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Rate the last game you played

Chris the great

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Tbf it only worked out at £5 for him so it can't be too damaging.

And Jav, I've really never understood the complaints levelled at the platforming. It's piss easy, there's only a couple of sections where it takes a long time and were you really knocked off ledges multiple times? I don't think I can remember a case of it.


Still, each to his own.

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Personally I like the GTA handling. It's kind of modeled on the French Connection era car chase feel, which works really well. satisfying heft to the cars is what nails it for me.


Course, Paradise is arcade perfection but in terms of what fits in to Liberty City, it would feel nasty in GTAIV.




Desiega DS


Holy. Fuck.


This game is awesome. I'd heard good things about the ps2 version but it really is something else. Vast in scope, tactically fathomless and darkly funny as hell it's turning in to the best RPG/TBST I've played....uh, ever. Yep. And I've barely scratched the surface. Lawd.


I logged a ridiculous amount of time on the PSP version (150+ hours) I am a very big fan. Its absolutely amazing. Played it solid every night for months and months.

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Pikmin 2: Wii control:


I loved the original and stopped playing at the last boss. The wii controls put me off quiet a bit, it's just an unnecessary addition that over complicates gameplay, with the constant tracking of where the pointer is in relation to the sensor bar... I now officially fucking hate the wii because of this, and I am not looking forward to pikmin 3 and nothing else really except for Zelda.


6/10 (GC version 8.5/10)

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Batman - Arkham Asylum


Freakin awesome game! Loved it! Can't wait for the sequel now!


Indeed, this is an amazing game. Great graphics, great combat and an awesome story.


Assassin's Creed II


Much much better than the original. I do like how you get more involved with Ezlio/Desmond than you did with Altiar right from the word "Go". Many more things to do, more choice of side-quests and a much easier way to equip a weapon etc.


Current score 8.9/10. It may improve upon deeper play-through

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On the very last part of Mirror's Edge and...


Yeah, it's great when it starts and then it turns into the worst thing ever.


...couldn't put it better myself...


I've been playing it and the first few levels are awesome and then slowly, it turns shite. I'm moving my score from 8 to 6/10 purely because the story sucked worse as the game went on.


Truly disappointing but I suppose the time trials are OK, I like doing them. I think I might still buy the maps though...not sure... :hmm:

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Let us hope they make a sequel that knows how to play to it's strenghts. I'd love more of that first hour and a half.


Modern Warfare 2


After completing 100% of the campaign and Special Ops and working my way through 40% of the multiplayer, I can honestly say this:


Single Player - Very comepetent, some fantastic levels here and there (favela!!!), but felt very washed out. Good, but I'm not in love with it.


Special Ops - Kinda cool I guess. Nothing to write home about, though.


Multiplayer - This is it. The perfect multiplayer FPS.



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Fable II


I decided to give it a shot again and start over, its a good game, if you ignore than its a sequel. The jobs are fun, the storyline is pretty interesting and the new spells for will and dynamics for powers are pretty good. Easy to understand.


My gripes are this, alot of the time your dog will disappear completely for no known reason. I do not want to have to walk around for half an hour to find my dog is still stuck outside the pub I went to. The graphics are somewhat annoying, since when does a coat go through a pair of trousers?


Also why is it so annoying when getting a wife/husband, I got a wife, moved house with her and now she lives in two houses and theres no known way to push her out of one house but killing her, which is difficult given I'm definately on the good side.





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modern warfare 2 (single player) or hype in physical form


well, after waiting a year and a half since i first played the origional, the sequal finaly arives.


from the beggining, i was instantly dropped into familiar territory, but unfortunatly, i never really left. The major flaw of the game is the origional, it had gigantic shoes to fill, and clearly, it was no easy task. familiarity is no bad thing, certainly not when the familar is one of the best games of the past 5 years. it was just sad that the game never shook the feeling of being modern warfare 1.5 rather then a full sequal in its own rights. my main issues in familiarity i will spoiler, as they could spoil the experience for outhers

it seems that everything that felt so special about the first, the death of a main character, the dramatic semi cut scene boss kill, the "all ghillied up" like levels, being grabbed by a superior during a fall, it all felt similar.



of course, the action is still frantic, the set peices are heart stopping, the voice acting top notch, the story, though complete tosh, at least is told dramaticaly.


of course, its hard to avoid the subject of the airport mission, seeing as how much coverage its had. Personaly, I hated it. it was badly placed, id just been jumped a ravine on a snow mobile, dont preach to me about the human cost of conflict after having stuck in somthing so obviosuly fantastical and ott. it was uncomfortable to play, it didn't serve any great purpouse in the story, it was overly violent, i cant think i saw many moments in the actual game with such a degree of violence, but then, it lasted less the 5 mins of a 7 and a half hour game, to judge the full game, let alone the industry based around it is stupid.


so really the game seems in conflict with itself, on one part, it tries to be some semi realistic gritty account of war, but then it gives you snowmobile jumps and a character who wears a skull mask in armed conflict. it wants to be seen as its own game but sticks rigidly to the formula layed out by its predicessor.


oh, and

the musium unlockable was shit.



8.5/10 a great experience, but to fammilar and dissjointed to be conssidered truly great

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Let us hope they make a sequel that knows how to play to it's strenghts. I'd love more of that first hour and a half.


Modern Warfare 2


After completing 100% of the campaign and Special Ops and working my way through 40% of the multiplayer, I can honestly say this:


Single Player - Very comepetent, some fantastic levels here and there (favela!!!), but felt very washed out. Good, but I'm not in love with it.


Special Ops - Kinda cool I guess. Nothing to write home about, though.


Multiplayer - This is it. The perfect multiplayer FPS.




You find that the Singleplayer brings the score down?


What would you rate it if you were scoring the Multiplayer on its own?

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Fable II


Also why is it so annoying when getting a wife/husband, I got a wife, moved house with her and now she lives in two houses and theres no known way to push her out of one house but killing her, which is difficult given I'm definately on the good side.







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Old-School Board Game edition


Yahtzee- I won against my sister something like 10 times in a row 10/10


Scattergories- this game highlights my inability to brainstorm under pressure 3/10


Scrabble- i prefer playing this online but the board game is ace too 8/10

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I did my annual playthrough of DKC 3 on Sunday and Monday evening of this week. Before beginning I input the HARDR code to remove all DK and midpoint barrels from the levels, which gave me the opportunity to achieve 105% upon total completion of the game. (How's that for hardcore gaming on the Wii!)


I was aiming to get it all done and dusted with a time of around 4 hours on the clock, but due to my memory being a bit hazy in places when it came to finding some bonus barrels, as well as some of the later levels taking me more goes than they should have, I didn't quite make it in my target time.


I also had the MERRY code in which makes the game a joy to play at this time of year. Until such times as I sit down and give it all some proper thought, DKC 3 is still my favourite time of all time. :love:


10/10 :santa:



(There's a thread dedicated to the DKC series down in the Wii Channels board where I've talked about my latest antics and we've all been spouting some top DKC trivia, come venture out of General Chit Chat and join in!)


I'm going to let you win.


DKC3 id/was awesome and it was, believe it or not, the game that inspired me to read books like "Walden" and also investigate more my Native American heritage.


Prime Sucks, Prime 2 Sucks and Corruption is totally better than both of them. Now I win. Yay!

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I'm going to let you win.


DKC3 id/was awesome and it was, believe it or not, the game that inspired me to read books like "Walden" and also investigate more my Native American heritage.


Prime Sucks, Prime 2 Sucks and Corruption is totally better than both of them. Now I win. Yay!


Ah, victory.


I agree on your sentiments towards the Prime games. Everyones a winner, baby.

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I'm going to let you win.


DKC3 id/was awesome and it was, believe it or not, the game that inspired me to read books like "Walden" and also investigate more my Native American heritage.


Prime Sucks, Prime 2 Sucks and Corruption is totally better than both of them. Now I win. Yay!


Get out.


Last game I played (but not completed) is inFamous.


I'm quite liking it so far, reminds me Crackdown with the running and jumping parts of the game. The action scenes are competent and the enemies provide enough of a challenge. The powers are also quite nice and it's fun just roaming around, trying to do stunts. It all feels a bit underwhelming compared to what I was expecting though and the moral choice thing feels a bit tacked on, I really don't get why you would ever choose to do something good if you had already done bad things, you would just keep going bad. But still, it's fun enough to play :)

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I'm going to let you win.


DKC3 id/was awesome and it was, believe it or not, the game that inspired me to read books like "Walden" and also investigate more my Native American heritage.


Prime Sucks, Prime 2 Sucks and Corruption is totally better than both of them. Now I win. Yay!


Ah, victory.


I agree on your sentiments towards the Prime games. Everyones a winner, baby.

ill settle this. you both have EQUALLY horrible taste in games :)


resident evil 5:


I decided to play this before modern warfare. I know that sounds crazy. I haven't played my ps3 alone yet so I can't judge resident evil 5 on it's solo play yet but it's an absolute blast on co-op but it's nowhere near as good as 4...


The graphic design on resident evil 4 was also better. At least it was more colourful lol. Why do a lot of next gen games feel they need to look like the set of slumdog millionaire. Another pickle is the inventory system. I understand It couln't be like 4 with the pausing of the game etc but you should not have to go through a menu to equip a fucking grenade lol. If this game is going to rape resident evil with its checkpoint states and what not the least it could do is improve the little things.



BUT it's amazing fun. My first through experience of next-gen gaming. modern warfare 2 is next :)

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Old-School Board Game edition


Yahtzee- I won against my sister something like 10 times in a row 10/10


Scattergories- this game highlights my inability to brainstorm under pressure 3/10


Scrabble- i prefer playing this online but the board game is ace too 8/10


Scattergories is amazing. I imagine I'll be playing it tomorrow.

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Only played them for an hour or so each so first impressions only.


Perfect Dark Zero


Feels really dated. Not as bad as I expected though. Can't complain for £2.


Legacy (or whatever the Perfect Dark controls are called in this) are megaturd.



Alone in the Dark


Impressive game. Crap controls. Really crap.




I took the collectors edition case of Perfect Dark up to the till, Mum offered to buy it along with Alone in the Dark in the queue as a Christmas present so she ended up dealing with the genero-lackey at the till. Opened it Christmas day to find they had pulled a switcheroo and given me the normal edition. Add in the fact that they hadn't even bothered putting the disk in for Alone in the Dark and it makes for a very unsatisfactory transaction. I opened the box on Christmas day to find no disk and all of a sudden, I was 5 again and opening a new toy only to find coal. I cried and threw the dog at my Nan.


Chuff bunkers.


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