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We don't seem to be that used to it. Except in the North, where it's commonplace.


Word. Up in the Highlands I had a neighbour who would happily plough through multiple drifts in her Mini-Metro.

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Word. Up in the Highlands I had a neighbour who would happily plough through multiple drifts in her Mini-Metro.


It's amazing how many fools can't drive in the snow. Putting your foot down to the floor so your wheel spins uncontrollably, burning all the rubber off; is not the way to drive.

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Yeah booooy! After weeks of hearing the news constantly talking about snow we finally get some, about damn time. So far there is 12cm outside, expecting 30-40cm by the morning. Here's hoping work is shut due to nobody being able to reach it tomorrow.


Also, a conundrum that has been bothering me today. Often you can see the moon during the day, surely this means that it is night on the opposite side of the world but there is no moon. How can this be or am I just being dense.

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Yeah booooy! After weeks of hearing the news constantly talking about snow we finally get some, about damn time. So far there is 12cm outside, expecting 30-40cm by the morning. Here's hoping work is shut due to nobody being able to reach it tomorrow.


Also, a conundrum that has been bothering me today. Often you can see the moon during the day, surely this means that it is night on the opposite side of the world but there is no moon. How can this be or am I just being dense.


Round the area i live in, it's predicted to snow all night and up to about lunch-time tomorrow. So far, it's doing as it says.

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Today (well, yesterday) has probably been one of the best days of all time. My girlfriend woke me up (;D) at 8 today, and I noticed the MASSIVE SNOWSTORM. We shirked on the prospect of going into labs for an hour or two as we believed most people wouldn't have managed to get there (less than 10 min walk for us, though). I then checked my uni e-mail to find that a) our supervisors were unable to come in due to their failed car (they're married) and lack of transport connections, and b) students were advised to leave for home before lunch. We therefore spent the day doing things that I won't go into detail much about, but I'll say that when it approaches the fourth time before afternoon then you know it's an awesome day.


To top it all off, she set up her chocolate fountain that I bought her for Christmas and threw the 900g of chocolate on, and we spent ages dipping in toasted Tesco Finest waffles and strawberries in..


Yahoo! Super day is super. :D



Edit: Just got an e-mail saying the university is closed today (6th). Wrryyy!

Edited by Sheikah
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Why does it seem the entire UK comes to a halt when it snows? =P


Because we're a pathetic bunch of miserable cunts. We whinge all year that we hate our jobs, then when a geniune reason not to go comes up, we whinge that we can't get to work anymore.


People need to chill the fuck out, enjoy the scenery of it all and throw some snowballs at some kids.




Outside is gloriously white and it's still coming down. Majestic.

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Because we're a pathetic bunch of miserable cunts. We whinge all year that we hate our jobs, then when a geniune reason not to go comes up, we whinge that we can't get to work anymore.


People need to chill the fuck out, enjoy the scenery of it all and throw some snowballs at some kids.




Outside is gloriously white and it's still coming down. Majestic.


Haha, truer words have never been said.


"We never get snow at Christmas. Christmas isn't Christmas without snow. This sucks."


"Its snowed outside. What the hell. I hate the snow, it's fucking cold. What kind of Christmas is this?!"


If I was a kid, I'd be loving this weather. These are the days where memories are born. Having snowball fights with your mates, seeing your footprints in the snow, seeing the streets that we know transformed into a completely different world. It really is quite something. :)


I think us British Folk are getting a bad reputation for being moaners. :hmm:

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An old story from Sniff Petrol:



Britain was braced for more bleeding obvious advice this week as forecasters warned of another incoming front of TRAVEL CHAOS. This new warning comes only days after the whole country awoke to find a six inch covering of TRAVEL CHAOS had covered much of the British Isles overnight with more flurries of TRAVEL CHAOS over the following 24 hours.

However, whilst a further dusting of TRAVEL CHAOS could be a problem in itself, some experts say the real danger for drivers is of being hit by a sudden shower of sodding patronising advice from motoring organisations. "If this weather continues, drivers need to be extra careful to avoid large patches of fucking obvious advice," noted Dr Gneil Pipely, Head of Wasting Everyone's Time Studies at All Saints College, Appleton. "For example, it's all too easy to be in the car listening to the radio when, next thing you know, you're being told to avoid any journey that isn't necessary, and by the time you sense the smugly high minded tone it's too late to take evasive re-tuning action".

But facile warnings apparently aimed at people who just drive around in their cars for no reason whatsoever could be only the tip of a very patronising iceberg, Dr Pipely warns. With the expected return of TRAVEL CHAOS motorists should also be on high alert for other blandly useless information such as 'carry a warm rug in the car', 'take a flask of tea with you on every journey', 'if the road looks icy, don't bang the car into first gear and mash the throttle like a mentalist' and 'always arrange for a St Bernard to run everywhere after your car just in case you drive into a crevace on the M4'. Motorists are also reminded that a good way to keep warm during TRAVEL CHAOS is to smash the car radio repeatedly with a hand jack until Sally fucking Traffic on Radio 2 just fucking shuts up.

"Ha ha ha," said some motorists in Sweden and Canada whilst driving perfectly well through a massive snow storm. "What is wrong with you people?" they added, grittily.

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Yeah t'is nice outside. Everyone should stop moaning.


Although I say this because apparently my train is running today (going to London to see a friend, if it was work I'd prefer it didn't of course :heh:) so I'm happy. Not looking forward to al the trecking around in the freezing cold with a travel case, shoulder bag and carrier bag but hopefully once I get there we can be kids and go play in the snow ^_^


If it turns out to be cancelled between now and when its due...well I'll be less than impressed :heh:


Hopefully see you Friday folks!

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Woke up an hour ago to find like 7inches of snow, its awesome. Taken some pictures and whatnot.


Shame I can't really go anywhere, well I can, but given people are whimps and keeping everything closed because they won't drive I don't see much point. Alas!


EDIT: why does jayseven not have a birthday thread..somebody witty go make one.

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Why are people such fucking wimps? I've had my hair appointment cancelled because none of the staff can get into work due to the snow. Bollocks. Fucking grow a pair and learn to drive. My dad has been out in his Vauxhall Combo and even picked up my 15 yr old fiesta with its dodgy steering and brakes and drove that back fine.


On the subject of my car. The mechanic can't get the emissions down enough. So it looks like R.I.P fiesta. :( I really want a new car. But I think it would be wiser to wait until the summer when I'll use it more and have more time to look. I'm gonna get a job as well so I'll have more money to get a better car. And I'll have 2 years no claims so insurance will be less. I was hoping the car would last me through uni so that I could get something really kickass. Looks like its another small car for me. *cries*

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Aww the crappy back country roads around here are covered in sheet ice so I can't get out anywhere. Wouldn't mind so much but there isn't enough snow here to go have good time frolics in. Dear Mr Snow cloud, if you're going to spunk all over the place then please do it properly or not at all. The cat has a cold and keeps making me jump with extremely loud sneezes. It'd be quite cute but he keeps wiping his nose all over my duvet :/

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Yeah t'is nice outside. Everyone should stop moaning.

Only in some places. Other places [such as Nottingham] it's just aesthetics.

We still have a bunch of yesterday's leftover snow, so time for DANGEROUSLY DANGEROUS WALK TO TOWN!

This is an example of the breathtaking landscape we have to traverse.


I wish it was nice. :sad:

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