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My day's been great. I had a sixth form evening where I just looked at the type of options that I could pick, all of them sound great (that I would like to do). Nintendo fanboy teachers turning up with Wii/Nintendo branded straps attached to their namecards made my night, as well as chat about Galaxy.

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Guest Stefkov

I woke up 5 minutes after I should have left for the bus so I couldn't have a shower, never a good thing. My lesson was the usual bore with a mini test.

Got home to find Assassins Creed had arrived. Great Success. Had a Swiss Roll for my breakfast at 12/1.

Played till 2 then went to go work. Felt sick, good for me someone had stocked up, so I had to do my dads jobs..¬_¬

Got home and played more Assassins Creed, feeling even more sick. Went for dinner and couldn't eat it.

Best part of my day is sat here typing this listening to the Portal ending song.

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slept in

watched charmed

came to the library

went and complained to the watch guy thing - warden repair dude about the light, shower, doorbell


he fixed 2 outta 3


so hungry again :S


I Love your Mini Summaries! :D


My English Presentation is taking me ages.. but i'm striving to make it the best! :yay: my day has become more boring because i'm working on this! :)

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Called back for blood tests again on monday - they screwed up or my tests came back high.


Eenuh I hope things get better for you, seems like youve had a rough lot lately... :(


Thanks. It's not like my life is bad or anything, but school is extremely stressful and exhausting. We have so much work to do it's almost impossible to keep up. I don't even get to buy Mario because of it (I can't even remember last time I used my Wii; probably before the summer). D:


Finished some crappy assignments and have to go print another one tomorrow, if I can find a copy place that prints on A1 sized paper (god that's going to be expensive). Have to do that during my lunch break as well, walking through the city to find the right place. I hope it won't rain. =(


And due Wednesday I have to get a painting finished... a painting that is at least 70cm x 50cm (probably bigger). I have yet to start painting it, and my Saturday and Sunday are already filled with work and obligatory spaghetti evening (organised by sisters' youth group thingie) and mussel evening (organised by sister's boyfriend's scouts thing). @____@

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I've been sat in my chair with my guitar in my lap since I woke up, only thing I ate today was half a tube of jaffa cakes I found in my drawer. It was pretty fun, I feel totally burnt out for some reason though. I also wrote a very angry essay/ rant, at nothing in particular. I need some form of intoxication so I can fall asleep now.

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Yesterday my day was good. Finally decided to ask this girl out at college. I REALLY like her and she said yes! So I am meeting her today near college. I will let you know how it goes. A bit nervous but tres excited. Its what I've wanted for a long time now.

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Today has been kind of meh so far. Even though I didn't get enough sleep, I'm still not feeling -too- tired (though tired enough that I could go for a nap now).


Handed in my stupid advertising assignment and sat through a not so interesting class on photography, or selfportraits to be exact. One of our next assignments, to take tons of selfportraits. Problem is the woman expected we'd had some technical and practical experience already with photography, but we know nothing (most don't even have a camera).

Anyway, I managed to tear off some part of my lovely winter coat, so I have to see if I can fix it at home. =(


Went to a printing place and they printed out my stuff for a pretty decent price (though I'm wondering if he forgot to ask payment for one of the prints). Took me more than an hour in total, most of it spent walking. On "high" heels. I'm not used to them. >.>;


Now four more hours. Two Psychology and two Literature. Boring (and my friends won't be there cause they still need to finish an assignment).



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Yesterday my day was good. Finally decided to ask this girl out at college. I REALLY like her and she said yes! So I am meeting her today near college. I will let you know how it goes. A bit nervous but tres excited. Its what I've wanted for a long time now.


Congrats mate.


Out of interest, what did you ask her exactly?

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