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Had my godfather and aunt come over today to eat cake. Usually don't really enjoy them coming over, but this time it was all okay. Had two different kind of cakes (both involving fruit) and drank hot chocolate with whipped cream. Mmm.

They also gave me a present for my birthday: a nice grey-ish leather bag. Which is great since I only really have one handbag, haha. So yay, quite like it. =)


Looking to buy Eurostar tickets. Found some, but if I were to pay for them in £ they would be cheaper (well, normally they would be, I don't know if the site uses the current conversion rate). But to do that I have to change my country to the UK in my profile... and I'm not sure if that would cause any problems or not, since I'm obviously not a UK resident... >.>;

Just got back from paintballing and it was a crazy load of fun. I have a fair few bruises developing on my back and my legs, but seeing as i didn't get hit in the balls i don't really care. The majority of them didn't hurt as much as i thought, however there was about 3 which stung like a bitch. To be honest i was quite surprised that i took more to the head than anywhere else.


This past week has been packed full of fun, no school, snow, paintballing and the cinema... wooop!


Now i'm off to the cinema to watch a film.


I'm going paintballing first week in March with about 15 mates :bouncy: Should be absolutely awesome!


I'm currently considering where I would find myself a cup to wear, as you mentioned the balls and it now has me worried. Also, do you not usually get given some special gloves that stop your fingers getting destroyed?

I'm going paintballing first week in March with about 15 mates :bouncy: Should be absolutely awesome!


I'm currently considering where I would find myself a cup to wear, as you mentioned the balls and it now has me worried. Also, do you not usually get given some special gloves that stop your fingers getting destroyed?

I've never been given any gloves, either way they can't be that thick or you won't be able to pull the trigger properly.

I'm going paintballing first week in March with about 15 mates :bouncy: Should be absolutely awesome!


I'm currently considering where I would find myself a cup to wear, as you mentioned the balls and it now has me worried. Also, do you not usually get given some special gloves that stop your fingers getting destroyed?


Naw you have to bring your own, just get regular gloves they'll do. Make sure you bring some sort of gloves tho otherwise you might end up like my friend, shown below




In other news I HIT A BIRD DRIVING TODAY :shakehead Came out of nowhere, big thud on the windscreen. I felt well guilty, drove like an old grandma for the rest of the journey...


And ahh, not its slughing / snowoing again. Meh.

For some reason I have the name "Rhino Gloves" in my head for them. Think that's what my friend called them.


Edit: These


Yeah, you definitely need gloves. The last time I did it, I got hit on the little finger and it hurt like fuck. Everywhere else, it's just a short sharp pain, but the fingers hurt like crazy. (The place I go doesn't use "armour")


The best thing ever* happened tonight. It was pub quiz night at Sixty Million Postcards, a pub in Bournemouth. The legendary quizmaster puts on Jizz In My Pants in between questions as a drink break song. Sang the shit out of it with my flatmate James, and I fear my other flatmate Laura may have caught it on film. That said, we were drunk, me on Strawberry Cider. Oh well. I call it fucking ecstasy.


*Ok, maybe not, but it still blew my mind


My day was alright... just wish I could of worked all day like I did in these past 3 hours. I was meant to have everything modelled for my short by today... still got a few things to tidy up. I think I'll always have things that need modelling though - if only to avoid moving onto the texturing process which I'm dreading.


said it before, will say it again;


Could have.


Anyway! Woke up at 6:30pm, went t' pub for a quiz that I got extra obsessed with because I had no tobacco, because I left my wallet in my bag, which I had left at a party friday night. I skidded myself back to the house where the party was held (after getting lost and laughed at by strangers), and eventually my day was on some sort of track that some people deem to be appropriately right.


Now I'm home, streaming House and 24 and deciding whether to get myself to 4am tomorrow without any sleep or not.






My day started shit. Got a phone call at 4 o'clock in the morning from either a prank caller who doesn't know how to make prank calls properly, or the most unprofessional reception staff in the world. Either way: Motherfuckers. And then my girlfriend's alarm going off at 6 in the morning waking me up. Jesus Christ I hate living here. I need some breakfast.


Actually, looking at when JaySeven posted... it could of been him that phoned me. Bastard.

Ghuuhhhh I hate IGN. Trying to read an article that won't load.


Does this load for anyone. http://comics.ign.com/articles/952/952432p1.html


If it does, do you want to copy paste and quote it for me? Huggles.


Weekend was okay. This week should be cool/weekend despite working. phaaaillzzzz. XXX


Copied and pasted:


US, February 7, 2009 - In the depths of winter, convention season has returned. It's time for fans to connect with the industry and time for comic book publishers to come out of hiding and unveil their latest, greatest projects. Kicking off the season this year is the 2009 New York Comic-Con, and IGN is here in full force. It might be cold enough to hurt your eyes, but that won't stop our team from bringing you the biggest announcements and all the new art we can dig up.


Marvel and DC both have a variety of panels planned. Marvel kicks off the first day of the show with panels dedicated to War of Kings, Dark Reign and the X-Men. Cup of Joe and a panel focusing on the company's 70th anniversary are also scheduled. DC focuses on Superman as well as its traditional "DC Nation" panel on the first day and shifts to Batman and the larger DC Universe later in the weekend. On the movie front we know Pixar is here with over half of its next film, Up. Presentations for Friday the 13th, Terminator Salvation and Watchmen are planned as well. TV highlights should include Dollhouse and Fringe, just to name a couple. As we hear the information, we'll pass it along. Want to see everything we've got? Be sure to check out our Comic-Con index by clicking here. Stay tuned for more soon!




We're just getting started. Panelists include: Geoff Johns, Peter Tomasi, Dan DiDio, Bob Wayne, Ian Sattler, Dan Jurgens, Phillip Tan, Mike Carlin, Sean McKeever, James Robinson, Keith Giffen, Sterling Gates.


Plus the Darkseid Monkey.


James Robinson speaks about Superman. Says fans will love their plans. "For reasons that don't seem at all contrived, Superman is leaving Earth for New Krypton. That means there's a void on Earth and Action Comics and Superman will no longer have Superman. This is the sort of forward thinking that Dan DiDio is known for."


Rucka on Action as we know. Many characters come together to fill that void including Zatarra, Black Lightning, Guardian, Flamebird, Nightwing, etc. Rucka is bringing his "darker" sensibility to the cosmic setting. "He's obsessed with Ursa," says Robinson.


Mentions Superman: World of Krypton. Says it's the most important Superman book. "We're trying to show these characters in a way that's familiar yet different," says the writer. Thinks Supergirl will show her in a new light, that it will be an important part of the four books.


Gates discusses Supergirl a bit, says she's torn between Earth and New Krypton. Robinson mentions all of this is building towards a big event in 2010. Everything Johns did, everything they are doing. These plans were Johns' originally and they have become all of their plans. Mentions Adventure Comics being part of the big picture. Mentions Superman: Secret Origin.


Moving over to Green Lantern Corps. Tomasi mentions that Oa is going to have some major issues as the Sciencells have a riot/prison break. Has impact on Blackest Night. Kyle and Guy will be fighting the riot alongside the rest of the corps. New law introduced at that juncture that will press some major buttons. Oa, Korrigar (sp) and Daxon (sp) will be big parts.


Phillip Tan mentions that Johns is trying to kill him. Orange Lanterns coming up. "Lord of the Rings in space" is his comparison and that the Orange Lanterns are like the goblins.


Johns snags the mic. Next issue we find out the two catches to being a Blue Lantern. Then Agent Orange focusing on the Orange Lanterns. We'll learn much more about Agent Orange. Oath is the greatest oath and the quickest oath. Building to Blackest Night. Starts in July. Free Comic Book Day is GL: Blackest Night #0. Full sized book with Ivan Reis.


Keith Giffen's next assignment is Doom Patrol. Bwahaha JLI back-up features in Doom Patrol. 10 pages each in each book with Kevin Maguire.


Booster Gold teams with Magog in Brave/Bold. Does Booster tell Magog what's in store for him? Next ish is Booster teaming with Booster. Next ish is Sgt. Rock and Booster by Keith Giffen.


Following Final Crisis comes Final Crisis Aftermath. Four books, six issues long. Guarantee one moment in each issue of each series that fans won't believe. Some will be upsetting.


Final Crisis Aftermath: Run with the Human Flame. In a coma after Crisis. Hated by heroes and villains (because of Martian Manhunter and Libra) and his life is full of dumb, dumb, dumb decisions. Lot of people die.


Final Crisis Aftermath: Escape with Nemesis in the DCU Gitmo. Checkmate is in disarray, all intelligence orgs as well. Gathering intel by force now. Combo of The Prisoner and Saw. Disturbing stuff involving the Time Pool. Very heavy book.


Final Crisis Aftermath: Ink with Tattooed Man. A bit pumped being with the JLA, saving the world. Tries to set out on a new path. But he has an addiction to evil, to cutting corners. There's a riot in the book but not much more that can be said.


Final Crisis Aftermath: Dance with the Super Young Team. They got involved in this big adventure and no one knows anything happened. Trying to be popular, costumes changing and losing their Q rating, etc.


There is something coming out of all of these titles.


Johns discusses Flash Rebirth. April 1, 2009 - Van Sciver and Johns. "It will be out!" said John given that the date is April Fools. Bart Allen is back. Hoping to have the same fun in the Flash universe that they have in the Lantern universe.


Teen Titans by the end of the current arc you'll see a new Teen Titans team. New group will have to survive first salvo from Jericho. Decides to out-Deathstroke Deathstroke. "Death trap" crossover with Marv Wolfman's Vigilante series.


Trinity chatter. Home stretch right now. They're down to single digits of what's left. Carlin says it's a pretty impressive project given that Bagley and Busiek have done the entire run. Supporting characters are going to rescue the trinity of heroes.


DiDio says they're really focusing on their key franchises, with things like Superman team and New Krypton, Battle for the Cowl and Batman, Flash's Rebirth, Green Lantern's Blackest Night, Wonder Woman and Rise of the Olympian. JSA and Black Adam family - Johns and Eaglesham off with issue #26, Willingham steps aboard after that. They want to make this the biggest year in DC Comics.


Questions starting.


Blackest Night, size of each corps? Johns doesn't want to put a number on them.


Another question about story order with RIP and Crisis. They weave a bit - see the DC Nation panel report for more. Where will the story end up? Only Morrison knows.


Plans for Terror Titans characters? Teen Titans will address the end of Terror Titans, fans can see those characters and Ravager in Teen Titans.


Fan gets teased for wearing a suit. "There are people wearing wigs here and I get questioned for wearing a tie?"


Fifth World interpretation is what follows Blackest Night. The fifth generation of the DC Universe. Changes start with Final Crisis but will be shown following Blackest Night.


FC Aftermath Dance will there be dancing? Yes.


Individual spotlights for other Lantern colors? All but one color.


Thomas and Martha Wayne as Blackest Lanterns? "I've never been cool... have I?"


New Robin after Tim Drake? Yes.


Indigo Lanterns are about passion. We'll see them in Blackest Night.


More Simon Dark? Don't know. "In space!" said Sattler.


Cliff Notes for Final Crisis because I didn't understand a thing! Bob Wayne jokes the Absolute version. Lots of cheering and booting to the "not understanding" remark.


Johns knew Blackest Night was coming since the GL Rebirth mini.


Plans for Superwoman... keep reading.


Copied and pasted:


US, February 7, 2009 - In the depths of winter, convention season has returned. It's time for fans to connect with the industry and time for comic book publishers to come out of hiding and unveil their latest, greatest projects. Kicking off the season this year is the 2009 New York Comic-Con, and IGN is here in full force. It might be cold enough to hurt your eyes, but that won't stop our team from bringing you the biggest announcements and all the new art we can dig up.


Marvel and DC both have a variety of panels planned. Marvel kicks off the first day of the show with panels dedicated to War of Kings, Dark Reign and the X-Men. Cup of Joe and a panel focusing on the company's 70th anniversary are also scheduled. DC focuses on Superman as well as its traditional "DC Nation" panel on the first day and shifts to Batman and the larger DC Universe later in the weekend. On the movie front we know Pixar is here with over half of its next film, Up. Presentations for Friday the 13th, Terminator Salvation and Watchmen are planned as well. TV highlights should include Dollhouse and Fringe, just to name a couple. As we hear the information, we'll pass it along. Want to see everything we've got? Be sure to check out our Comic-Con index by clicking here. Stay tuned for more soon!




We're just getting started. Panelists include: Geoff Johns, Peter Tomasi, Dan DiDio, Bob Wayne, Ian Sattler, Dan Jurgens, Phillip Tan, Mike Carlin, Sean McKeever, James Robinson, Keith Giffen, Sterling Gates.


Plus the Darkseid Monkey.


James Robinson speaks about Superman. Says fans will love their plans. "For reasons that don't seem at all contrived, Superman is leaving Earth for New Krypton. That means there's a void on Earth and Action Comics and Superman will no longer have Superman. This is the sort of forward thinking that Dan DiDio is known for."


Rucka on Action as we know. Many characters come together to fill that void including Zatarra, Black Lightning, Guardian, Flamebird, Nightwing, etc. Rucka is bringing his "darker" sensibility to the cosmic setting. "He's obsessed with Ursa," says Robinson.


Mentions Superman: World of Krypton. Says it's the most important Superman book. "We're trying to show these characters in a way that's familiar yet different," says the writer. Thinks Supergirl will show her in a new light, that it will be an important part of the four books.


Gates discusses Supergirl a bit, says she's torn between Earth and New Krypton. Robinson mentions all of this is building towards a big event in 2010. Everything Johns did, everything they are doing. These plans were Johns' originally and they have become all of their plans. Mentions Adventure Comics being part of the big picture. Mentions Superman: Secret Origin.


Moving over to Green Lantern Corps. Tomasi mentions that Oa is going to have some major issues as the Sciencells have a riot/prison break. Has impact on Blackest Night. Kyle and Guy will be fighting the riot alongside the rest of the corps. New law introduced at that juncture that will press some major buttons. Oa, Korrigar (sp) and Daxon (sp) will be big parts.


Phillip Tan mentions that Johns is trying to kill him. Orange Lanterns coming up. "Lord of the Rings in space" is his comparison and that the Orange Lanterns are like the goblins.


Johns snags the mic. Next issue we find out the two catches to being a Blue Lantern. Then Agent Orange focusing on the Orange Lanterns. We'll learn much more about Agent Orange. Oath is the greatest oath and the quickest oath. Building to Blackest Night. Starts in July. Free Comic Book Day is GL: Blackest Night #0. Full sized book with Ivan Reis.


Keith Giffen's next assignment is Doom Patrol. Bwahaha JLI back-up features in Doom Patrol. 10 pages each in each book with Kevin Maguire.


Booster Gold teams with Magog in Brave/Bold. Does Booster tell Magog what's in store for him? Next ish is Booster teaming with Booster. Next ish is Sgt. Rock and Booster by Keith Giffen.


Following Final Crisis comes Final Crisis Aftermath. Four books, six issues long. Guarantee one moment in each issue of each series that fans won't believe. Some will be upsetting.


Final Crisis Aftermath: Run with the Human Flame. In a coma after Crisis. Hated by heroes and villains (because of Martian Manhunter and Libra) and his life is full of dumb, dumb, dumb decisions. Lot of people die.


Final Crisis Aftermath: Escape with Nemesis in the DCU Gitmo. Checkmate is in disarray, all intelligence orgs as well. Gathering intel by force now. Combo of The Prisoner and Saw. Disturbing stuff involving the Time Pool. Very heavy book.


Final Crisis Aftermath: Ink with Tattooed Man. A bit pumped being with the JLA, saving the world. Tries to set out on a new path. But he has an addiction to evil, to cutting corners. There's a riot in the book but not much more that can be said.


Final Crisis Aftermath: Dance with the Super Young Team. They got involved in this big adventure and no one knows anything happened. Trying to be popular, costumes changing and losing their Q rating, etc.


There is something coming out of all of these titles.


Johns discusses Flash Rebirth. April 1, 2009 - Van Sciver and Johns. "It will be out!" said John given that the date is April Fools. Bart Allen is back. Hoping to have the same fun in the Flash universe that they have in the Lantern universe.


Teen Titans by the end of the current arc you'll see a new Teen Titans team. New group will have to survive first salvo from Jericho. Decides to out-Deathstroke Deathstroke. "Death trap" crossover with Marv Wolfman's Vigilante series.


Trinity chatter. Home stretch right now. They're down to single digits of what's left. Carlin says it's a pretty impressive project given that Bagley and Busiek have done the entire run. Supporting characters are going to rescue the trinity of heroes.


DiDio says they're really focusing on their key franchises, with things like Superman team and New Krypton, Battle for the Cowl and Batman, Flash's Rebirth, Green Lantern's Blackest Night, Wonder Woman and Rise of the Olympian. JSA and Black Adam family - Johns and Eaglesham off with issue #26, Willingham steps aboard after that. They want to make this the biggest year in DC Comics.


Questions starting.


Blackest Night, size of each corps? Johns doesn't want to put a number on them.


Another question about story order with RIP and Crisis. They weave a bit - see the DC Nation panel report for more. Where will the story end up? Only Morrison knows.


Plans for Terror Titans characters? Teen Titans will address the end of Terror Titans, fans can see those characters and Ravager in Teen Titans.


Fan gets teased for wearing a suit. "There are people wearing wigs here and I get questioned for wearing a tie?"


Fifth World interpretation is what follows Blackest Night. The fifth generation of the DC Universe. Changes start with Final Crisis but will be shown following Blackest Night.


FC Aftermath Dance will there be dancing? Yes.


Individual spotlights for other Lantern colors? All but one color.


Thomas and Martha Wayne as Blackest Lanterns? "I've never been cool... have I?"


New Robin after Tim Drake? Yes.


Indigo Lanterns are about passion. We'll see them in Blackest Night.


More Simon Dark? Don't know. "In space!" said Sattler.


Cliff Notes for Final Crisis because I didn't understand a thing! Bob Wayne jokes the Absolute version. Lots of cheering and booting to the "not understanding" remark.


Johns knew Blackest Night was coming since the GL Rebirth mini.


Plans for Superwoman... keep reading.

Thank you!!!!! :bouncy:


Rarrrr, I hate Mondays. Wish I could just skip this day of the week as it sucks so much.

Just got told in my life drawing class that the project I've been working on is not really good enough yet. And that I have to start all over again. What a waste of time and money! It's not like I have tons of money to spend on all this paper and paint and grahhh. And whatever I do, it's never good enough for this teacher. Just really hate this class. And him.


*wants to go home*


One more hour until lunch break, which I will have to skip as I have to run to the library to be back in time for my appointment with a teacher to talk about my paper. For which I'm not even sure yet what I'll be doing. Merf. -____-;


Holy crap! My brain hurts!


Went pub with fellow sheffielders, lost the quiz..again, was actually pretty gutted! Then ended up staying at a mates house because I was bored. The night literally involved not being able to sleep and both of us waiting for ceebeebieees at 7 in the morning, I'm now dead hungry and tired and I have to go to smedleys in the evening too!


So I'll apologise in advance if I'm abit crappy tonight! haha


We were 4 points away from winning the our hall quiz last night! So close! The top people blatantly cheated but alas it doesn't matter. I actually helped!


4 hours of work today, and then a few hours of pre-drinks and then a lot of hours in an indie nightclub I have heard a lot of good things about! Bring it on :)


horrible, horrible dream. i'm going to write it hear as it was so disturbing it dosent fit into the dreams thread.



in my dream, id just woken up, i started to hear a faint noise in my head, it esculated to felll scale aggonised screams, possibly what hell sounded like. this carried on for ages, i could hardly move, i was trying to scream myself, when i finaly managed more then a pitiful groan, i realsied i was home alone, managed to break my invisable bonds and jump to my feet, was screaming for it to shut up, it finaly did but in leaving, it made my eyes bleed, heavily.


all felt very real, my eyes felt sore when i woke up so im guessing i was rubbing them in my sleep.


had a couple of outher dreams in which chrono trigger arrived this morning, but alas no, play are to shit for that. not the best start to a day.

horrible, horrible dream. i'm going to write it hear as it was so disturbing it dosent fit into the dreams thread.



in my dream, id just woken up, i started to hear a faint noise in my head, it esculated to felll scale aggonised screams, possibly what hell sounded like. this carried on for ages, i could hardly move, i was trying to scream myself, when i finaly managed more then a pitiful groan, i realsied i was home alone, managed to break my invisable bonds and jump to my feet, was screaming for it to shut up, it finaly did but in leaving, it made my eyes bleed, heavily.


all felt very real, my eyes felt sore when i woke up so im guessing i was rubbing them in my sleep.

This... isn't... REALLY.. HAPPENING!

The best thing ever* happened tonight. It was pub quiz night at Sixty Million Postcards, a pub in Bournemouth. The legendary quizmaster puts on Jizz In My Pants in between questions as a drink break song. Sang the shit out of it with my flatmate James, and I fear my other flatmate Laura may have caught it on film. That said, we were drunk, me on Strawberry Cider. Oh well. I call it fucking ecstasy.


*Ok, maybe not, but it still blew my mind


How many bournemouthers are on this forum?! Is it just me, you and Serebii? I keep seeing people mention bournemouth for some reason!


Potscards is a nice place, i usually go there on the rare occasion that i venture out to drink in town.

How many bournemouthers are on this forum?! Is it just me, you and Serebii? I keep seeing people mention bournemouth for some reason!


Potscards is a nice place, i usually go there on the rare occasion that i venture out to drink in town.


As far as I know it's just you, me and Serebii but I honestly don't know! 60MP is a great place, the pub quiz is my regular Sunday event. I think you're jsut reading me and Serebii talk about Bournemouth! :D


Though if there is anyone else, we need to do something about that!


Right now, it's horribly horribly wet outside. Nothing has really happened of note today, yet, but it has scuppered the odds of me going to ASDA in this weather. Bring back the snow..!


Feel ill. Had a double chocolate muffin out of Greggs and it was the most sickening thing I've had since I had a Mars bar a few months ago. Really not sitting well in my stomach. Was basically a normal muffin but they poked a hole in it and filled it with this chocolate sauce stuff that was really disgusting.


Hate the old 9am starts at Uni and wish I hadn't done it today. 9am in the morning and I'm sitting learning about probability and my mind is just saying 'Fuck this.' Kind of just zoned out, likewise in my English lecture. Just wasn't in the mood for it.


Just out of curiousity, how many people read their horoscope things in the papers/what-have-you on a regular basis? I've been reading it nearly everyday and while I know they are mainly a load of crap, I've noticed more and more over the last few weeks how completely inaccurate these things are. The least they could do is make them kind of believeable/accurate but everyone I read for Taurus has been way off.


Just out of curiousity, how many people read their horoscope things in the papers/what-have-you on a regular basis? I've been reading it nearly everyday and while I know they are mainly a load of crap, I've noticed more and more over the last few weeks how completely inaccurate these things are. The least they could do is make them kind of believeable/accurate but everyone I read for Taurus has been way off.


I remember a few years ago back, I didn't go to college one day and I ended up killing some time and read my 'scope and it said take the day of! How did they know?! LOL Lucky coincidence me thinks. I don't know why there not banned, Im sure theres plenty of crazy people out there who do read them and alter their lives to fit in with what they have interpreted.

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