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Woo Tom, congrats :D


I've had a pretty awesome day. After a general lack of sleep (going to bed at 2.30 and waking up at 8.30 with a whole lot of not sleeping in between) I scrubbed myself up and set off to Worcester. Met a friend for coffee and caught up and traded quips.


Then my friend and her mom turned up to househunt with me and we went here there and everywhere, sat down and discussed and went for one place. So we finally have somewhere sorted for next year :D (next year being in two weeks). Gotta fill out paperwork and such and hand that in but thats a relief. Next step is to find out how to get everything there and furnishing it.


My friend's mom then treated us to a three course meal at a nice restaurant as a thank you as I have done all the leg work (which I didn't mind as they live 200 miles away....). Then went to catch a train but they were infrequent so I text someone I slept with last week and met them briefly.


Now im home, warm(er) and happy :)

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thanks everyone :) it's such a releif to have got the job. plus the recruitment agent said they were seriously impressed, so holpefully this'll lead to bigger and better things.


ash - glad you have found somewhere to live, pretty essential thing to have sorted. have you checked out the neighbours?

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After at least 100 years of dreading, cutting and weaving, I've finally created a wearable cyber wig - complete with fringe!!:D

No faffing about with braiding into your own hair, just slip it on whenever!!




If it didnt take so fucking long, I'd sell these!

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Letty that wig is super awesome! :D I love the colour scheme too! :)


MY day has been so unbelievably meh. I hate going back to work after having time off, rubbish! I had to add dates of deaths on our system, and I found it really strange that my uncle was on the list.. :/ One of those things I never really connect with REAL people.


Some asshole adjusted my work chair, and now my leg is really sore. I'm one of these strange people that has their chair nearly on the floor. :D

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Started a new PSP project at work, Star Ocean 2. So far, so fun.


I then got a haircut which I regret because it is awful. I want my hair back. It'll be fine in a couple of weeks so I'll just wear a hat until then.


I bought a new pair of headphones. £65 but they aren't going to fall to pieces like the BOSE ones and they look so cool, it's unfunny.


Also, it's my best friend's birthday today. Shame he lives in Hong Kong. It's times like this I wish I didn't make things so complicated for myself. :indeed:


I was going to go to bed at a decent time tonight but I just got my 'The Complete Calvin and Hobbes' so I'm just going to read them until sun appears.




I love Calvin and Hobbes.

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I am baaaaack! =D



About 3 hours ago I returned from 2 nice, relaxing weeks in Spain. I kinda wish I was still there right now, but oh well. Now to catch up with all the news and other things I missed out on while I was gone! =O


*hugs N-E*


I missed you all!

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ive done paracticaly nothing.


woke up around 1pm, watched telly and ate a pork pie. cod4 download mario rpg, get an earfull for not emptying the drainer of the dishes i did last night. went to a mates flat, sat bored for 2 n a half hours while they talked about football and watched the transfers on sky sports news, then come home and get told a shed load of crap i have to do tommorow by my mother, that i would have to be mentaly retarded not to work out i had to do myself.


i may just punch her.

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I am baaaaack! =D



About 3 hours ago I returned from 2 nice, relaxing weeks in Spain. I kinda wish I was still there right now, but oh well. Now to catch up with all the news and other things I missed out on while I was gone! =O


*hugs N-E*


I missed you all!


YAY!!!! You can plug up that Eenuh shaped hole in my life!! :D

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Started a new PSP project at work, Star Ocean 2. So far, so fun.


I then got a haircut which I regret because it is awful. I want my hair back. It'll be fine in a couple of weeks so I'll just wear a hat until then.


I bought a new pair of headphones. £65 but they aren't going to fall to pieces like the BOSE ones and they look so cool, it's unfunny.


Also, it's my best friend's birthday today. Shame he lives in Hong Kong. It's times like this I wish I didn't make things so complicated for myself. :indeed:


I was going to go to bed at a decent time tonight but I just got my 'The Complete Calvin and Hobbes' so I'm just going to read them until sun appears.




I love Calvin and Hobbes.


Oh man I envy you so much I cant even put it into words. Make yourself a hot chocolate and marsh mellows to :D

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Went to alton towers and had a banging time. Went on all the rides i wanted to go on and oblivion twice :). Absolutely pissed it down most of the day but that didnt spoilt the day out. Anyone wanting to go should go in the next week or so because it will be dead.

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My day has been amazing. I got up early to go the job centre for my normal signing, only to find out it's next week I'm meant to go. Feeling amazingly tired I carried on through the day, mummy making me a sandwich before she went to work and I was watching Neighbours. I could feel it coming so I had a sexy nap. Man it was sexy.


Then came work, it was dead as I walked in at 7. But it's a pub, the night is young. I got my brother to give me a lift as the weather has been amazingly shite.


In the four hours I was working I served a grand total of about 10 people, around 5 being the maximum at one time. I asked if I could slam the TV on but in return I had to clean the glass shelves [bollocks] but only the top ones [shabba!] and the customers and myself watched Dragon's Den together, as I slowly cleaned.



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I played (roughly in this order):


Call of Duty 4

CNC3 Kane's Wrath

Burnout Paradise

Forza 2

Bionic Commando Rearmed

Geometry Wars 2


Castle Crashers


on my 360 today, from about 11:30am to 9pm. My entire day was spent in front of my TV on XBL. Not productive but damn good fun, been working a lot the past few weeks and it's nice to finally have a break and play some games. Castle Crashers is awesome btw.

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Welcome Back, Eeeenooo.


And Well Done, Tom.


Yeah, happy days. I've been around a friend's house, playing RockBand. This game is completely spectacular on drums. I mean, it's fun on Guitar. But, on drums..it really is something else.


We played Enter Sandman as our last song of the evening. Fucking owned.

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ok - last 13 pages of thsi thread? tl;dr. Been in wales for 3 days. Anyone wanna summarise? No. K. Failed at meeting Flinky but he's back in brighton soon so I'll shock the world with images, I'm sure.


I... Don't really know what to say about anything. nobody cares so THERE YOU GO. I got drunk tonight. Again. I think I'm going to die soon. Again. Shh. Hate you. Got a new notebook. made an awesome pic of a spider and a bat. Decided that I'm going to die. but you got that. I'm not suicidal or anything, I just don't see how life is possible beyone point x. I'm bored. people suck. I had lots of sex. Not for 10 hours straight, just lots of sex. I want more. Will have more. Then none for ever, or whatever. I don't know. People are boring. Nobody wants to know. brains spill through the melted snot each time. Keep thinking that I'm really clever then realising oh, shit[/u], that's really lame.


Got a new notebook! I'm going to papercut you all. had a dream about a dog thing that was like a seal 'cept orange stripey-spots and it 'threw up' its insides for you to eat. tasty, cute and loyal. What more do you need? Got stared at because I read Bizarre on teh Tube. Also got lost in london. Went to LAINDON. And wales. Yeah, wales. Several times I realised I was, like, really blind and stuff. Also watched several other people spill drinks -- all of whom tried to blame ME as I normally spill 'em, but in actuality it was THEIR fault.


Been awake at 8am the last 3 mornings which has felt really wrong, yet seemed as if its supposed to be like that -- having a morning then afternoon then evening then bed at a sensible time. Really all it's made me think is shit, I'll never be able to be a compatible citizen in this society, and made me realise that I'm lazy as FUCK and that sort of shit.


So yeah. I'm getting severely blunt with people, and less tolerant of their rubbish. I think it stems from the basis of me believing that I know all my own faults. Soon I will probably be told rather bluntly some new bad things about myself that I didn't realise -- but I think my self-esteem is so low that it's probably not possible. Go ahead; try. Seriously. Do it. I need some sense knocked into me, even if it's just virtual wordage. I'm THIS close to just bashing the members here that I think are idiots/twats/self-indulgent/poo. All that's preventing me is the hypocracy... The banality of complaining about people on the internet.


I think what I really need is to meet someone who adores me. that's all! Ha! Lol! Omg!

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I love Calvin and Hobbes.


d'you mean THIS mo' fo'?



one of my friends has this set ~ it looks so utterly awesome that i think i'd probably kill for it given the chance :blank:


in other news!! my day off is going well ~ i woke up without my alarm clock before noon (woo!) and tidied my room, opened both doors to let some air through and m currently sat surrounded by

firstly: the book i'm reading ~ "sweet daruma" which, by the way i highly recommend to anyone who's even slightly interested in doing what i'm doing - and definitely to all of you who're interested in japanese pop culture....


and i know that's a LOT of you :heh:

secondly: the book i'm writing. which is all together more boring than the one i'm reading ~ it's basically a journal-slash-letter to a fictional character. nothing exciting.


and thirdly (but not leastly): my DS.

the latter being of utmost importance because i NEEEEEEEEEEED to finish phoenix wright in good time with jamba ~ we're racing to the finish (although he doesnt know that so shhhh.... it'll be a surprise victory... FOR ME!) :yay:


i'm keeping myself amused 'cause jamba starts his new job today so we probably wont have time to talk for a while ~

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Ill get round to giving a summary of my holiday soon.


Heres a summary of the letter Ima give to Odeon.


Dear Odeon Aylesbury



I'm not going to lie in this letter. I will first apologise for the language I am about to use….but it is has unfortunately become warranted. Here we go.



Seriously what the FUCK! What the hell is this shit!? I've put up with some serious shit from Odeon Aylesbury, but this is the final straw!



I want to say that the staffs are fantastic. Let's get that out there right now.


I have a major problem with a few things .First and less-importantly the price. £8.00 for a standard adult, is just….ridiculous. That is potentially the most expensive in this country. I understand this is due to new chairs….but why should the cinema goer have to pay this high price, as a permanent arrangement?


Birmingham Odeon, as a comparison has much larger screens, a wider choice of films and somehow their price is not only cheaper, but half price at £4.00 standard .


However this is not my main problem. My main problem and the one that FREAKING GRINDS MY BALLS is your bizarre choice of films! SERIOUSLY NOW PEOPLE WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT?!


When "No Country for Old Men" came out, I was shocked to see Aylesbury not showing it. But alas all was not lost. I drove out to Milton Keynes to see it there, and it was fantastic. Then the week after Aylesbury decide to show it. SIGH!


I understand this is due to "No Country for Old Men"s popularity and the reviews it received, and I do accept this however, the number of films that I see the trailer for, and am then stunned that Aylesbury are choosing not to show is just staggering. It is literally fucking staggering. The most recent being "Step Brothers" which I could not and still cannot believe you aren't showing (so off I got to Hemel tomorrow)


I understand that you are going to chose films based on projected profits, and such but this just seems to happen all the time. I am disgusted to see Mamma Mia Sing-Along edition taking up a screen (albeit one showing) when another film could take its place.


It just seems to happen so often, with fairly well known and well received films. Please stop pissing about.




Many thanks



From an anonymous Aylesbury cinema goer.




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*sigh* not good news i'm afraid.


The Clydesdale refused my mortgage because i haven't been working with my company for 2 years or more... Thats thrown a spanner in everything. Time to try another bank.

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