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Happy New Year!


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Happy New Year, guys and girls.


I spent the evening/night/early morning with two lesbians. We sat around bitching about my ex (she fucking deserves it) for ages, then we drank alcohol whilst bitching (I had a strongbow) and then some little kids knocked on the window and told us to come outside.


The fireworks were going, and the kids were banging on their saucepans to make a cool sound. I ended up singing Auld Lan Syne (sp?) whilst holding on to a granny, who had hands that felt like winter.


We laughed lots, and it was jolly good fun. Once we went back inside, we played some WiiSports and WiiPlay and watched some Monty Python.


All-round, it was the best New Years Eve party I've ever had. :)

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To begin I'm 25% drunk so if my spelling is funny that is the reason.

I blasted loads and loads of rockets (I have pictures but no idea how to post them)

I went to a home party where 3 or 5 high-tech guys live the have 16 computers 2 pianos 5 guitars and we where playing live music all the time, freaking awesome free ...urm... Jesus juice :D


I´m now using my hangover cure my older brother told me drink 1 full glass of milk and something light to eat.


so I ask what did you do last night to celebrate the new year

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happy new year, faceless internet semi-strangers :smile:

i hope that whoever you are, where ever you live, whatever you have planned for 2008 - that you have a great year. good luck and good health and all that jazz.

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What happened?


I'm actually not sure now.. I was very drunk.

This girl who is proper fit, kept asking me who i was gonna kiss at midnight, like, every time she saw me in the hour leading up to midnight, and i seriously wanted to say her, but my mate's trying to get with her, so i just kept saying "dunno". And then at midnight she kissed him.

I probably over reacted a little, but i ahven't told him aboot it, and i'm not gunna.


Also, i sent a lot of texts last night.. i think i sent one to Letty too.

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Spent last night in a house with no furniture, carpet - nothing. Just a kettle and three spoons! 'Course teh six of us brought along plenty of booze and an mp3 player and speakers, and lots of cushions, and we sat and played 1000 Blank Cards, talked about Serious Business, and when the countdown came we partied some poppers, then went on a two-hour debate over hwo to split the world between us now that everyone else is dead.


Came so very bloody close to not spending NYE with any mates - to me, xmas is family and new year's is friends. Had a fairly good festive holiday so far - just a few more hopeful days of joy then back to sheff - WOO can't wait for that either! AWESOME!


... :D

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so i spent new years like... so lame. i had to say bye to my girlfriend on NYE about midday, then I didn't feel like going out, so I played xbox and got drunk while arguing with my Mum and trying to explain why xbox 360 achievements are such an awesome idea. I have to write 4000 more words for my novel. I hate it here. I want to go home.



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