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School was okay I guess; I pretty much have my website assignment done (even did a lot more than we were asked to) and the teacher said it was looking good. So yay!


Have a ton of work to do though still... kinda makes me want to stay home tomorrow. Don't want 4 hours of (model) drawing either. =/

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Woah, leave the rocks alone. What have they ever done to deserve such abuse. If it wasn't for rocks we'd all be floating around in space.


Seconded, geology for the win!


My day has been pretty good, as one of my two lessons today was canceled, and my friend did (she thinks) very well in her Cambridge interview. :smile:

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My day has been pretty good, as one of my two lessons today was canceled, and my friend did (she thinks) very well in her Cambridge interview. :smile:

That's cool.


Anyway, I've done pretty much nothing today, apart from browse the internet for Wii stock at a reasonable price. I managed it in the end, GAME got some stock in just now.

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I have had a good day. Easy enough day at school, and I get home to find and interview for York Uni, and an offer from Aston ^_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________^

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The last 2 days have been hell! But i've finally finished my english coursework! yay! No more coursework until after the xmas hols :)

And Mum bought me a new coat and it is lovely and warm :)

Tonight i'm going to my best mate's brother's first proper gig. Should be fun!

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Guest Stefkov

I had a fun day talking about meatspin and the like at dinner time.

Then I had a Binary test and we got talked about Validation leaving us 10 minutes to do work.

Stayed behind to go over CP2 stuff which I know. I know it all damnit but I got an E on the exam. An E damnit.

It must have been a shit examiner. The same happened with General Studies.

The second half of the alphabet, whatever it's range is, failed one of the General Studies exams. Purely because they gave it to someone who didn't know what to do. Everyone failed it so it's not teachers/students fault.


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I have had a good Monday! :)


The highlight of my day was when i had to give my English Presentation (on The Tempest). I had lost my notes and instead of telling the teacher, when she asked "are you ready" i said yes and before i knew it i was up in front of the class giving my presentation with no notes!!! :o


i just went with the flow and spoke out what i was thinking, although i did eventually become unstuck after a good 20 minutes and then i had to explain where my notes were but it the teacher said it was a valiant effort! :grin:

the annoying thing was i found my memorystick with my notes on afterwards....


It was very out of character for me...or was it in character as it was completely random. :wtf:

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Spent the day discussing the feasibility of man-rape, whether it's possible, believable, and whether the "victim" would actually give a shit. Man, women have it easy, they can have all the sex they want and not have to worry about getting anyone pregnant.


Except themselves.


(how long did you spend talking about this :P)

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I have had a good Monday! :)


*checks* no... the world hasn't imploded :wtf:

you had a GOOD monday?!


...on a monday?! THATS GREAT!! congratulations coolness :yay: !! i'm glad a monday finally went well for you! XD

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We explored it pretty thoroughly, mainly whether it's possible to get a hard on when you're asleep. :heh:

If you sleep over about 8 hours you tend to get one to stop you peeing yourself.

Why is the word WAS now in capitals?


Also, i followed the trend and christmassed my avatar.

Because this thread is supposed to be about how your day WAS, and a lot of people are just using it to chat about current things, like the MPT, instead of a retrospective of their day. I don't know who changed the title though.
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*checks* no... the world hasn't imploded :wtf:

you had a GOOD monday?!


...on a monday?! THATS GREAT!! congratulations coolness :yay: !! i'm glad a monday finally went well for you! XD


Hehe, Woo! Thanks Bluey! ^___^


I know it's scary to think i actually had a good Monday!!! :heh: bu things went rgiht for once. :yay:


One word of advice don't drink milk then orange juice just afterwards, it leaves you with the weirdest taste.....

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Got some xmas shopping sorted thanks to flatmate and his girlfriend. xmas shopping is totally better in small bursts :) Been watching my Improv Everywhere DVD's. They're comical, not too different to the web ones, but at least it's a one-off physical thing now.


Just started watching the second episode of Eerie Indiana and got mah 2ltr cider bottle at my side.

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