Letty Posted January 22, 2009 Posted January 22, 2009 Just did a painting and ate a tin of mango *rolls on floor* I'm going to Glasgow in a few days!!! wooo!
Supergrunch Posted January 22, 2009 Posted January 22, 2009 Oh and I was looking into Japan stuff again. Rail pass is nearly £500 for three weeks. What the frak? Anyone know if it'll be necessary? I'm only going to a few places so surely I can just buy tickets between the places. Hmm, mine was just over £300 for three weeks, I suppose we have the credit crunch to blame. Still, it was very much worth it, as a single Shinkansen journey can cost as much as £70, and it covers both long distance journeys and about half of the Tokyo subway. So if you're going from place to place a lot, it's almost definitely the cheapest way to do things.
jayseven Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Went to london today! Lots of trains, tubes and walking. Saw the sights, went to soho AND SAW IAN HISLOP. He walked right by me, and I said "wow, it's you!" and he... wasn't impressed, and treated me like a docile civilian like all the rest and just kept walking. MADE MY DAY. Had the most ridiculously overpriced rubbish cider ever at the southbank centre. £3.50 for 275ml (bought shorty one too) and it was faaar too dry, pretentious and made for alcoholics to help them give up. Was silly. Persons before and after me at the bar were like "how much is the orange juice? Oh, well how much is the coffee? What, you have twelve different types? Well I'll have the cheapest one, then." -- seriously, everyone there was there just because it was expensive and trendy. Now I'm home and my friend from newcastle forgot to buy her train ticket for tomorrow, so instead I'll sleep all day. Supernatural and smallville, mind you! Woot! Hmm, I'm currently experiencing the bizarre bifurcation of personality I always seem to get when drunk or tipsy. While on one semi-concious level, I'm pretty pissed, I always get the impression that "I'm" occupying a higher and more aware level that's observing the other with amusement. To what degree this is an illusion, I don't know, but the one thing I know for sure is that I can always type fluently when inebriated, so there must be something coherent in there. Of course, syntactic and orthographic coherency is by no means a guarantee of semantic adequacy. Excellent! You'll soon get used to it. Then CRAAAVE IIITTT....
Coolness Bears Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Yeah you did! Now, what about that meetup thing eh? You mean the NE one to London? :p I'd have to ask whether we are away or not then gather up enough courage and food for the day! @Daft: NEW YORK is awesome. I'm a man who likes a slow paced life just lazily shuffling from place to place but I loved New York. seriously my favourite place. It is fast paced but youcan step out from that and take it slow if you need to chill. I'm a city man I feel. I like being part of a bustling city it is just so fascinating! Okay my day. It was a cake of pointlessness with a sprinkling of fun. I had one lesson today which was Psychology and finding out that the Courswork starts now was painful for my ears as that is always the thing that brings my work down! This evening I had a creative writing thing going on after school which was pretty interesting as we got to read things that we are working on out and help to criticise each others work. I've never read out my own stuff before and it felt great to be able to do that. I almost caved in on myself and didn't but I'm glad that I shared!
EEVILMURRAY Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I love how in friends Phoebe is a border-line insane ex-beggar, and no one seems to care. But she's a tasty lass, so it's ok. What isn't ok is how no one seems to have the balls to smack Monica for being a self-centered bitch. Which has gradually evolved over the series'. As someone who's going through them all now, and has watched more in this space of time than is probably recommended - I have noticed this. As well as the hair and racks reducing. Not fucking happy. ..and the main generalisation for both: Pull your fucking trousers up. In the words of certain people: Word.
Pantsu Man! Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I'm starting to get to it actually... I got my introduction wrote. Introduction always helps... motivates and settles the stomach. What I typed earlier, typing my name and details. That's as far as I got. I love motivation. The lack of it.
Paj! Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Bugger me a cold one! No Doubt aren't coming here on their tour this year. I hate.
Slaggis Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Anyone else doing the GGB5 Geog exam tomorrow afternoon? Hardly revised for it tonight, even though I know I should have done. For some reason, I always have an air of confidence about geography. I've never done badly in it, which is odd considering it's the subject I put the least amount of effort in. I guess I'm just good at colouring in. :p
ReZourceman Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 o___________0 Seriously....not going well today. Had nothing but pricks calling.
EchoDesiato Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I just came back from on oral exam on Japanese history. I laid down some pure pwnage once again. Not looking forward to my oral exam on Japanese politics on Tuesday though. That shit's just too complicated (and corrupt if you ask me).
Rummy Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 o___________0 Seriously....not going well today. Had nothing but pricks calling. I thought you'd told Moogle to leave you alone! jokes My days....two days at the work. I think I posted wednesday night, yesterday was somewhat better, but still got two rather crazy ladies. Also had a 16yr old who totes shouldn't have been there, ran away from a care home in west sussex and ended up on our ward cos she came all the way over here when she was picked up(got a hefty criminal record under her belt, and a tag on her). Such a shame she's gonna waste her life like this. But she got escorted back last night, and my mum got to go take her! I wanted to go because they took her in a caged ambulance, WITH BLUE LIGHTS! I would well wanna roll around with the blue lights on! I imagine she wouldn't have liked it too much, she panics whenever anyone goes even a fraction too fast in cars! Got out half hour late too, as we had to jab one of the crazy ladies before they took the girl back to west sussex, but I should be paid for my time so it's all cool. But ooo, came home and hooked up that HDD I spent ages removing last week or so, stumbling across all sorts of classic stuff I forgot I had, or didn't even know I had, mainly downloaded stuff, but also old chat logs, few pictures, just silly things. Need to clean this bastard up for some space! Also, anybody who likes game design should check this out, one of me best mates is right there in the top selection of ideas!
Jimbob Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Internet was being an idiot last night, probably a server problem at the providers end. Kept bringing up messages onscreen stating the web address cannot be found. Currently, today is going slow. Even though it is nearly 1:15pm, it feels like 11am.
ReZourceman Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I don't think I've ever been as bored as I am now/not wanting to work as much as I do not want to work now.
Guest Jordan Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Indeed... All I can think about right now is what I could be doing at home. So many games I could be playing
Eenuh Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Bahhh, been trying for a couple of hours now to get curls in my hair with these normal curlers. Either I'm doing something wrong or these things suck, but I'm not getting any result. Or my hair is just too long. Booooh. Oh well, day off (got to lie in, yayyyy!), so I might go and... work on stuff. School stuff or work stuff, I don't know yet.
Twozzok Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I've lost a load of anime. I mean lost, I can't find it on any of my drives and I have a bad feeling It's eitherr all deleted by accident, or on one of my old drives at home.
Ashley Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Moral conundrum! So my father harrasingly rang my mother at her work place mid December and she's trying to use it as part of the divorce proceedings and asked me to get confirmation so I've checked his bill online and its there. Do I give her the evidence? How much of a part do I wish to play in my parent's divorce. Hmm :/ He'll know its me because, who else would be able to? In other news; went to town to check flight costs and one lady was overly complimentary of my attire saying orange really suited me (which is true afterall) and she was clearly trying to get a sale but I enjoyed it
Slaggis Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Moral conundrum! So my father harrasingly rang my mother at her work place mid December and she's trying to use it as part of the divorce proceedings and asked me to get confirmation so I've checked his bill online and its there. Do I give her the evidence? How much of a part do I wish to play in my parent's divorce. Hmm :/ He'll know its me because, who else would be able to? Just depends if you think you could do it without feeling any guilt towards your dad. I don't know the situation of the break-up, so I've got no idea how you feel towards your dad etc. -- My geog exam was...pleasent. ...I don't think I went out the lines once. :p
Ganepark32 Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I don't know why or how but I'm feeling brain dead at the moment. My mind has been ablaze all day with images, words, etc. running through it and it gave up on me in my english tutorial class. Besides the fact that it's a little hard to discuss a James Joyce short story anyway, I was finding it incredibly hard to put a coherent sentence together even though the lecturer knew what I was on about. Biology lecture was meh as well. Genetics stuff. Kinda interesting but also very boring at the same time. I must stop adhering to the stereotype that all Scots are tight fisted when it comes to money. I saw a really nice pair of Osiris skate shows in my size for £29.99 in a shop's sale and just said 'I'll come back on Monday' knowing full well that when I go on Monday I won't buy them either. Should have just bought them. Looking forward to next friday though. We're discussing Heart of Darkness in my english tutorial so I'm gonna look out all of my old english notes from high school and be a right smart-arse in the tutorial to show I'm not a complete idiot.
Razz Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I had my Chemistry: Trends and Patterns module today, followed by my Transition Metals one. I have to say I was quite pleased with how it went. There's something really satisfying about knowing you got an overly long whinded, multistepped calculation right!
Daft Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I was going to go to the pub. Was quite looking forward it but I've had a change of heart. I really can't be bothered. I should really make an appearance. What is the point though... My tutorial today was about Freud. It was weird being in a class with only girls and talking about penis envy. I think there are only about 5 or 6 other guys in the year on my course. It's kind of cool. When it came to talking about Freud however it was just a bit weird.
not_so_tiny Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I'm struggling to find time to do things. I'm currently looking for new jobs (because my current one isn't earning me anything) but I only have evenings and the weekend to search for a new one, which really isn't enough time. On top of that I have sooo much illustration and comics and writing to do I'm finding it hard get on top of everything. The plan the moment is to ditch the job asap so I can spend a good few days sending my CV everywhere and hope something comes out of it. I need something very soon if I want to pay my bills/food and you know...be able to live.
nightwolf Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Moral conundrum! So my father harrasingly rang my mother at her work place mid December and she's trying to use it as part of the divorce proceedings and asked me to get confirmation so I've checked his bill online and its there. Do I give her the evidence? How much of a part do I wish to play in my parent's divorce. Hmm :/ He'll know its me because, who else would be able to? In other news; went to town to check flight costs and one lady was overly complimentary of my attire saying orange really suited me (which is true afterall) and she was clearly trying to get a sale but I enjoyed it Depending on how the situation is, I'd personally ''side'' with mum and help her with evidence, your dad is harassing your mum one way or another, which isn't fair on anybody. If you don't want anything to do with the divorce, keep out completely if possible! Day's been ok, went and bought some trainers, only to find I want to take them back *facepalm*, had a rant at aimless before, shouldn't have really! Feel somewhat guilty! Tisn't his fault. Going to the gym at 7, quite excited, apprently it's really good to go. Might give me something to do when I'm feeling bad and need some nice hormonoes to go off. Mates coming down in a week or so for my mates birthday, so that'll be fun ^_^ Although he's only after my xbox, cheeky bint.
Rummy Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Never take sides Ash, and never come between it. If either asks you for help regarding it concerning the other, stick to your guns and don't come between them. Unless you hate one more than the other(i should probably have gone for love, there), or actually prefer one to the other, or wish to take sides. I only foresee messiness though. As much as my dad is an idiot and my mum does have good reason to be annoyed with him alot of the time, she's just as bad and I often have to bring her back down by telling her that, same to my dad. Srsly, sides aren't cool. Neither are parents, actually. They turn into kids when you turn into adults, srsly.
Slaggis Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 My tutorial today was about Freud. It was weird being in a class with only girls and talking about penis envy. I think there are only about 5 or 6 other guys in the year on my course. It's kind of cool. When it came to talking about Freud however it was just a bit weird. Lol, I had the same thing a few months back when I did the same in my Psychology class. I'm the only guy, so I kepy having all these silly questions aimed at me. Really interesting subject though!
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