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I spent the day packing fudge at the Shetland fudge company ^^


I got to wear a hair net and checkered trousers! You can imagine how attractive I looked.



I thought you were working in a shop after you finished working at a coffee shop.

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Please tell me you didn't use the bullshit beard.






I actually love this photo :D




It was after work, mind, and I'd forgotton to take off my name badge. That and I tried to blindly retie my bandana but I still love it.

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Oh my god you guys!

I thought that joke was entirely obvious.



I thought you were working in a shop after you finished working at a coffee shop.


Its all run by the same people, so I spend half my time in the shop and the other half in the fudge shop ^^





And now Jordan's mad at me because I got ill.

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And now Jordan's mad at me because I got ill.


I'm not mad, but i'm concerned.

We are flying tomorrow, which is going to suck if we're both ill not to mention I went totally out of my way to make sure you didn't get ill... But you were the one trying to kiss me and hug me the entire time. I'm not saying i don't want your affection, but its hardly gotten us anywhere now has it?

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I'm not mad, but i'm concerned.

We are flying tomorrow, which is going to suck if we're both ill not to mention I went totally out of my way to make sure you didn't get ill... But you were the one trying to kiss me and hug me the entire time. I'm not saying i don't want your affection, but its hardly gotten us anywhere now has it?


Just be glad thats all she wanted to do to you....word on the street is shes into some other stuff now.





Oh, Cluedo update, played two games, lost the first, won the second by sheer luck. I chose a room that was mine, and guessed Peacock and Lead Piping and everyone was like "No."


I poker faced those bitches like crazys foos! So I just had the room to guess,.....and it was the first guess I took, Lounge. Also Peacock was the murderer both times, so my prediction was semi hard on.



Also kinda sad, because I had heard that in the Darths TIE lego set you get a black chrome Vader, but there isn't one. (Maybe a UK thing) :( Boooo.


Merry Christmas Drake and Josh soon!!!!!!!!!!

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Had some weird dreams last night, all involving some weird creatures or things or dead people. Felt quite X-files-like. Probably because one of my dreams did involve Mulder and Scully.


Read another secret on Postsecret that I can relate to. Makes me feel less alone, but also makes me wish I could be someone else, heh.


I should be working on a lot of things today, but I'm not sure I feel up to it. I just want to rest and play games or something. Boooh to work.

Maybe a couple of minutes of Geometry Wars before I get started. >.>;

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Don't worry, eenuh; I think I saw teh same postsecret and thought the same thing too.


I saw FLINK yesterday! Totally weird. I had a toilet seat and he made me smell his candle. he queued up a lot and I smoked a cigarette, then I tried to convince him to come to the meet-up on monday over a subway, but he just said he'd 'think about it'.


Then I went home, had a nap, put my phone on charge. When i woke up the phone was ONFIRE. Not literally, but temporally. Temperately? Hotly. Yes. And no battery. Then I went to the pub with some locals and had six double vodka red bulls in about an hour, then two pints of cider in the next two. I was good-drunk. It wasn't weird or awkward to have Summer-fling-girl there at all, which was ace.


When I got home I read in the tv times that Garden State was on at liek 2am, so without a phone I had no idea what time it was and just flicked around for a few hours 'waiting' for it to come on. Eventually it kinda dawned on me that it must be way past 2am now, so I went back and checked the TV times and noticed the date at the top was "Saturday 22nd November". What the fuck is up with parents? My mum had me spending 3 hours 'fixing' things yesterday, which involved moving TVs several times, re-wiring dvd players and speakers and replacing lightbulbs and blowing fuses and getting electric shocks and finding out my mum THREW AWAY MY CHILI VODKA which reminds me I gotta root through the rubbish in the garden to find that when I go out for a smoke in a min.


My sleeping pattern is OFFICIALLY fucked up. yesterday I woke up at 9am and today I woke up at 8am. Whattafack! I must be mad.


Today I've accidentally made plans with one person after already making plans with another person, and told two middle people conflicting happenings, too. now none of them are responding to my texts, but it's still MORNING so there's no worries there.



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*insert childish gay joke here*

Those are the best ones.


Had the most bizarro dream last night. All I can remember was that I was your average, typical, 35-odd family man with a shirt, a pair of doc martins, and my job was hurling gigantic booster rockets at George W Bush.


I know I need help, I just don't know what kind. :heh:

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Feel kinda...lost. Got up early and ordered the photos at Jessops but now...did a bit of uni work but not getting into it. Not in the mood to go next door to the special people and ask for the hoover. Prepped my bag of presents for tomorrow and im just kinda lingering around waiting for work.

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Ah sundays, how I hate you. :D Doing my last piece of writing for this year for my article thing and then I can relax. Still need to wrap the gifts I have. Don't know if there's wrapping paper in the house or not. I haven't seen any. Will look into it. Last night I watched V for Vendetta and just generally lounged about. Will be going out tomorrow, tuesday and wednesday, as if tradition, to watch as everyone panics trying to get last minute presents. Always amusing. :heh:

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Letty being ill sucks.


I'm basically about 90% at the moment, its 2:25 and we haven't started packing for tomorrow (we're leaving at 6pm for her mums), shes just in bed full of pills...

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Had some weird dreams last night, all involving some weird creatures or things or dead people. Felt quite X-files-like. Probably because one of my dreams did involve Mulder and Scully.


Speaking of weird dreams, last night I dreamt I was in a field filled with cute little bunnies and hedgehogs. I accidentily killed one of the little hedgehogs by sitting on it, and I remember it hurting quite a bit (it hurt me, hedgehogs are spikey, as you might know).


I wonder if it had something to do with me trying out the Sonic Unleashed demo Yesterday and not really liking it?

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