores are ranging from 7 to 9 out of 10. It seems that those who can look past the awkward controls ( a common thing in Team Ico games ) will experience something very special.


Roll on Friday!


Yeah, absoloutely. Completely expected the frustrations based on SotC and early impressions, so it's sounding as good as I could possibly have hoped. Haven't been this pumped for a game probably since the Last of Us. Caamaan!!

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Jim Sterling enjoyed it but also said the controls are firmly rooted in 2006, which greatly detracted from his enjoyment. To paraphrase, it's as if all the advancements in controls and physics and player feedback in the last 10 years never happened.

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The game arrived yesterday and I put an hour or so into it.


Quick thoughts.


The controls take some getting used to, not because they are janky but more because of the actions the buttons do aren't what I'm used to.


The music is fantastic. Right from the start the music really set the tone of the game.


Trico's movement and actions are amazing. I spent a while just watching what it was doing as the animations are so good.


I look forward digging into it some more but it will have to wait as I'm in the middle of playing other stuff at the moment and want to finish those off so I can give this my full attention.

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Put in two or three hours since my copy arrived. After all these years.. it's beautiful, and a joy. Plays like a mix of the Shadow of the Colossus and Ico, jumbled up with Uncharted, Journey, with a healthy dose of How to Train Your Dragon smattered throughout.


I've also found zero annoyances so far, far less than I'd anticipated after a recent playthrough of SotC. The camera is frankly pretty shit - although less from a gameplay point of view and more from it being a pain when I want to pan around the amazing scenery and keep an eye on Trico when he's doing things. Climbing feels satisfactorily manual and platormer-y.


Trico's movement and actions are amazing. I spent a while just watching what it was doing as the animations are so good.


This sums it up for me. It (he/she?) feels so real, so alive, so completely like a massive version of my cat in it's movements - often hilarious and adorable in it's inquisitive looks, cat-ish chasing of butterflys, splashing about in puddles, but also with a real heft when you're clinging to it's back, as it jumps over huge chasms, smashes things etc.


There's some interesting plot points / mystery developing in the first few hours with a couple of nice surprises, none of which I'll spoil on here!


For all my comparisons above, it really feels like a completely unique experience. I dearly hope it doesn't get lost in the mass of great releases lately. I highly recommend! : peace:

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^ Thought someone was about to finally join in on my lovefest but alas..


(I'd actually recommend anyone wanting to check this out not to watch that video as it blasts through quite a lot of the game / gives some stuff away. Like watching a letsplay of Journey or something)


Easy Allies Review is in.



Consider me hyped! : peace:


They must like it quite a bit..


Edited by dan-likes-trees
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