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So, I was talking to ViPeR/Joe...


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...well, I was talking to him very early this morning, at about one minute past midnight. I was text messaging him to let him know that is was his birthday.


He's a great guy, has been one of my longest friends on here, and actually he's also a top lad in real life as well.


So, I'm going to post this clip in honour of him, as he loves the Inbetweeners:




If anyone can find the bit on youtube where he then jumps on the car, it would be greatly appreciated. Oooo Friend.


Happy Birthday, Joseph.

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Happy birthday my other half.




How many other halves do you have?! :(


...I ... I ... I want to criticise Moogle for his two and possible three-timing me, but he's just so.... awesome.



Happy Birthday, ViPeR.

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Aww thanks guys/gals. Bit of a lurker on here so I didn't even know I had a bday thread. And Jim being the idiot he is didn't even tell me he'd made one. I only found out yesterday and the site was down. Oh and none of this other half business, I was the original Viper ;) if anyone is still here from the C-E days...

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