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Woke up in my house going to bed in halls. Mad day.


Spoke to the police and they said theres pretty much nothing we can do now. By the sounds of it he was pretty remorseful and wasn't aware of the severity of what he did, and the consequences of his actions. But seeing as he was cautioned last night its not like they can go back and say "actually..." But by the sounds of it he plans to move out, and their landlord said they will kick him out anyway, when his contract expires in June so its a right pain having to move in halls but at least, come September we should be able to move back.


So yeah tomorrow I have to get my room sorted. Unpacked some stuff but need to tirdy and sort out whats what. And im off to bed. Looooong day. And people are making noise >_< Gonna be an interesting six weeks.

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Woke up in my house going to bed in halls. Mad day.


Spoke to the police and they said theres pretty much nothing we can do now. By the sounds of it he was pretty remorseful and wasn't aware of the severity of what he did, and the consequences of his actions. But seeing as he was cautioned last night its not like they can go back and say "actually..." But by the sounds of it he plans to move out, and their landlord said they will kick him out anyway, when his contract expires in June so its a right pain having to move in halls but at least, come September we should be able to move back.


So yeah tomorrow I have to get my room sorted. Unpacked some stuff but need to tirdy and sort out whats what. And im off to bed. Looooong day. And people are making noise >_< Gonna be an interesting six weeks.


It took me a while (several pages of thread to read back through), but I've just worked out why you're moving into halls. My reaction is a simple one: fuckkkkkk. :(

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I have four essays to write. One of them is overdue and must be in by Friday at the absolute latest. Another is due in later today and I have so far written 748 words out of a minimum 2,700.


The other two aren't due until the 28th, so I have plenty of time to bash those bastards out. But I am deranged and have had weird sleeping patterns these past few days.


Somebody give me the inspiration to finish these damn things so I can go home and start work on the other two.

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Guest bluey

am writing from my new iPod touch (even if my laptop IS on my lap ...) so happy with the idea of being able to email and play mafia from my work during lunch! typing is surprisingly easy too...

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haha, congrats bluey!


Oo god knows what was up with me last night...0.o, everythings slightly ok this morning, think my ex was dropping hints at me, which is odd considering it's been over a year now.


Driving lesson was great ^.^ can't wait to pass, gonna book my theory my damn self tonight, because my parents just haven't bothered. Other than that everythings honkey dory ^.^

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Day is only half and I'm already about to fall asleep. Guess that's what four hours of model drawing will do to you. =____=;


Hope I can stay awake for the rest of the day. Got 3 hours of illustration now, then after school I'm going to go run (oh no!), then I should still finish some assignments afterwards, even though I always get really tired after running. =X


Also tempted to buy the Futurama boxset that's posted in the bargains board, but I've bought quite a bit the last two months (3 games, freeloader, X-files boxset, 5 CDs...). I just don't know. =O

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am writing from my new iPod touch (even if my laptop IS on my lap ...) so happy with the idea of being able to email and play mafia from my work during lunch! typing is surprisingly easy too...


Whoop whoop! isnt it jsut great! I just laze around in bed when I wake up check the forums, facebook and watch an episode of something (most likely the daily show) like I did today then crawled out of bed xD

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just finished part of my project :) got a cross section and plan of a portal frame unit done :)


for anyone who is interested





edit: just seen a mistake looking at that pic so hopefully ill remember to sort it before i print it :)

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lol rokhed00, serves you right for doing whatever you were doing with it. And I don't want to hear any lames excuses about you were just boiling water for some tea, I think we all know what you really up to.


Do tell, whilst I'm more sexually adventurous than most I tend to draw the line at kitchen appliances. I can't even think of anything viable I could do with a kettle, a hoover on the other hand is a different matter.

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Today i did my revision as usual! Then sorted out some banking!


Then i watched the Raw of Soul Eater (a new anime just started this season) and thought it was great! though it was in Japanese!


I have then spent ages trying to make an avatar and Sig and After a lot of trials i gave up on the avatar but i carried on with the Sig! It's design has changed completely since the first one (which was worse than this :))


I've had a great day! :D

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I got invited to a party on Saturday night by not 1, but 2 girls. One of them being Linzi and the other being my ex Jemma. Guess who i am going with.


Other than that, it has been a good day. Nice weather at lunch time, sat outside in the glorious sunshine for an hour, then came in to find the IT guy cocked the Internet connection and filters up so everything was blocked.

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Car failed to start in Tesco car park. Battery totally dead. Breakdown cover man managed to get it to start, but told me I'd need to replace it. £25+ from Halfords. He started it up, but said it wouldn't start again, so I had to get home without stalling once! How's that for pressure. Couldn't buy any frozen food because of the wait. Now tomorrow I have to go buy a battery, walk home with it and fit it.


How WAS my day? Sucked, thanks.

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Went to an art gallery today with Jordan, his sister and her boyfriend. There was this crazy section which was an array of dead stuffed animals which were painted with neon and glitter paint and stuff, eg:






It was excellent!

tomorrow we're going to Blackpool, anyone live there? :p


ps. lol@cat

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