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Have you ever cried at the end of a film/TV show? Was is it for happy or sad reasons?

Coolness Bears

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End of Brokeback mountain


Yeah, this was very sad. The music got to me mostly. Great soundtrack.




Bizzarely, the only film that has reduced me to tears is Patch Adams. I don't think it is even a sad film or anything but anyway, when I was 10 or whatever, the floodgates opened.


The other most odd one was watching Shrek the Halls the other day (terrible btw) when Shrek said he didn't know what Christmas was or something, I nearly cried. Don't understand this in the slightest.


I'm a strange kid emotionally apparently, I blame reserved middle class white upbringing.

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I was obsessed with Buffy....so much so Buffy was my nickname in school for about a year. :(


Its funny because Joss Whedon went to my school! :yay:


Damn, I really want to watch them now. Thinking about them makes me realise nothing on tv now comes close to just how well Buffy was written.


Also, that episode "The Wish". WOW!!


Agreed! Yeah, thats a great episode, one of my favourites! Another of my favourites is "Hush", The Gentlemen are so scary, and the fact they've stolen everyones voices is even freakier. Even the trailer for it is scary!


Anyway, apologies for side-tracking the thread Coolness!:)




Titanic, where she's saying "Jack...Jack...Jack". That made me almost cry the last time I watched it.

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agree with daft, land before time made me cry when i was 4, and im confident it would now. didnt cry when my grandad died (sounds horrible, but i was actualy a little relived, his life had ended a few years earlier when his wife died), but damn it littlefoots mother just slays me.


i cry less then most people, didnt cry from 14-18 cried 2 times when i was 18, one over a girl, and one over a forgien insurence advert on tarrent on tv. literaly the saddest thing ive seen in my life.


at 20 i cried twice, once at the end to blackadder goes fourth, i think its because i was/am at the age were that could have been me 90 years ago.


outher time was while reading the subtle knife by pullman

when lee the aronaught dies. i think a tear ran down my cheek at that point.



been 21 for 3 months now, no tears though i came close when i had to send the cat id befrended to the rspca. he wasnt cared for and i was saddly not in a positition to do it. happy end is that my course mates got him and said i can go and play with him.

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I cried at the end of the episode of the Simpsons where Santas Little Helper was going to be put down if he didn't finish obedience school.


I also cried at the end of a film, can't remember its name, about a guy and his dog, staffordshire bull terrier, set maybe 100 years ago in Australia, it ended with the mans friend shooting his dog because he thought it was a dingo after his sheep when really the dog was protecting the sheep from the dingo.


What can I say, I'm a sucker for dogs.

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I've cried on two ocasions...


Dancer In The Dark. Those who've seen it and understand it will know why.


The final episode of Six Feet Under. Need I say anything??


There are other movies wich deserve a good tear, such as Julien Donkey Boy, Grave Of The Fireflies, Requiem For A Dream, Breaking The Waves, Life is Beautiful, Edward Scissorhands, among many many others.


I cry all the time listening to music, though...

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When I was really young I cried at end of forrest gump and titanic but I think it was becuase they were such long films or something lol.


Um couple of moments in scrubs have had me close to tears.


Other stuff I forget but one I remember which I reckon noone else will have, the last episode of Morse. Literally I went to bed and just cried :(

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It's normally when something tragic happens to characters you've come to bond with over the course of a film/tv show. But being a man (grr) it's more like slightly watery eyes.


When Katsumoto dies.



When Vandy is talking his son out of shooting him and when Archer is on the phone to Mandy as he's dying.



When Maximus dies.



You get the idea.


Another thing is the score to these films! They're so powerful you can't help feel saddened.

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I'm shocked nobody cried over Titanic :wtf:

the part when the dude withe violin goes "I´t was a pleasure playing with you" and they started to play that sad song and don´t for get the grand finale with the old hag.


and on show of law and order

when a guy with the downs syndrome is the witness of a murder, and the bad guys hunt him down and beat the living crap out of him.... he died at the end :(



and also Green mile, the move when Robin Williams is a robot with human feelings , Click and some other films I´m not proud of crying over :D

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I used to not even well inside while watching Films or TV shows but more recently i have started to well up inside and in some cases be almost in tears by the end! even if it's happy! :D


I have cried once and thats when Bambi's mum is shot! :(

Prison Break

The scene in which Lincon is about to be put on the electric Chair and he gets a phonecall from his Son and it's all very emotional, then he is walking down to the room and the phone goes off and it's just the comissioner saying continue!



That really made me sad and almost reduce me to tears



It was the end of one of the episodes and left it on a big cliff hanger!!!


Another more recently is ET!


I felt really happy at the end that i was welling up with Happy tears such an awesome film! :D


So have you ever cried at the end of a film TV show? What was it?


and was it for sad (like Bambi) or happy (like ET) reasons?


Omg, I think I'm in love with you. ET fills my heart with so much happiness, especially the rainbow ending. :)






It gets me every.fucking.time.


I also agree with that Prison Break part you chose. However, the other bit that got me was:


When they were actually breaking out, and then Charles dies! And then the alarm sounds, and Schofield and his brother are reaching out for each other. This is one of the only moments ever when my heart was pounding and I was shouting COME ON MICHAEL! COME ON! And then they make it...it was incredible.



At the end of rocky balboa once the credit finish and there's a couple of seconds of just Rocky at the top of the stairs and the snow is gently falling around him with the beauitful Rocky music playing ever so slowly. A tear went down my eye when I realised how much i loved the character and what Rocky in general has meant to me over the years.


Also, i cried abit through Finding Nemo. What a wicked film!


It may interest you to know that those few seconds were filmed with Stallone knowing it, or so I heard. So, it's actually Stallone we're seeing, and not the character of Rocky. Talk about symbolism. :D


And of course, those lines:


"I couldn't have done it without you."


I cried constantly from about the last few seconds of the fight, til the credits rolling. So powerful.



I'm a sissy when it comes to films. I cry at anything and everything.


My housemate takes the biscuit though. She cried when Johnny Five kicked the bucket briefly in Short Circuit 2.



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