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I just took the worst panic attack i've ever had in my life. Got up out of my chair and all of a sudden my heart started skipping, eventually it started bursting out my cheast and i was in histerics thinking i was going to drop dead.

Eventually the paramedics were called and gave me an ECG and injected me with diazepam, now i'm half asleep and don't know where the heck i am.

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Does EMA save your parents money?


Most of the people who I know who get it are given money for lunch and school equipment by their folks anyway. Of the two people I know who actually need it, one of them only gets £10 a month because they refused to take into account the fact his mother lost her job, and yes, it happened before the earliest financial details they'll take.


Who was that?


Two retake exams tomorrow

Mock driving test

lack of sleep



MY LIFE SUCKS << drama

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I'm not saying that it's a problem or makes you a bad person. I'm just saying that EMA is to help people whose parents aren't as wealthy. So if you aren't elligible then your parents must be doing ok for themselves. I get £20 a week because my parents aren't on as much.


I'm not having a go I just hate it when the more fortunate moan about people worse off getting a bit from the government. One of my friends was moaning that his dad was paying about £20k a year in tax. I wish my dad was paying £20k a year in tax.


Oh don't get me wrong I don't doubt people shouldn't get ema I know how much it does help people, specially getting to college and being able to do stuff.


I just get really irked when people on ema start going at me because I complain and such, well I'm going to complain if my teachers don't turn up and the money my parents and myself earned is being wasted on a bus journey I didn't need to take and the college doesn't do jack shit about it.


I don't mind people getting anything from the government it's when it's not appreciated also. (my ex was on the dole lazy c*** and never bothered, 90quid every two weeks!!!! thats more than I earnt in a month!).

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Obviously letty, there's plenty of occasions where EMA is very handy, but due

to how the system works, and the rise in divorcing dem hoes (to sum it up). My friend's parents are divorced, his mum earns the needed amount for EMA and is his guardian as it were, his dad is/was very rich and etc yet he gets EMA all the time. My point is, that for the miniority of this, it benefits them and hinders the others/waste of money, if they were to background check people more often, this wouldn't happen


/rant =[


You forgot to mention that his dad pays for him and his siblings upkeep, too.


Do you think he cares that we're giving away his family's history on the internet? :heh:

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Does EMA save your parents money?


Most of the people who I know who get it are given money for lunch and school equipment by their folks anyway. Of the two people I know who actually need it, one of them only gets £10 a month because they refused to take into account the fact his mother lost her job, and yes, it happened before the earliest financial details they'll take.


Yeah I buy my own lunch and pay for my bus rides there.


Erm, sorry guys, I didn't mean to cause an argument. :/


You made this mess now clean it up.

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oh, i forgot to say the best thing about the house i saw today that I liked! For those of you who don't know J R R Tolkein lived in Birmingham when he was growing up, and the 2 towers were inspired by a water tower and a folly in edgebaston. At least one of them can be seen from the window of the room i'd be renting! They are great buildings, and the history makes then even better.


Waterworks Tower:


Perrots Folly:


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Does EMA save your parents money?



I dont know about other people, but it saves my mum a lot. It means I buy my own shoes and clothes, lunch and travel, aswell as leaving the island if I save up! (Oh god, it sounds like Lost here)


Of course I have a job too, but without EMA I'd be in a bit of a pickle..

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I just took the worst panic attack i've ever had in my life. Got up out of my chair and all of a sudden my heart started skipping, eventually it started bursting out my cheast and i was in histerics thinking i was going to drop dead.

Eventually the paramedics were called and gave me an ECG and injected me with diazepam, now i'm half asleep and don't know where the heck i am.


diazipan is AWESOME.


Sorry to hear you had a panic attack, that sounds scary! :(

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I just took the worst panic attack i've ever had in my life. Got up out of my chair and all of a sudden my heart started skipping, eventually it started bursting out my cheast and i was in histerics thinking i was going to drop dead.

Eventually the paramedics were called and gave me an ECG and injected me with diazepam, now i'm half asleep and don't know where the heck i am.


Geeus Cist, sounds awful matey. :(

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I just took the worst panic attack i've ever had in my life. Got up out of my chair and all of a sudden my heart started skipping, eventually it started bursting out my cheast and i was in histerics thinking i was going to drop dead.

Eventually the paramedics were called and gave me an ECG and injected me with diazepam, now i'm half asleep and don't know where the heck i am.


Thats one hell of bad panic attack martinist :hmm:

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Guys, just a reminder to read the forum announcement, it's vital that you all change your passwords if you were on the old Xsorbit boards...


I just took the worst panic attack i've ever had in my life. Got up out of my chair and all of a sudden my heart started skipping, eventually it started bursting out my cheast and i was in histerics thinking i was going to drop dead.

Eventually the paramedics were called and gave me an ECG and injected me with diazepam, now i'm half asleep and don't know where the heck i am.


Lord above! :o How often do you get panic attacks?

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Guest Stefkov

This talk about EMA gets me pretty annoyed. My dad works shifts so every week he's on a new time schedule, constant strain on his sleep patterns. My mum is 'disabled', I've no idea about the money regarding that but what gets me is that the household income, I think, is £100 over the lowest barrier.

My dads wages get's hit by tax, then by all the electric bills and water bills, then all the other things like petrol and food for the house. Somehow manages to scrape up some money for me for college.

Then I know some guy getting £30 a week. His mum and dad are working, his house is great, and his family life looks great. What gets me is he doesn't use the EMA money for college. Sandwiches made for his lunch, nabs other peoples food even after having the sandwich. Then hearing he saves up the money just to go out drinking and buy himself clothes. It just sounds he's better well off.

I'm sure other people use their EMA for better things. I'm just pissed that because of a silly boundary my 'family' struggles to fend for me.

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This talk about EMA gets me pretty annoyed. My dad works shifts so every week he's on a new time schedule, constant strain on his sleep patterns. My mum is 'disabled', I've no idea about the money regarding that but what gets me is that the household income, I think, is £100 over the lowest barrier.

My dads wages get's hit by tax, then by all the electric bills and water bills, then all the other things like petrol and food for the house. Somehow manages to scrape up some money for me for college.

Then I know some guy getting £30 a week. His mum and dad are working, his house is great, and his family life looks great. What gets me is he doesn't use the EMA money for college. Sandwiches made for his lunch, nabs other peoples food even after having the sandwich. Then hearing he saves up the money just to go out drinking and buy himself clothes. It just sounds he's better well off.

I'm sure other people use their EMA for better things. I'm just pissed that because of a silly boundary my 'family' struggles to fend for me.


Gah that sounds rough mate :(


Ema should be given to the colleges themselves (to provide books etc) and students should be given bus passes and free meals if neccesary.


I hear of too many kids buying games and crap with their ema, and it makes me a bit pissed, to say the least, that my tax is going to that.


People really don't understand the value of money 'til they work really fucking hard and get it all swiped away from them via tax. =(

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I just took the worst panic attack i've ever had in my life. Got up out of my chair and all of a sudden my heart started skipping, eventually it started bursting out my cheast and i was in histerics thinking i was going to drop dead.

Eventually the paramedics were called and gave me an ECG and injected me with diazepam, now i'm half asleep and don't know where the heck i am.


Oh bloody hell man. Every time I read this stuff I lie awake at night wondering what's going on with you and if you're alright. :(

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This talk about EMA gets me pretty annoyed. My dad works shifts so every week he's on a new time schedule, constant strain on his sleep patterns. My mum is 'disabled', I've no idea about the money regarding that but what gets me is that the household income, I think, is £100 over the lowest barrier.

My dads wages get's hit by tax, then by all the electric bills and water bills, then all the other things like petrol and food for the house. Somehow manages to scrape up some money for me for college.

Then I know some guy getting £30 a week. His mum and dad are working, his house is great, and his family life looks great. What gets me is he doesn't use the EMA money for college. Sandwiches made for his lunch, nabs other peoples food even after having the sandwich. Then hearing he saves up the money just to go out drinking and buy himself clothes. It just sounds he's better well off.

I'm sure other people use their EMA for better things. I'm just pissed that because of a silly boundary my 'family' struggles to fend for me.


Yep, me too. I know people who are exactly the same. We're little over the bracket, too.

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Perrots Folly:



lol phallic.


That childish part aside. Sorted out my work experience stuff. 2 hours...I'll class that as a day methinks. He gave me homework as so to speak, bit of a pain. Procrastinated in town. Went back to my town. Bought a suit jacket. Got home. Suited up. Suited down. Ate. Went to library as thats where all the cool kids are (as they have assignments in tomorrow). Did some research there. Got back to mine. Looked into wedding photograph websites as requested. Friend should be coming for a stroll soon.


Bright side; my nan said if things get bad at home over the summer I can stay there. Would probably prefer it; quieter and no annoying misbehaving beagle.

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I've been feeling really spaced lately. I get moments where my whole body feels really swollen... Its very hard to explain, it feels like my veins are swelling, and i can feel my heart beating very solidly..


I was told that blood inflammation is very common in my condition, and my blood inflammation is usually between 27-35, when it should be around the 10-15 mark...


Other than that my day was sitting in work, with the sun shining outside. Damn working. *shakefist*

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I've been feeling really spaced lately. I get moments where my whole body feels really swollen... Its very hard to explain, it feels like my veins are swelling, and i can feel my heart beating very solidly..


I was told that blood inflammation is very common in my condition, and my blood inflammation is usually between 27-35, when it should be around the 10-15 mark...


Other than that my day was sitting in work, with the sun shining outside. Damn working. *shakefist*


:( hope you get better!


on other notes


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just saw something that made me giggle. Playing with google I decided to look at google trends.

As well as ranking the most searched trends, they also give a summary, like 'volcanic', or in the example that made me giggle in a sick way 'on fire', which is the ranking given to Heather Stohler, who died in a fire.

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Rumour has it that the EMA is part of the reason why the smoking age went up, as the government didn't want to actively be giving the kids the pocket money they normally spent on fags.


This may have been made up by me. But you know it makes some sort of sense.

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Rumour has it that the EMA is part of the reason why the smoking age went up, as the government didn't want to actively be giving the kids the pocket money they normally spent on fags.


This may have been made up by me. But you know it makes some sort of sense.


Its a conspiracy I tell you! :heh:


Not like the law is ever...followed. *shrugs*


I seen a 12!! year old buying fegs only yesterday.

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