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Today has been alright. Only had a single lecture for English and that was pretty good. Although when it came to talking about farm novels, I was the only one to have read one (Cold Comfort Farm and Of Mice and Men) but it really wasn't in the same vain as A Thousand Acres so don't think it went well with the lecturer. Never mind. :heh:


Got my poetry essay back and got an A3 for it. Very happy about that because I had done a lot of work on it, before and after Jayseven had a read over it. So I'm hovering between a B1 and a B2 on average so far for english which, considering I haven't done a critical analysis of a play/novel/poem in over 2 years, is pretty good. I guess my writing reviews for games for a website helped get me back into the mind frame.


So now just sitting watching Murder, She Wrote. Thinking about watching some Sarah Connor Chronicles and will have to finally get around to telling my mother what I would like for my xmas.


Woo, new TV is in some blokes van at the moment. Being delivered between 6 and 7pm tonight. I can hardly wait. Honestly.


*gets buyers guide configuration guide* :3

I don't know much about games but that's really well written :) I love ''blissful release comparable to a morphine drip''.

They tried arsefucking Dan over. Only the keen eye of The Baron saved him :blank:



That and a "One of us is in deep trouble" email Dan sent to the Editor.

They tried arsefucking Dan over. Only the keen eye of The Baron saved him :blank:



That and a "One of us is in deep trouble" email Dan sent to the Editor.

That has flown right over my head really, but I'm glad he didn't get arsefucked over. Good news.

Oh lawd, I just casually strolled into the Hot Person gallery, forgetting I was on a public computer in plain view of the whole room... >.<


14 days till my birthday!! :D




I should slow down my posting in hot person gallery because I post alot of pictures.


five days till my mothers birthday. :)


Twas bloody cold today, it actually snowed this morning too. MadDog and I went to the reservoir (which was frozen over) to try and film our Band Aid entry, but the camerawork was rubbish from both of us, the singing was awful and the recording was low quality. We're giving it another go next Monday.



I should slow down my posting in hot person gallery because I post alot of pictures.


five days till my mothers birthday. :)


Nice tangent to take there.


Lalalaa. Went to bed at 8am, woke up at 5pm - coincidentally the time I should've woken up for uni, and the time I would've gotten home if I had gone to uni. Mate from Hudders is coming over for a gig which I can't be arsed to go to, so I've gotta meet him at a pub in 40, but need to shower and get dressed and blah blah.


ESSAY AGAIN. ARg. Mind is melting with all this shit.


EDIT: Crap just got my exam timetable. 14th, 19th and 20th of january. 20th Century Fiction, Crit Theory and Practice then British Poetry, respectively.


And Dan - you get those games for free to write a few hundred words like that! Mofo! Grr!

Today has been alright. Only had a single lecture for English and that was pretty good. Although when it came to talking about farm novels, I was the only one to have read one (Cold Comfort Farm and Of Mice and Men) but it really wasn't in the same vain as A Thousand Acres so don't think it went well with the lecturer. Never mind. :heh:


Got my poetry essay back and got an A3 for it. Very happy about that because I had done a lot of work on it, before and after Jayseven had a read over it. So I'm hovering between a B1 and a B2 on average so far for english which, considering I haven't done a critical analysis of a play/novel/poem in over 2 years, is pretty good. I guess my writing reviews for games for a website helped get me back into the mind frame.


So now just sitting watching Murder, She Wrote. Thinking about watching some Sarah Connor Chronicles and will have to finally get around to telling my mother what I would like for my xmas.

A3 - that's good right? Got an A in the name so it's got to be!




- Went to Leeds for a Biology Unit 4 big revision thing today. It was ok, but i ended up getting bored and doodling near the end.


- I got abit hyper on the bus on the way back, i blame being sat still for 5 hours.


- I've Decided on the phone i want for Christmas.


It's been quite an ok day.]



[Edit] Also how amazing is the moon tonight? Venus and Jupiter i believe the stars are near it. A very nice sight on the drive home.



I should slow down my posting in hot person gallery because I post alot of pictures.


five days till my mothers birthday. :)


Ahaha! You know, if you were to take--


Nice tangent to take there.


Oh, beaten :(


On a side note, noticed the moon being bloody bright tonight as well as two stars next to it, I just thought it was a clear patch of sky but realised it was Jupiter and Venus when I got back earlier. Somewhat happy with myself that I noticed it before knowing about it!


I rode to university on Chopper Hicks. I love that bike.


Had two cyclists telling me they loved my bike. One of them while I was riding across Waterloo Bridge. :heh:


Had a boring lecture in which I planned my essay for that lecture, which is in in January.


Then rode to SquEx where I played more [insert top secret game]. It's growing on me.


Showed off my bike.


Then rode home. T'was dark.


If I were a bike, I'd be Chopper Hicks. I'd say he completed me but to be quite frank it's more like he just adds to the already fantastic package that is me.


@ Jayseven - yeh, an A3 is good. We have 4 main brackets for grading (A,B,C, and D) at our Uni and within each you can get a 1,2 or 3 depending on the criteria you meet. The fact that I managed to get an A at all, even if it is at the lower end of the scale for an A, is just mind blowing. Very happy with it. Never thought I would get an A in english, at least not till matbe next semester when I'd have a bit more practise. Anyways, I have another one to write up on either 'Trumpet' or 'A Thousand Acres.' Would be helpful if I had the books so I could read them. :indeed: My mother didn't order them when I said two weeks ago and was going to wait till they got both of them in stock. I asked if they had just one of them and she said yeh so I told her to bloody get it now as I need it. Will be interesting to see if I get the book by friday.

Then rode to SquEx where I played more [insert top secret game]. It's growing on me.


If it's what we were talking about the other day, it's been confirmed for a western release now. :heh:


There's a big thing on Facebook going around at the moment about a (licensed, registered with the biggest firm in the area) cab driver in my home town, who, after a disagreement about a fare, locked the passengers in the car, drove to a street somewhere in St.Albans, and let them out into a group of 5 or 6 guys he'd called who proceeded to beat the shit out of them.


I'm currently waiting for a response from my police 'source' to let me know if it's true or not: if it is, then an en-mass boycott of the firm is going into action...


Gah, just had an email telling me there was a message on the NHS website for me about a job I applied for. Got all excited only to discover it was a rejection not, major disappointment.


Although found out today that my dad's company got their new building contract which means we'll be going to Austria to see my brother for Christmas. Guaranteed white Christmas, cannot wait!

If it's what we were talking about the other day, it's been confirmed for a western release now. :heh:


That game should be top secret just because it's so crap. :heh:


Although that also grew on me. :D


I'm hungry, tired and really pissed off with myself. skin doc said it will be very difficult for me to lose weight on my meds, which is a complete bummer.


I think I'm also allergic to my toothpaste which is probably the strangest thing ever. o_O


Today the bastards at The Link have repeatedly lied at me:


"Your iPod will be with you on Monday" Fucking lie

(when I ring up to see what the hell they're doing) "We'll just find out and put you on hold." Fucking lie


Turns out they closed a few minutes after I rang so they put me on hold and went home. Bastards.


Stop and stare...


^_^, mate and me did some work and then went to kfc, bought tickets to the cinema. Fun times.


Just trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the night. Going to chat to a friend tomorrow :)

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