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Can I win Skank Of The Day? Because I've realised that I have no clean towels so I can't shower before work... and I've not showered for like 3 days anyway! Also kinda hungover today, but so far it's bearable. It has killed my appetite which means my stomach will be eating itself by midday.

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It's crazy! I'd brought lunch to work from home but I'd scoffed that down by 11. When lunch came round at 1 I went down to the canteen and piled on the food. After cycling home I gorged. I'm full now...I think. :heh:


I originally started riding my bike to get fit and lose a bit of weight. I am fairly fit now, but the food consumption upped so I am the same weight, actually heavier as I'm all muscled up. More muscle, same layer of lard over the top. :heh:

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I originally started riding my bike to get fit and lose a bit of weight. I am fairly fit now, but the food consumption upped so I am the same weight, actually heavier as I'm all muscled up. More muscle, same layer of lard over the top. :heh:


I suspect I'm going to head the same way. Not that I mind, I just wanted a practical way to do exercise since we moved away from the gym I used to go to. Also, I don't have to give the evil evil TFL money anymore, which makes me smile every day! :smile:

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Had a bit of router trouble. This was literally me for about 45 minutes:


All fixed now though. ^___^


Can I win Skank Of The Day? Because I've realised that I have no clean towels so I can't shower before work... and I've not showered for like 3 days anyway! Also kinda hungover today, but so far it's bearable. It has killed my appetite which means my stomach will be eating itself by midday.


Where are you working anyway?

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i got a little bit of a lie in for work, 6am. went in and the big cheeses from the NHS were missioning round, so 4 hours with no games or books allowed. it was annoying. after they went back to finding new ways to make mrsa more available, we played monopoly. im very bad at monopoly, in the end i had just two properties, both brown, but as we counted the winner as the person with the most cash, i was crowned winner. played batman for a couple of hours, then had a crap tea and did the dishes. had to turn down a night out cos im working tommorow. id be disserpointed if i didnt know tommorow was going to consist of poker, monopoly and reading, whilst being paid.

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i got a little bit of a lie in for work, 6am. went in and the big cheeses from the NHS were missioning round, so 4 hours with no games or books allowed. it was annoying. after they went back to finding new ways to make mrsa more available, we played monopoly. im very bad at monopoly, in the end i had just two properties, both brown, but as we counted the winner as the person with the most cash, i was crowned winner. played batman for a couple of hours, then had a crap tea and did the dishes. had to turn down a night out cos im working tommorow. id be disserpointed if i didnt know tommorow was going to consist of poker, monopoly and reading, whilst being paid.


I don't get any hours with anything other than work.. Be a bit more grateful :P

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Same as most really. Learnt the basics of flash and made a 4 second animation that took about two hours (General Gallery). Friend said she'd come see me tonight, and then flunked out. I miss actually having a social life, all my friends are at least 10 miles away and they all have relationships and kids, actual people that go out all seem to live over 100 miles away. Think I need new friends, but don't really know how to do that without some kind of social situation leading to it. What am I to do? Stop people in Tescos and say "wanna be friends yo?"


Another of my friends announced he is having a child today. Maybe I should just do that.


Just remembered my dream last night (well, one of them); my mother smashed an iguana against the wall adjacent to my bed (ie right above my head) repeatedly to kill it because she'd got a new one. Quite horrific.

Edited by Ashley
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I'm so hungover. I went out last night with my sister, I met this really sweet guy called Tom, and we stayed out together til 5am. Since we were horrifically drunk, we thought it a good plan to walk all way to his flat in Bruntsfield, which is a 3 mile walk from the centre of town (literally).


We got into his flat; he wasted no time, and was perhaps too passionate, since he LITERALLY tore my pants off - as in he tore the fabric - I was like "Calm down!!!" (although I didn't say that because I didn't want to ruin the mood).


We woke up at 9, because he had to go to work (at Starbuck's) and I walked home, purposefully not getting on the bus, then I remembered it was about a 40 minute walk, and I was like "Fuck my life.". And I was hungover as fuck.


But I had my iPod with me, so everyone can calm down. I listened to Schism by Tool - I just love the bit where it's like "Between supposed lovers!" and drums kill everything dead.

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Finished work 15 mins early yesterday for being generally awesome, so I attempted to do the Official 'Let's Celebrate Me Getting A Job' (nightwolf organised the unofficial one. It was her, two mates and housemate at my house playing 1vs100 and L4D), so I went with nightwolf to a pub at Far-Too-Early O' clock. Had a couple of drinks, talked about depressing things, then went to a Wetherspoon's and met up with lots of lovely friends.


Turns out we were sitting next to, like, five of my co-workers! Had a natter, they were going to Corp after - I asked mates if they wanted to, they said yes initially but then said "Leadmillllll!" so I told co-workers that it'd have to be another time.


Stopped off at a fairly-new place, The Stockroom, which is trying to be the new Pressure Point. £2.50 for a 500ml can of strongbow was a bit steep, but bumped into my ex-flatmate's-workmate's-fiancé as he was working there, and he told me he's fathering twins!


Then went to Leadmill, danced to some good songs (but mostly rubbish. The DJ in there is always shit. There was a good mix of Brimful of Asha with that pendulum song, though), then left at 3am. My housemate was seriously drunk, and basically trying to get into his mate's pants, even though she has a boyfriend and has already slept with two of my other housemates. We got to London Road and they started doing some gay talking thing, where I think Will was trying to convince her to dump her bf and fuck him, but I was being polite and standing a little way off... forlikeanhour. I went over the road, bought some chips forlikewaytoomuch. They saw me for the drunkface I was and clearly jacked their prices up. First tehy said £3, so I went "wtf", then they said £2, and I said "wt.." so... yeah. Anyway - finally just said to my housemate "i'm-a go home now", stumbled away, crashed, burned, drowned, suffocated and snored until about an hour ago.


Work at 3. I think I can do it. Going to Shorty and Nami's tonight. I think I'll text shorty to see if he wants to pick me up (or, y'know, just type it here and stuff) as I dunno if I could get to his before 9pm if he doesn't!




Had a bit of router trouble. This was literally me for about 45 minutes:


All fixed now though. ^___^




Where are you working anyway?

Argoooooos! So I suppose I fit right in :D
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Then went to Leadmill, danced to some good songs (but mostly rubbish. The DJ in there is always shit.


The whole place is utter shit. The only reason to go there is if you've never been there before and don't know how bad it is.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Had the biennial eye test today but thanks to them sending me a voucher in the post, it didn't cost me a penny. Despite setting my alarm to wake me up, and all my best intentions and efforts, I still ended up being late. Given I told them the earlier the better as far as the appointment time goes, I felt a bit of a prat. In the end, I was just shy of ten minutes late but the lady at the counter didn't hold it against me.


Understandably, my prescription has changed, if only by point two five in each eye, but I decided it was time for some glasses. My eyes haven't really changed much over the nine years I've been going to the opticians to the point that the glasses I had been using were 7 years old and I could see pretty well with them and never felt the need to get a new pair.


I must have tried on almost every pair in the shop.


I'm not particularly drawn by ones with big lens or frames and was looking for something small. It didn't help that a lot on display had larger ones than my old pair. But eventually I found two that I didn't mind the look of and the more I looked at them, the more taken I was with them. And since it's two for one, I had both.


To my surprise, they said they would be ready in 2 hours - it would have been one but the extra coating takes longer. So I decide to go wandering around the shops to pass the time.


Since I'd been having some issues with my shoes as of late, I went looking for some more as a back up of sorts if need be. I found a pair I liked the look of but they didn't have my size on display so the girl had to go out back to get some. And then it dawned on me... My parking ticket had expired. With not expecting to to actually buy some glasses (it was a spur of the moment decision to get some, even if the selection process took 30 mins), let alone pick them up, I'd not bought a long staying one.


Now being the gent I am, I waited for her to come back out again and explained I had to dash but that I'd be back. After that, I walked at a ridiculous pace to get to the car park with a little jog at points. It didn't help that I'd parked on the car park furthest away from the shopping centre but since it tends to be quieter there, it's where I always go.


So I'm coming up to it and I can see a warden floating around on the adjacent one so I'm not feeling too good at this point but it turns out my worries were misplaced because I'd not been clamped... phew...


Upon opening my wallet, I see there's nothing usable in there with which to fund the purchasing of a new ticket. I'm at a loss now thinking what should I do and then a couple who are leaving ask me if I need a ticket before giving me their all day one. Had I actually been on time, I couldn't have parked again, but by being late in my return, it saved me - score one for shoddy time keeping!


I then go back to the shop to try the shoes on and bought. Then it wa a case of wandering through various other shops killing time before picking up my glasses and returning home.

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I'm not particularly drawn by ones with big lens or frames and was looking for something small. It didn't help that a lot on display had larger ones than my old pair. But eventually I found two that I didn't mind the look of and the more I looked at them, the more taken I was with them. And since it's two for one, I had both.


To my surprise, they said they would be ready in 2 hours - it would have been one but the extra coating takes longer. So I decide to go wandering around the shops to pass the time.




Urgh I hate looking for glasses, I always do the exact same :heh:


My glasses take a week to do =( my prescription is complex, +3.2 and +2.5 and the left has a rotation too. And I get mine thinned.. (uber expensive!)


Have you thought about contacts?

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Guest Captain Falcon
Urgh I hate looking for glasses, I always do the exact same :heh:


My glasses take a week to do =( my prescription is complex, +3.2 and +2.5 and the left has a rotation too. And I get mine thinned.. (uber expensive!)


Have you thought about contacts?


I do - I wear them to work everyday.


I tend to wear my glasses in the evening and at weekends when I'm not out and about - if I go out, I put them in. I dare say that goes some way (beyond the no real change in vision) toward me not having bothered to get any new ones since 2002.


Personally, I find contacts tend to make my eyes tired after they've been in a while so I find it easier for my eyes to wear glasses. I do occasionally wear them at work, but only if I'm not feeling too well - which comes back to having them rest.

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I discovered a fucking awesome and easy to get to comic shop I wasn't aware of in London today. Think it might/must be new, but it was awesome.


Downside was the three comic shops we went in didn't have what I was after. Well out of the 4 issues I needed I found 1. (The same one in each shop) failz.

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Just got back from my brother's 18th Birthday Party... we had it at my Gran's who has a pretty big house that she used to rent part of it out as a B&B, so anyway we had part of the old B&B bit, party was pretty good but there was a fair bit of 'drama' between some of my brothers friends.


One guy who's fine when sober but a fucking prize-winning twat when drunk >.> and a couple who have split up twice allready, all hugs etc one minute, fighting the next... the usual case of they know they aren't right for each other but keep denying it / trying again... :indeed: meh w/e... apart from that it was a good night.


A whole carpet needed to be replaced though - due to the drunken fucktard who can never handle his drink and always ends up vomiting at every party, doesn't know his limits and probably never will basically - and spent most of today clearing up / chillaxing a bit / recovering.


So fucking glad to be home again now though because as fun as it was I need to sleep at some point - only got 3 - 4 hours 'sleep' last night - an early-ish night for me tonight I think and no alcomohol for a day or two. :nono:

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Woke up far too early this morning. By the time it had hit 3pm, I was needing to sleep. So had a little nap to tide me over so feeling slightly more awake than I was a couple of hours ago. Went out for a walk for about an hour but that's been about all I've done. Urgh... just want to sleep. It's sunday tomorrow but I know I'll still be awake by 6.30. :nono:


Completed my SAAS application for my tuition fees yesterday after half an hour of trying to remember my password and trying to answer the secret questions to change it. That was annoying but at least its done. Just have to wait for them to send me my stuff my and it should be sorted although I'm sure I'll have to send them further info which will prolong the whole experience.

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Well never posted after yesterday, so I'll do that now.


Went to Alton Towers yesterday with Amanda, and it was awesome. :) She drove us all the way there and back (the way back took at least an hour and a half due to traffic), which was really kind. It rained earlier on and near the end a fair bit, but there was quite a stretch of good weather. I was really close to winning her a big panda (she loves pandas) by throwing these hoops onto glass bottles, and even a guy near me was really impressed, lol. But alas, they must be rigged. :p


But yeah, a great day. Not too much queueing for the rides either. Lots of hugging and kissing going on, hehe. Meeting up with her again on Tuesday to see this film she wants to see. :)

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What film yo? And what topping/insert did she have on her Subway?


That was the other day, lol. We saw Bruno (strange choice for a first date, I know, but we both loved it) and on the sandwich was sweet chicken teriyaki on Italian bread with onions, lettuce and green peppers. :)

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