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I just went on some of my accounts for giggles, it amazes me that people are still on some of them.


My worrying is kicking in again, must.think.positive.thoughts..


yeah i saw your orange flowers poping up and down twice :p



think positive thoughts nightwolf :)

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Guest Stefkov

lol msn.


Only 6 hours remain on this rendering process. It's bobbing along, on the beautiful briny sea.


Edit: 3 and a half now. Yaaaaayl

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Last night was good, wasn't gonna go out properly as I had my car, but due to massive peer pressure and people actually pinning me against a wall, I stayed out.


I actually felt quite bad for you then....then you started drinking and my guilt vanished to be fair.


Threw away loads of stuff from school, about a tonne of paper, and my barbies (completely forgot I had them still). Apart from one that I've kept as a memento, plus she's awesome.




Hahaha! Awesome.




....I mean...girly and lame.


Don't really need to see this but I'm showing you anyway...


Thats what she said.

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Already not off to a good start, not seen my girlfriend in about 4 days now.

To top it all off someone has sent her this message:

Heather we fink u shud kno that terry as bin seen wiv sum 1 els while u wernt out. he was all ova her an we fink its not rite. u cant trust him.

Ive rang the number, and heather has texted them back, but we have no reply.

I personally think its a simcard which was just used to text her then disposed of, which personally i think is pretty cowardly. If im accused of something i should have the chance to challenge it!

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Snow! But it's too cold to go out........ well maybe not. I haven't checked how cold it is. Think it's about 2 degrees but with wind chill it's below zero. Was wanting to go out but really can't be arsed drudging through the snow. Have to decide what to do. I'm sure I could waste some time with the blender and a fridge sort of full of stuff. :heh: always good for a short laugh. Then guess I could stick miscellaneous stuff in the microwave. Wonder if I have any blank cds........ *goes off to look*

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RRRRRRaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarr! I am a hill that has decided to stop sitting down, and in standing up I've upended several park benches and sent a granny walking her dog flying. Or something.


Met up with a bud last night, drank then drank some more, then drank some gin and watched Pulse (shite film) and some of The Money Pit, and listened to music and crashed on her sofa then stumbled home and now I am tired and hungover and am looking forward to wasting the day away with supernatural and one piece and maybe finishing mirror's edge. BLURGRHUIGBG.

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It feels mean, but today I want to dodge a visit to my Grandmas. My parents are going to sort out bank details with her and want me to visit but my cousin is at work and I cant slip out while they do the mind numbing stuff. I want to stay in and read Hunter S Thompson.

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I haven't seen my one nan in months (she does live about 30 miles away in the middle of nowhere) because I was working Sundays during the summer, when back at uni my dad forgot I existed, and now that he's remember im working again. So it'll be boxing day.

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It feels mean, but today I want to dodge a visit to my Grandmas. My parents are going to sort out bank details with her and want me to visit but my cousin is at work and I cant slip out while they do the mind numbing stuff. I want to stay in and read Hunter S Thompson.


Can you not read it over there?

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I've resubbed to WoW...it's a rocky road ahead >_<


Similarly, I got a free trial for the Burning Crusade. I'm enjoying it more than I was the first time round last year, are you on the Dragonblight server? I didn't realise they had achievements either, I just got one for logging in on the 4th anniversary, and Blizzard gave me a free Baby Blizzard Bear. :D

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I'm incredibly bored now. Have nothing to do. Well I mean I could sit down and try and finish Gears 2 but really don't want to sit and play something. Have a hankering for watching Lost In Translation (started last night while watching a repeat of the Top Gear episode where they race across japan). Think I may indulge myself in that. Or might have a huge viewing of King of the Hill.

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