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Tut tut Wesley. All these spelling mistakes.

We could have met, but it was literally in and out. Weird saying that having had to make a half and hour journey to another city for an in/out job but yeah. Literally went to Daryl, who told me to make sure it works on those pcs, gave it him and left.

No time to linger.

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I've calmed down a bit so here's how my day went with out the swearing and tearing:


Was an early start, up at about 5.30. Had to get the bus into Uni to make sure that I made it in time for my exam, which is always fun because the bus is actually a much more peaceful mode of transport than the morning train and much more comfy then the seats on the train. Trying to find the hall where the exam was was fun. Found it eventually but sat for 15 minutes at the wrong door. Took the appearance of one of the few people I know to show me the way. Stood and talked with her for awhile about the forthcoming exam and then we went in. It was an English exam. First essay went well. Think I've done a decent effort to ascertain a good mark and brought out some good points in relation to Dubliners. Second essay didn't quite go as planned. My mind went blank and had to improvise which led to me rambling on about a play where I couldn't remember the names of the characters. Haven't done as well there but nothing I could or can do. Mind just gave up on me. Spoke to the girl I was conversing with before the exam and she was in the same boat. Then said goodbyes as we won't be seeing each other until after the summer (big mistake on my behalf but it just didn't feel right then and there to say anything else but I'm going to later on).


So had an excessive amount of time to kill so with a decent wodge of cash, I went shopping. Bought a bunch of CDs, only one of which I really intended to buy but two of the others make for a nice addition to my ever growing collection (13 CDs in the last 5 days) and the fourth CD I only bought because I already had most of the songs thanks to my downloading days of yore so thought I'd get the actual CD because there's nothing better than having a physical disc. Then went to have a look at clothes and stuff. Found an Ed Hardy satchel in TK Maxx and was amazed. So wanted it but I didn't really want to spend £50 on it so left it. They had some awesome T-shirts though but I've got too many and not enough trousers to pair them with so left them. Then went to Debenhams for a look and ended up buying a pair of trousers and a T-shirt. Started the day with £140 and only have £45 left :( Wasn't as quick to spend my birthday money last year but then I was waiting for games and this year/summer I'm stepping back a bit on the front and looking to expand my musical vocation.


So it hasn't been a bad day, minus the already posted about anger at a lecturer, and perhaps it'll get better. Must get the ball rolling on that front. Really would be stupid of me to leave it until after the summer as it wouldn't make sense. And it always amazes me that the most mundane of days for me can produce a post this big. Apologises. I shall try and make them smaller.

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For some reason, Red Bull doesn't work on me. I was tired starting work so I had 2 cans along the way to pep me up. If anything it made me yawn more.


It doesn't work on me either. But I reckon it's majority placebo effect anyway.


Besides it tastes like shit.

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Relentless is ftw.

They were giving out free cans of Red Bull at my uni. It's not surprising to think the whole world is going in slow-motion after two cans.

just two? Pffft :P


For some reason, Red Bull doesn't work on me. I was tired starting work so I had 2 cans along the way to pep me up. If anything it made me yawn more.

Red bull stimulates the mind, not the body. You can yawn and feel tired all teh same, but if you've had enough of it then you'll find actually falling asleep really fucking hard.

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Red bull stimulates the mind, not the body. You can yawn and feel tired all teh same, but if you've had enough of it then you'll find actually falling asleep really fucking hard.


I've learnt this the hard way after too many vodka redbulls.

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Mhm if I have a Red Bull at night it keeps me up all night but at 8am, pff. I used to quite liek Sprite 3G but don't really see it around anymore.


Anyway. I did not much with my morning but trekked to Merry Hill in the afternoon. Wanted to see how long it would take, 30 minutes evidentally. Wondered around and then remembered its not really that interesting a place. Came back, bathed, did not much and then cooked.


Soon im going to run out of things to do. My days have already become boring.


But in other news. TWO WEEKS UNTIL JAPAN ^_^

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Relentless is ftw.


QFT! also, damn all your talk of energy drinks! >.< I had a can of this in the back of the fridge for when I felt like drinking one...




Unsurprisingly I felt the urge to drink it tonight :P it's pretty good tbh, a decent alternative to Relentless, the effects from it are easily felt after just half a can... I've almost finished it off and now I'm completely wired... >.>

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these drinks do nothing to me ethen when i have drank a litre of red bull. my body must be ammune to it some how.


in other news, went to college today and did a presentation about my project. was given high marks and every one seemed to like it.

i then continued with my flash game, came home and have just finished watching the da vinci code. twas good.:)

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I've learnt this the hard way after too many vodka redbulls.


Man Vodka Redbull gets me smashed way too quickly. On it's own I hate the taste, but together it's quite nice. And the effect is way too strong considering how fast I can drink it.

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well, went to gym and kaned it, workd super hard, went to pizza hut and had a large pizza, thus undoing all ym hard work.


then went to see star trek. good day, all told.


edit. also, was wating in line for ages to pay for pick n mix, lady was like m(go over there) to a much longer line, so i thought fuck it, and wandered off without paying.id feel guilty, but the place is to expensive any way, might as well robin hood it.

Edited by Chris the great
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Yay for being mature and 18 years old! :blank:


EDIT: I feel for you here. My entire group of friends stopped talking to me because I didn't go to a girl's 18th birthday party, despite the fact she made it quite clear I wasn't wanted there anyway. I feel trapped amongst secondary school kids, it's quite tragic.


Uberbitch will get hit by that karmic yellow bus soon enough, it's obvious. She can't carry on like she is, and keep getting away with it, the universe wouldn't allow it.




I just laughed a tiny bit too hard. There's a guy one of my best mates really likes, but she has a suspect feeling he might be a little bit...gay. So, she says because I'm usually really good at "knowing" I have to tell her by either putting Womanizer on in the car to mean I think he's straight, or Boys meaning I think he's gay, all whilst he's in the car when we head to the cinema tomorrow afternoon.


Literally the most embarassing yet hilarious plan ever.

Edited by Slaggis
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My printer decided to break at the most inconvenient of times - English coursework deadline's tomorrow. I had to get a friend to install a special digital font I used in the coursework, then print my awesome 24 short story off. Guiding him through it took longer than it really should... Second piece is also finished - a review of my short story, now looking snazzy in publisher in a proper article format and adorned with images of Jack Bauer. Yeeeeah. :awesome:

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That guy just emailed me/Molly spoilers for the last episode of Prison Break. On purpose.



God hes awesome. Luckily I've seen it, and was able to warn her not to read it in time.


Update ; Awesome, he just spoilt part of The Wire for me, so thats good.

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I see...


Anyways, my Dad and Step mummy are leaving their pub, there was some rent dispute apparently so they told the brewery to blow themselves. I hear bailiffs turned up and took everything, which it seems they did. 99% of chairs and tables have gone, dartboard, plasmas, even the optics off the walls. They're still on holiday [coming back today], but we had a farewell drink at the place last night, pound a pint, people smoking inside. Tis an end of an era, although I hear they may be trying to get another pub somewhere.


S'their wedding anniversary today too.

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I should probably be happy because today was my last lecture of this year (just some more assignments, presentations, papers and an exam now), but I'm not.


Just got back from seeing the doctor again, and apparently the scan of my leg showed the infection had created an abscess, which has spread from my bone to my soft tissue. I'll be on antibiotics now, and on Friday I will probably find out if I need surgery on it or not. =(


Thing is we don't know how I got it, as the doctor said this kinda stuff only really happens after having a wound of some sorts (usually an open wound). All I have had is maybe some bruises. >.<;

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Spent the morning playing with my new camera trying to figure it all out. Just recieved a phone call from my mother saying her partner has been attacked by a dog while out at a delivery 0_o. My first thought was to ask her if the company insurance covers that (says a lot about me eh?) but didn't, will see what he's like when he gets back. But he's in hospital at the moment. Dramatastic.

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