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Tired, aching, coughing, feeling BRILLIANT.


Only downside being that fest is over and work resumes tomorrow. Boo!


The bolded things. Not the last one. I'm fairly sure everytime I cough a little cloud of Reading soil puffs out.


I have literally 12 different blisters on my feet. Lost a shoe in the crowd on Friday and had to wear my wellies all weekend. Getting home was agony, carrying all that shit, walking up and down train platforms all day in so much pain.


Today I was meant to go to the Aberdeen University Open Day, but my friend is a prat, so I didn't. Him and his Dad were meant to give me a lift up so that my Dad wouldn't have to take the day off work to drive up aswell. He said to me on MSN last night "pick you up at 6. be ready!!" He then proceeds to not show up. When I phoned him at half past, he's already in Perth (like 40mins away) saying he phoned me, I sounded tired and told him I wasn't going, and so left without me. I got no such fucknig phone call. So instead of the open day I went back to school, having missed 3 days due to Reading, and being in no way caught up due to expecting to have all of this evening to do so. You'll forgive me if I didn't do so the Monday evening due to getting up at 5.30 the next morning after a weekend at a festival. So I get moaned at by teachers at school. Turns out, my prick friend phoned another friend (at 6am, waking him up), thinking it was me. So he is on the other end of this phone at 6am wondering wtf was going on and telling him to get fucked. He took this as me not wanting to go anymore, so fucked off without me. Of course, Aberdeen are only having 1 Open Day, so I missed it altogether, got bitched at at school, and deprived another friend of sleep, thanks to him being an arsehole.

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*Holds Dan-likes-trees and Chair in a threeway love hug*


I went to sleep at 5am and got up at 7am, fuck my life too.


Although it was to go to the doctor who told me I'm all good healthwise, awesome. First day back at work after aaaages, boooo. Thankfully my computer didn't work (naturally) so I got to be helper headset woman all day. I've had 2 hours sleep and started the diet again today so I've had all of my 400 calories for the day; I may collapse, but I imagine into blissful sleep.

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I had a fairly rad day. I got to drive one of the work vans. We had to pick up the 6 vans for the photographers. It was ace as fuck.


Plus the boss told me I have a good eye for colour, which basically means I'm doing a good job. Splendid.


New guy starts Thursday, so I won't be the "new guy" much longer.


And to really put the icing on the wincake, I found out that someone I went to school with, who was always a bit arty, also applied for the job I'm doing. I beat her good and proper. (For Happenstances information, it was Holly).

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Well festivals are one way to spread swine flu... No cleaning, no germ control. Glad I don't really enjoy them :P


I blame you all if there is a pandemic ¬___¬


Tbf I was amazed that me and my brother didn't come back with Swine Flu or something when we went to Sonisphere, even though we washed our hands with that anti-bacterial stuff after the few times we used the toilets, there were still quite long periods of time where we hadn't washed our hands and thinking about it, would have been so easy to contract a bug or something at a place like that...


I guess we were just lucky. :heh:

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I've yet to meet anybody in person who's come into contact with swine flu. Unless jay and dan dare have..?


Went shopping today, really I was supposed to go to that nasty uni doctors and get my nhs number to change to my new doctors, but I honestly couldn't be bothered, random nightmares have been making sleep difficult so I decided to sod it and do it next week.


Meadowhall was packed - as expected. My only itch is why when you go shopping now, you see what you want online, so you go in wanting to try it on..WHERE IS MY PIECE OF CLOTHING PEOPLE?! Bench, dorothy perkins you both FAIL! Both items were definately popular stuff. So I've ordered the dress from dp online and bench well, fuck them.


I didn't realise shopping could make me so angry, but it truly truly does. Grr.

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Well festivals are one way to spread swine flu... No cleaning, no germ control. Glad I don't really enjoy them :P


I blame you all if there is a pandemic ¬___¬


Let them have their fun, the rest of us will be hidden in a mountain top lab. Once society has finally all but destroyed itself, we shall emerge triumphant with the only cure and claim what's ours in return. Mwahahahahah.

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Been waking up at exactly 10am for like a week now. I wanna lie in :(


Dude. 10am is a lie in.


I woke up at 4am randomly last night. Then the usual 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:00.


I've yet to meet anybody in person who's come into contact with swine flu. Unless jay and dan dare have..?


I have been in contact with people that had it (my younger sibling and customers) but this was after I last saw you I believe....plus I didn't catchicate it.


Summmurrr (thinking noise) woke up. Played with Maya. Did some gardening. Got a phone call for an interview at Disney Store. Cooked. Ate. I've been approached about making my life into a film. TRUFAX.


London tomorrow rather briefly (about five hours) in which I need to fix my friend's nan's laptop, go for an interview and should probably eat. I have no new books to read though since I finished Il Fasciocommunista so probably re-re(-re)-read Norwegian Wood.

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Not bothering to go out to a "friend"'s birthday going-out-on-the-town-thing. Fact is, I can only get into the first bar, so it would be a really pointless trip to and from.


That and no one I truly love is going (2/3 of my besties weren't invited, and the other great ones aren't going).


I wished him happy birthday already.

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At the present moment in time, the shower room downstairs is out of action for up to 2 weeks. Which means no showers and only 1 fully functional toilet. Good news, the bathroom is available. Bad news, it's suitable for smaller people (people no taller than 5:6)

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Today has been quite a nice day. My old laptop went in for repairs a few weeks ago, but it turns out that it is unfixable, so we were given around 400 quid or something worth of vouchers/store credit. So, my Mum decided that it was time we got a new living room TV. So, we only needed to pay an extra 200 quid, and we now have this brand spanking new telly that is perhaps a tad too large for our tiny living room, haha.


Also, I went to the gym today for the first time since I got back home from Belgium. It was quite a nice little session, and even though I haven't been for 2 weeks, I didn't seem too far off the pace from when I left. Sweet. :)


Ine has gone to Spain for 2 weeks with her family, which means that I've gone from spending 2 weeks with her to 2 weeks of minimal contact. Awwww. Damn you, life!

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So I've been watching The Ultimate Fighter - UK vs USA and the UK are kicking arse. Just finished ep 7... wooo!! We rock.


Work was the usual fine/great - the people I work with are pretty much ALL good, though I think one of the Hot Girls doesn't like me because I laughed at her face (read: she has a rubbish sense of humour, so therefore is out of the runnings). Working tomorrow (today) at 10am so I need to get up at 8am in 5 hours time... Hmmm!


Mate's organised a surprise party for another mate tomorrow night. Throwing chess club for it, and sent a text to the club organiser to say that I'm not wussing out!


Got like 4 days off after tomorrow's 8 hour shift, which is nice! Oh yeah -and after I said I was scared to change my forum theme, I think some admin's changed it. My mouse icon isn't showing up so it makes navigation a bit tricky... I'm sure once i get to the mod boards I'll find out the trickster!

I've yet to meet anybody in person who's come into contact with swine flu. Unless jay and dan dare have..?

Yup. My dad had it.

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Well I played bomberman for 4straight hours I was rank C- then I dropped down 2 D then E so now im down at rank E lolz then I played some tetris then went on youtube then ate lunch now im laying down with my cell-phone posting this eating a pop-sicle.

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God damn fucker. One of my bastard friends has dropped out of Theme Fest, cos' he can't get it off work and he has to take his damned girlfriend to the airport on Sunday....


....Who was IN THE ROOM when I rang him last weekend to make sure he'd booked it off work (he hadn't) and was still definitely coming.


Ass hole.


Fuck him, it'll probably be cheaper now anyway. Anyone who drops out isn't awesome enough to hang with me anyway.

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I really should get out and do something with this last week of my summer holidays before Uni starts again. Sitting round the house trying to sort things out and think things out is getting beyond monotonous to the comfortable and I would rather not get into that style of routine. Ideas people, for what I could do. Monetary spending has to be minimal as there's too little to go round. Any and all suggestions will be considered so......... Go! :D




Other than the constant nothing-ness that is happening around my area, I'm thinking a trip to the doctors is now definitely a must. A lump has appeared on my leg. Well, I've had it for awhile and it's never ever been any bother so I just ignored it. Great idea there :indeed: So it's started acting up lately, getting sore and going red. Not good. Have thought it could be a lymph node problem but that's something I really hope it isn't. Might help explain why I've not been feeling great over the last few weeks. Have felt slightly better as of late though and have gained more of an appetite. ::shrug: I'll see. Will do a little more digging around and then see about a doctor.


Oh, and I made a fabulous faux pas on chat last night, mistaking Ellmeister for Eddage. *face palm*

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I really should get out and do something with this last week of my summer holidays before Uni starts again. Sitting round the house trying to sort things out and think things out is getting beyond monotonous to the comfortable and I would rather not get into that style of routine. Ideas people, for what I could do. Monetary spending has to be minimal as there's too little to go round. Any and all suggestions will be considered so......... Go! :D




Other than the constant nothing-ness that is happening around my area, I'm thinking a trip to the doctors is now definitely a must. A lump has appeared on my leg. Well, I've had it for awhile and it's never ever been any bother so I just ignored it. Great idea there :indeed: So it's started acting up lately, getting sore and going red. Not good. Have thought it could be a lymph node problem but that's something I really hope it isn't. Might help explain why I've not been feeling great over the last few weeks. Have felt slightly better as of late though and have gained more of an appetite. ::shrug: I'll see. Will do a little more digging around and then see about a doctor.


Oh, and I made a fabulous faux pas on chat last night, mistaking Ellmeister for Eddage. *face palm*


Don't make me shout at you mister. Get to the doctor!!!

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