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Would you meet an online friend in person?

Llama Juice

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Sadly I met Dom, it was a dark dark day.


I was going to go to the meet up but our bros road trip is taking place at the same time which is an unlucky coincidence =/ Other than that nope haven't met anyone I didn't know beforehand. This guy I know has, turns out she was hugely different from her photo. As in size wise. We still take the piss out of him for it.

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I moved in with shorty roughly two years ago on the day we met... lols. Seen Ashley twice - teh second time he stayed for liek a week, megawesome. Then went to leeds for pubbing and cinema with Daniel a few weeks back! They should all reassure you that I am, if anything, much better irl. I hope.

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Yeah so that ^ (including meeting Daniel and ofcourse, Ashley).


I also went to America for 6 months which originated as for the sake of a girl off the internet once. Don't talk about that much anymore, but oldtime forum members might remember that starting.


And I met a few people from the old AFI boards. I had someone on my friends list on MSN called John who I chatted to all the time. I went to see a show at the electric ballroom in camden a couple of years ago and slowly started to realise this guy was stood next to me, I was like "dude, your name isn't... John, is it?". Luls and awesome all round.

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Yeah so that ^ (including meeting Daniel and ofcourse, Ashley).


I also went to America to see a girl off the internet once.


And I met a few people from the old AFI boards. I had someone on my friends list on MSN called John who I chatted to all the time. I went to see a show at the electric ballroom in camden a couple of years ago and slowly started to realise this guy was stood next to me, I was like "dude, your name isn't... John, is it?". Luls and awesome all round.


Haha thats epic. I've seen a few people about locally that im nearly sure I know from t'internet. hello... "are you <insert silly username here>?" :shakehead I couldn't do it! XD

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I've met the person that introduced me to this site, soag, and darksnowman. Will probably meet buttons sooner than later as she lives only 10 minutes walk from me. ^__^


woo indeed!

even tho i did see u while i was running home from work! tho i wasnt sure n then it hit me - how many blue haired people are there in balllllymena?


i met nando online on another forum :D:D - we'll be together 3 years in august!

n also the darksnowman whos pretty cool

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I met my ex girlfriend online. I actually only found out what she looked like the day before heading to meet her, so it's fair to say that she'd earned a lot of faith over months of prior conversations.


Ex, of course, because she dumped me. I met the person I expected to but I guess she didn't. When you've only interacted with someone through text it's easy to fill in the blanks with what you hope to be there; I was never going to live up to phantom ideals.


Anyway, I prefer to believe in people. Besides, I'm too old for paedophiles and too poor for con artists.

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woo indeed!

even tho i did see u while i was running home from work! tho i wasnt sure n then it hit me - how many blue haired people are there in balllllymena?


i met nando online on another forum :D:D - we'll be together 3 years in august!

n also the darksnowman whos pretty cool


Yes there aren't too many girls with blue hair in ballymena lets face it :heh: You better say hello next time :D Congrats on 3 years!


Theres still a bit of a stigma with online meeting in ballymena, people are like OH EM GEE they arent real!! Just internet people!!! But I mean, a lot of my friends from school I rarely see IRL, and bebo, msn etc has allowed me to keep in contact with them. Theres no difference between that and meeting people.


As long as you are careful, meet in public, make sure someone knows where you are, and you have your mobile with you.


With digi cameras/web cameras being so cheap and accesible, theres no excuse for people to not have plenty of photos of themselves.

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I don't see how there's any problem with meeting people from the internet. I have met a few people from this site and lived to tell the tale.


I think adults get overly worried about it, but it seems a bit hypocritical to me. When I was at school we were all encouraged to get pen pals so we could unlitmately do foreign homestays. What is the difference between pen pals and internet friends?

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Met a lot of the staff from here, Tim, wildo, joby, Jav and loads of others back in the C-E days when I used to go to the events. Jav actually crashed at mine once.


More recently met up with cube, Mcphee and some others at the GH3 Launch.


I met Dom at a show once and the mighty rokhed back in his man days ;) and met a few people that are not around anymore like pdhq64, Sharan and loads of others.


Other than this site, I've met up with a few girls I met online before. I think internet dating is a good idea as long as you are both careful and get to know each other first, see pics etc cos thats all you want turning up on a date and some 50 year old bloke is sitting there.

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You have to be careful with meeting some people from online in person, i've had a mate who met someone thinking they were meeting a 25 year old bloke and ended up meeting a 12 year old kid. I see no problems with meeting online people in person as long as you are prepared.


I've met a few people in person from online, mainly from other forums and from college. Haven't met anyone from these forums i don't think yet.

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Fascinating read peoples...


I've talked to loads of people online and actually used online chatties/datings to meet people when I've moved away. I actually met a 40yr old housewife from Scotland for some (mostly sex) once...Scared me off when I found out she had a hubby working the oil rigs and two 18yr old sons (I was 19 at the time). Fun whilst it lasted but I cacked myself when one of her sons came home and I had to lie saying I was a gas salesman :o


Other than that nothing...Scared myself too much!! I joined meetic once to meet people when I moved back to the north east as all of my schoolies had moved away...I left it when I met someone but I did have some good convos on there but never met anyone. Online talking/dating is awesome for meeting new people. We are social beings afterall.


I always think that the majority of people are just as scared of you as you are of them. Being in a public place is paramount. And remember: DON'T DATE OLD WOMEN, The fantasy is always better!

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Oooh yeah, I forgot about that. Flink came and asked if I was Twozzok. He looked very releived when I said yes XD


Hahahah, that was so funny. I was thinking "ok, I think I recognise that guy....should I go ask him?"




"....FIERCE_LINK!" *stretches out hand*



*both walk off in opposite directions*


I've met ViPeR/Joe off this forum, and I think that, for one moment, the Earth actually did stop. Quietly, if you listened very carefully, you could hear the fabric of the space/time continuum itself ripping and tearing like an badly designed condom being worn by the world's worst Domstercool lookalike. It was that amazing.


Seriously dude, I love you. Let's make sex!


As for the original question: I would only meet the cool people.

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So, when are we meeting again?


Sorry, I just had to...


I am already at your house.


I'm not really, just thought I'd scare you. BOO!


I can see why parents or people would get worried, you can pretend to be anyone you want to be. Jordan really isn't the King of FunReal, so that's living proof right there!


But, as long as you think with your brains, and not with your stomachfluff, you should be ok.

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I am already at your house.


I'm not really, just thought I'd scare you. BOO!


The irony is, I know the guy who lives under your bed and comes out at night and kills random folk. In fact, he just texted me to say he's reading over your shoulder. Don't look round, though, as that'll really piss him off!

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The irony is, I know the guy who lives under your bed and comes out at night and kills random folk. In fact, he just texted me to say he's reading over your shoulder. Don't look round, though, as that'll really piss him off!


Sorry, I can't actually reply to that message, as I am actually dead.

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Hahahah, that was so funny. I was thinking "ok, I think I recognise that guy....should I go ask him?"




"....FIERCE_LINK!" *stretches out hand*



*both walk off in opposite directions*


What probably made it worse is that Twozzok could probably be seen as an insult.

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What probably made it worse is that Twozzok could probably be seen as an insult.


My damn school thought it was an inappropriate thing to have on my leavers hoodie. Apparently it had to do with your name... but someone having a goddamn emoticon is fine :blank:

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From this site i've met Oli, Platty, Cube and Wildo (GHIII meet)


Also i camped with some people from efestivals.co.uk at Leeds in 2006 because my mates bailed and sold their tickets. Turned out to be a great weekend!

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I've talked to loads of people online and actually used online chatties/datings to meet people when I've moved away. I actually met a 40yr old housewife from Scotland for some (mostly sex) once...Scared me off when I found out she had a hubby working the oil rigs and two 18yr old sons (I was 19 at the time). Fun whilst it lasted but I cacked myself when one of her sons came home and I had to lie saying I was a gas salesman :o


Hahaha, thats genius

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