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Urg, some twat broke my dad's car window and nicked the (cheap) radio/CD player. A bad end to an otherwise enjoyable day. :(


Was your Dad's car parked somewhere in Bath? I reported a car getting smashed into and having its radio stolen around 10pm. Spooky. Sorry to hear the bad news though.

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Had an alright day; went through a pretty bad patch earlier on but that was fixed by eating a fantastic dinner I helped make, watching top gear and running another successful live mafia game. I feel much better now :D

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Was your Dad's car parked somewhere in Bath? I reported a car getting smashed into and having its radio stolen around 10pm. Spooky. Sorry to hear the bad news though.


How strange. Maybe it's a good time to do it as there's so few people around. It was where I live, in Hertfordshire.

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Should be in bed, school tomorrow, though we have no lessons or anything.


Just relaxed all day, think some people went out, but I couldn't be arsed. Watched another episode of The Wire, OH BUMs! Just remembered I'm 4 episodes or something behind on Brothers and Sisters. Will have to watch another tomorrow night, and then some next week before they disappear from 4OD.

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Had an alright day; went through a pretty bad patch earlier on but that was fixed by eating a fantastic dinner I helped make, watching top gear and running another successful live mafia game. I feel much better now :D


In words of guy from TF2... "You did well!" :D

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driving went badly today, couldent get my head round it, even stuff i rocked at before. meh.


also, last night my dad had a classic moment


*knock on the wall* (apparently speaking loudly was to difficult)

me "what?"

dad " chris, cable is broken again."

*me walking in*

"whats wrong with it?"

*dad points at the television displaying AV1*

me "well, its not on the right setting, you want HDMI1"

dad "really!?"

me "it's been like that for about 3 months now, ive told you about it and watched you do it several times"

dad "first ive heard of it"


i just dont get him.

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I really don't like how my work colleagues are treating me and fellow colleagues who are at high risk of being made redundant. I don't get any work, i have to beg for it. No-one talks to me anymore and i've nearly had enough. There is one prick in particular who really doesn't like us.


I'm fighting to stay, but chances could be low.

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Went to bed in a bit of a foul mood. And woke up with it. Don't know entirely why. Well, that's not true. It's to do with being tired of everything and everyone, and just wanting to throw the towel in. There's just this air of uncertainty wafting around me, consuming my every thought. And try as I might, it won't let me be. As such, it's making me feel very transparent both in terms of my character and in terms of my thoughts. No one around me gets what or who I am. I try to explain but it either gets misinterpreted or falls solely on death's ear. There's just no one around that I can spill out my thoughts onto and have it understood. I feel myself wanting to just find some stranger to talk to but around here, I'd probably get stabbed for it.


so yeh, bleh. I did have a moment of respite courtesy of my nephew, Corbin, who came up stairs to come and see me which was nice.

Edited by Ganepark32
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Went to Wagamamas and to see Transformers today.

It was one pretty good day. I tried some Asahi super dry, like always it tasted the same as every other beer I've tried, but if you haven't tried it then you can't say anything about it.

Other than nearly crying at how awesome the Transformers fight scenes were (I love giant robots and explosions) I'm physically weak and feel as if my arms will die and fall off me.


I missed this last night and all I can say is that I'm appalled. Asahi has an incredibly distinct taste!

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So I told myself I might actually considering 'dating' people again last night and then two guys I've known for ages are suddenly telling me they like me..*unimpressed face*


What the freakin' hell >.<


Melodrama over, I want to go back to sheffield. Today. This instant. But of course I can't because I'd have to find somewhere to park my car because until next wednesday I'm still at halls that have no fucking parking spaces. Grr. I'm going crazy being here, no money to do anything, which means nearly zero petrol to see anybody. Gah. Least my tyres are being sorted tomorrow. But that means I can't go anywhere tomorrow, can't leave the house or anything..


it's going to be a bad week, so I changed my sig and avatar to help cheer me up.

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Sorry to hear Dante :( And also sorry to hear you're down NW :( But awesome new sig/av.


Never ever lend money to people.


Ashley Jones

Today at 14:48

So its been about three weeks since I last asked and you ignored me again, which is, by the way, fan-fucking-tastic, so whats your excuse now?



Today at 15:25

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job...tis that simple


Ashley Jones

Today at 15:30

as if i lent it you a week ago.


so any eta? i do need to be able to live this summer.



Today at 15:31

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well i have no job, cant go on the dole as i really dont know


Ashley Jones

Today at 15:41

well there has been what, four or five loan payments since? and what about someone in your family? borrowing off them because its been two fucking years and im left in the cold and it was hard enough dragging 100 out of you seeing you on a daily basis.


sorry the no job doesnt cut it, youre just switching excuses constantly.



Today at 15:43

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well that is my excuse....i have no job so no money.


Ashley Jones

Today at 15:51

but the larger issue is you have no fucking plans to ever pay this back. you have had money in the last two years but spent it on getting pissed.



Today at 15:56

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Ashley Jones

Today at 15:58

can you quit being a cunt for a moment and try and be reasonable. you know you're in the wrong and all im looking for is some solution.



Today at 16:01

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well like i have said, i have no job so i have more money.

i dont know when i will get a job but i am looking but i am sure you are finding it hard to


Ashley Jones

Today at 16:05

yes the ecomony sucks but once again you have recieved several thousand in student loans which i never saw, why should i believe you have any intentions of paying me back if/when you get a job. plus what about some family member willing to spot you something toward it.



Today at 16:07

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well now it is pointless to mention the loans, and my family can not 'spot' me. I can not do anything til i get money


Ashley Jones

Today at 16:12

it may be pointless now but the countless times before? you brush over it with such a fucking disregard, both now and when it was happening. do you realise i need this money, and have needed it at a point when you did have it but ignored me on several times. sell some stuff for all i care, we all have to do it at times.



Today at 16:14

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well i need money too. and i very much doubt you have no where to live. i have no job cant i make it anymore simple?


Ashley Jones

Today at 16:19

i never said i have nowhere to live, i have no money to live on.


and its not simplification im looking for. some apology would be nice. and some thanks. some acknowledgements of a favour being done, both in the lending and in being overly patient with the payback. and some contingency plan. you realise if you had paid back even less than 50p a day we would have been sorted ages ago? thats what, one less packet of fags a week.



Today at 16:25

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well i have no money too...and now it seems pointless to talk about what ifs aint it?.

and i have had to cut down and stop living too. how was Japan?



Im not responding to that last one, at least for now unless I think of something worth saying. I'll ignore the latter question anyway. Two years and he acts as if all I did was buy him a chocolate bar, not give him three hundred and fifty fucking quid.

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You're suggesting the gaggle is an inferior beast! I would say you're devolving :(


Don't be ridiculous, check your 'dex - it's gaggle -> jayseven -> Dan Dare. Somebody already gave you a Modstone - just a few more levels and you'll have all the best psychic attacks.

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