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Could you keep a secret?


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I popped around to my neighbour's place a minute or two ago, and one of them mentioned something that they had heard on the radio, regarding MI5 and MI6 recruiting for people using the radio.


I wasn't paying much attention to this, so I don't know the full details, but then we discussed the idea of actually having a high security level and whether we could actually do it or not.


The question is: Could you keep a secret? Would you be able to comfortably keep something away from the people you know? Would you even trust yourself to do this kind of work?


Discuss. Can you keep a secret?

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I can keep a secret :) Got a few hefty ones stored up.


I've been told a lot of secrets in my time though, where the person says "you can't tell x I told you this because I promised to keep it a secret, but...", and because of that I don't really trust anyone with secrets :/

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I popped around to my neighbour's place a minute or two ago, and one of them mentioned something that they had heard on the radio, regarding MI5 and MI6 recruiting for people using the radio.

I noticed something on Yahoo a few days ago how they were criticising the James Bond movies because a load of bell ends were applying to be spies.


As for the secret shizzle, yeah. I'm pr0 at keeping stuff on the downlow.

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In my normal day life i'm good at keeping secrets! when somone tells me something and tells me to keep it secret i will definately do it as i don't want to break someones trust in me. :) although i sometimes forget what they hav told me... :heh:


I can't keep my own secrets however!


If i was in a government position and i had to keep a secret from the whole country and my family i don't think i would be able to do it and if i got caught and put under torture i reckon i would crack to easily..i'd be useless!


Another situation is if i was a priest who have to do confessions! if someone came in and told me they have murdered someone, i don't think i'd be able to keep that a secret and would hvae to giv up my priesthood.



I suppose it depends on what the secret someone tells me is. :D

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I''m very good at keeping secrets - I act as (a not always voluntary) confidant to several friends at school, at times, and I only ever tell people who will have negative effects prevented by them knowing.


Subtlety and secrecy are two things I specialise in - you need to if you're the head of a militant organisation!

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Guest Stefkov

I could, definitely. Most probably I will forget it a few hours later though.

Actually, there is this secret, some guy's girlfriend bought him a girlish looking bag as a joke, hoping he would take it back. He didn't, and he doesn't know it was a joke. Well now it's not a secret.

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