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Guest Captain Falcon

Thanks for the support guys, and gals.


I don't venture this way too often, but I feel it was definitely worth it on this occasion.


I got a nice tasty bollocking today at work.


I served someone after the final bell, he said he'd been waiting before the bell, and was the boss' daughters' boyfriend. I think normally they wouldn't have minded. But then a nice repetitive moaning ensued from the boss.


Then when some of these facts were told to the boss he basically apologised but in a subtle way of asking what I was doing when the bell was rung, which he already knew the answer to but was too pissed to remember.


He expects to be served himself because he's the gaffer. But in theory it's still illegal. So next time I may refuse him.


We had some lovely neighbours next door, until they all went their seperate ways, and the new people moved in. And, my God, they are so bluddy loud, annoying and inconsiderate. They've had their music loud, and some nights, they've been playing it til 7 the next morning. Now, if this was once or twice, then fair play...but its every fucking night. Weeknights. A Tuesday fucking night! Wednesday, every day!


Me and my neighbour on the other side of them popped around to theirs earlier and had a word with one of their housemates. To be fair, she was really reasonable, and mentioned that she was being kept awake too, because her room was right next to the room the music is coming from. Its not even just the music, its the slamming of doors, raised voices, laughing, every night.


And, despite being reasonable earlier with them, they're still at it now. Taking the piss.

Dude, too bluddy far. You sicken me.





Anyway, don't worry, dude. My history with the opposite sex is like a rail disaster. Messy, and not very pretty. Don't worry too much, as things will find their own way of falling into place, when the time is right.


Well at least if its a rail disaster at least it proves your history with the opposite sex was never early ;)

You're as funny as the holocaust. :heh:


Don't spoil it. I have a lecture on that on Monday. I don't want to know how it ends!


to continue the metaphor, was it also strangely hypnotic for passing members of the public?



Did you go horribly off-track and end up in a bush...or even a tunnel ;)


didnt sleep very peacefully and woke up with the headache i went to sleep with... only my headache has had some rest so it's feeling much stronger this morning >__<!! yay for imported paracetamol...


but meh! can't complain!! off to work ~ where i get paid to sit and chat to people... hehe. ^__^

Don't spoil it. I have a lecture on that on Monday. I don't want to know how it ends!





Did you go horribly off-track and end up in a bush...or even a tunnel ;)


And..and was there a big fire in which loads of people burned, or have I lost the plot?


Had an alright day. Was kinda hoping this thread would be at page 666 by now, but hey. Being a resonsible member of my juggling society, I got very drunk and am now considering not bothering to turn up for anything at uni. Ideally I get to waste teh night/morning watching some streamed rubbish, but unfortunately that just isn't happening.


Capain Flacon! Lol I said flacon. anyway; I've never asked a girl out because I fear the rejection would destroy me. Luckily things tend to just... happen after a while. True story.


Just watched Cloverfield with nami and shorty and I think they liked it. I might go raid their DVD folder and hope that my laptop remembers it still has ONE more choice before it has to settle upon one region or another.


I also have an appointment with my tutor to discuss my creative writing shizzle, and of course I have nothing to discuss, so I presume I shall wake up in a panic tomorrow and begin to hastily put together a few notebook-pages worth of nonsense to pore over while my tutor tries not to look too disinterested. Indeed, I need a vacation.


hit me!


Bah I love you guys.


I'm barely drunk but still. Except domjcg i hate him. :) Coolness you're a legend.


Having fun times on msn now, tonight has been pretty good down local uni club. Although I think I may be in with 2 girls which is weird because I don't know who to choose, where are you dom I need to talk to you. You are useless.


Ok things have just taken a turn for the worse I am not happy. I hate girls. Girls suck, why do they exist, they all cause problems.

We had some lovely neighbours next door, until they all went their seperate ways, and the new people moved in. And, my God, they are so bluddy loud, annoying and inconsiderate. They've had their music loud, and some nights, they've been playing it til 7 the next morning. Now, if this was once or twice, then fair play...but its every fucking night. Weeknights. A Tuesday fucking night! Wednesday, every day!


Me and my neighbour on the other side of them popped around to theirs earlier and had a word with one of their housemates. To be fair, she was really reasonable, and mentioned that she was being kept awake too, because her room was right next to the room the music is coming from. Its not even just the music, its the slamming of doors, raised voices, laughing, every night.


And, despite being reasonable earlier with them, they're still at it now. Taking the piss.



I had the same problem with a guy in my Halls at university. Every night he'd come back at 2am and play his music until 5am and sometimes 6am. Could not sleep at all, and most of my hall-mates were too hammered to notice. This carried on for 6 months, until one day I broke his jaw on a sink in the communal bathroom.



I hate people like this, it's as though nothing you can do as a reasonable human being affects them, and if you sink to their level...well, it's satisfying, but you're in the wrong.

Well I asked and girl out and she said no. Not so much "how was your day" as it is "how was your year"?


The answer being crap. Those who know me say that I have a habit of going after the unobtainable so I brought it on myself it seems. But still...


Why did I post this? It seems there's some truth in the saying that misery loves company.


Ahhh dude, I'm sorry. Yeah almost the worst feeling in the world. Unfortunately had my fair share of similar experiences.


Au revoir...


Au revoir? Where you going dude?


I got a nice tasty bollocking today at work.


I served someone after the final bell, he said he'd been waiting before the bell, and was the boss' daughters' boyfriend. I think normally they wouldn't have minded. But then a nice repetitive moaning ensued from the boss.


Then when some of these facts were told to the boss he basically apologised but in a subtle way of asking what I was doing when the bell was rung, which he already knew the answer to but was too pissed to remember.


He expects to be served himself because he's the gaffer. But in theory it's still illegal. So next time I may refuse him.


Ah, screw them dude. You're too good for them anyway.


I had a crazy fucked up dream, and someone from The Wire was in Heroes, so that made me "zomg coolz!"




haha Letty *hi-fives*


I woke up to two amazing texts this morning. I get my text alerts with my emails, my lecture and seminar are cancelled today because Oksana is ill, YIPPPEEEE, so I get a day off. Of course I'll be doing my game and such like, but it's a break.


Jay I'm not sure about turning up tonight myself, I know anna might not be going! I don't know what to do instead, but alcohol seems like a tempting offer even at 10am -.-


edit: I also had a dream that my parents had moved to dubai, something that could come true if my mum hadn't put her foot down earlier this week. There's not really that much constructive work for dad and dubai has loads of it, so he's thinking of going. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, my dad does nothing but continually changed his mind. But when you have to get up at 5am to get somewhere, I'm not surprised


Letty you're a lightweight @ Minesweeper.




I would provide visual evidence but my highscore was on my XP PC and I haven't yet been bored enough while sitting on my Vista PC to match it.

Letty you're a lightweight @ Minesweeper.




I would provide visual evidence but my highscore was on my XP PC and I haven't yet been bored enough while sitting on my Vista PC to match it.


The thing is though, I've never in my life won a game of minesweeper - even on easy...


Today I'm hitting up some markets!!! Camden and Portabello, here I come :awesome:

I'm also gonna see The Streets tonight at Camden's roundhouse. I might goth myself up for lolz. :D


Edit - unintentional 10am get!!


Right feeling lame today, just generally BUT my sis just rang and one bad thing one good thing ;


I am in the paper. (When I obtain I will scan and show off)




He fucking did what I told him not to. "I don't like iPods, Im really anti-them but I have a Microsoft Zune" (And made him write it down) then apparently it says "Michael listens to his iPod....etc" *sigh* also it seems hes just ignored most of what I said like "I listen to it every night" becomes "He doesn't listen to it everyday"


Lieing bastard. Oh well. PAPER YAY! Really really didn't want to be associated with an iPod though. Fuck. Ah well.




Ah...gotta love my colleagues sometimes. No one really attempts to talk to me, and I just got blatantly ignored by one person. Shall I use my powers of invisibility for good or evil? No its good though, as one of my friends rectified the sitch. But yeah....just ....fuck some people, sometimes.


Bleh. Don't want to get out of bed today. Must go meet tutor about novel writings that I have not been doings and I have nothing new to say in teh fortnight since i last spoke to her as I've done no work so stfu! Blag.


Got the newspaper....not a bad photo if I do say so myself. Cunts for plastering iPod all over my interview though. Ergo facto when in Rome though eh. Ill scan latez.


HAHAHAH! OMG one of the other peoples responses is pure gold! Read this, this is word for word. (It was an interview about MP3 players)


"One of my sons, especially watches DVDs which we've downloaded onto his iTouch"


Watching DVDs on an iTouch eh? In fact after reading this whole thing Im genuinely convinced its specifically done for innuendos....


"Blowing my head off" (That was me)

"I do not abuse it" (That is printed under me, but I didn't say that)


"Children today seem to like everything so loud"

"I am not going to be put off by negative vibes"




went for dole this morning. process took less then 1 min. wtf? got a hopt chocolaye with my mate whos also on dole, then came home, dropped my katana against the wall, thankfully in its saya. left a dent and black mark on the wall paper, but its not very noticable.


also got the gym today. score!


Probably going to have to waste my time tonight with this pointless duty. This Fridays bingo was moved to tonight, which is the same night as the other clubs bingo so no people will show up to our one. And if i don't go, guaranteed people will show up. Sods law i think comes into this.


I'm tellin ya now, if no-one shows up i won't be very happy.

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