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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Just found that some of my tranq rifle shots may have killed rather than knocked out. I'm not impressed.
  2. You need an update from Xbox Live in order to play the game.
  3. Nothing could have won Arsenal the game. It is quite clear the team is shit.
  4. Got my 3DS for £112.60 from Currys with a price-check and 10%-of-the-difference discount. Pretty pleased with that.
  5. According to Nintendo if you get one at midnight on Friday you have an hour to log into the eStore.
  6. There have been rumours going since last night. I couldn't see anything on my drive through town, just police cars, helicopters, and ambulances. All the shops are shuttered. The car dealerships are bare.
  7. I just played Ocarina 3D in GameStation and was blown away. Was thinking about picking a 3DS up since the price-drop was announced. I am undecided whether to pick one up before Wednesday and get the 20 games or get one after the price drop. We'll see if retailers do a little price-drop before the RRP comes down.
  8. http://www.game.co.uk/Limited-Edition-Star-Wars-Xbox-360-320GB-with-Kinect-and-Kinect-Star-Wars-Game-/~r356106/?s=xbox+star+wars £350
  9. GiantBomb have a feature following development of Bastion - http://www.giantbomb.com/bastion/61-32085/
  10. It's the same for me. An upgraded 7200 rpm hard-drive doesn't help: for all it improves performance, it cooks the system even more.
  11. Error initializing session manager. ReZ will be pleased.
  12. The Store has been updated with the Beta download. EDIT: Twitter lied to me. I can't find it.
  13. Chuck

    Team Fortress 2

    I am also inside this shindig.
  14. Yeah, the Uncharted 3 Beta is coming out on Tuesday. That should be pretty amazing.
  15. Ryan Dunn was fantastic on Viva La Bam. I had never really watched Jackass, but Viva La Bam was always on late-night MTV.
  16. Chuck

    L.A. Noire

    It is certainly meant to happen. The pop-in pop-out is just the game loop re-drawing the surrounding game objects. I don't think it should be this obvious though. Perhaps Rockstar had no choice.
  17. Chuck

    L.A. Noire

    I finished the game this morning to 100% with The Naked City and A Slip of the Tongue. I finished the main story in about 16 hours.
  18. I read on twitter that there is no after credits scene.
  19. Chuck

    L.A. Noire

    I figured out if they look straight at you it's the truth and if they shift about they are lying. If you don't have proof to back up an accusation select doubt. The proof is usually something with their name on it or a blatant piece of evidence that contradicts their statement. If they contradict evidence, all you need is proof, you don't need to read their faces.
  20. The trailer looks really good. I have some Tin Tin photos from a Belgian restaurant in Eastbourne.
  21. Kaka's mum says the family is moving to London in August. She says a deal is already complete (Chelsea?). http://www.espn.co.uk/football/sport/story/89899.html
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