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What is this ladder theory of which you speak?

Basically that girls separate guys they know into friends and people to date, whereas guys would happily date friends. It's only pseudoscience though, and doesn't really work most of the time.


Edit: I win the first page 1000 post! :heh:

Edited by Supergrunch
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Leaving at 1.15 today, to go have my tongue-tie cut.


I'm fairly sure it's ridiculously routine and even boring for the hospital to do, but still, mildly nervous.

Are you having general anaesthetic? That's always a bit scary, but it means that nothing whatsoever is required of you during the operation.

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why is it such a random number on the start of page 1000? 24976? that makes 24.976 posts per page. i dont get it.



There are 25 posts per page, so we will hit post 25000 on the last post of this page. It's all because the first page is page 1 not page 0.

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Both by me - I thought there may be at annoyance at my joke, so I took it back.




I assumed you'd open a new thread or something. Lots of forums do that when the original reaches a "max" page limit. But it's nicer keeping it as it is. :smile:

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Heading out in a bit to meet somebody whom I'm selling my DS Phat too. Will be a sad occasion but I never play my DS Phat, only my DS lite, and so it's best if someone else can get the use out of it instead of it sitting gathering dust. And £50 for it is not a bad deal.


ANd yay! 1000 pages. Claimed my place on it :heh:

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Guest Jordan

Wow, page 1000. It took us a lot longer to get here than the last MoTD thread...


I feel pretty shit and hungry. Going to eat and then try get some sleep.

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Good luck, Goafer/Rez the second.


Hmm, it's only 1 oclock, but it's not been a great day, so far. I'm really sick of being skint all the time, and I can't wait until Uni finishes and I can actually start making money. But, I'm reluctant to look for jobs now because it costs me so much to get back home to go to interviews. It's going to cost me about 60 quid per visit home...how the fuck can I afford this?!


That's another issue. Home. At the moment, I'm caught between a rock and an even deadlier rock. If I stay in Brighton, I'll be skint again, most people will be moving away, I'd have to find a place to stay, and then decide how to get to work each day.


If I stay at home, I'll at least have my parents there, and friends will be there, too. However, my family is still in a state at the moment. I was ringing my Mum this morning, and got through to my youngest brother, who told me that my other brother had been gambling again. He's sold some things at home, and has taken the 1800 quid from when my Dad sold his car. He disappeared for two days, and only came home this morning. Ahhh, this is the kind of house I'm moving back into.

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threads reaching 1000 always makes me think of the end of densha otoko when they finally lock the thread. *sniff*


i just spent a good portion of my lunch hour sat on the wall outside with my book/talking to jamba in the sunshine & fresh air. nice nice ^_^ feelin good now!!

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Hmm I don't think I'll have all the glory of being on page 1000, but I'll settle for 1001 since that number is the same backwards as forwards.


Having a pretty meh day at work. Office is pretty much a ghost town lately as most are on hols.


Edit, ok somehow I qualified, but I think 1001 would have been nicer.

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Leaving at 1.15 today, to go have my tongue-tie cut.


I'm fairly sure it's ridiculously routine and even boring for the hospital to do, but still, mildly nervous.


Just don't do what my sister did after her tounge-tie op (eating Salt and Vinegar crisps) and all will be fine.


Good luck btw.


And i have the honour of being on page 1000 as well.

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Well that was brutal. I was pretty much told that the course I'm currently doing in photography is a bit shit since it's black and white film work and nowhere does that anymore. So my last 6 months have been a complete waste in terms of qualifications. Although I got to meet some cool people and have fun so I still think it was worth it.


Luckily, I think she liked my portfolio. I seemed to have a good range of photos. She also mentioned how she had already seen quite a few portfolios, including some from "so called professional" (her words) photographers and mine was better than people with far more eperience than me. Badical.


The only problem now is, if I got the job I'd be starting off as a junior, which involves only working in the busy period. So I'd only be working twice a year for 6 weeks. I'd have to find another job for the quiet times. Gee willekers.


And the worst part? I cant even have a proper whinge about the whole thing since she was quite nice.

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Man. Head seriously hurts. I've thrown up this morning for the first time in well over a year and all I'm puking is the water I drank when I woke up, so it's just silly!


Got Live to activate on my xbox at some point... but hangover means I'll probably trip back to bed shortly...




FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. My coursework is only supposed to be 5 pages :| I've written it to 6! FUCK. I was about to hand it in when someone said something about the header and footer. I've just looked on the piece of paper and its only supposed to be 5 pages. SHIT. 1 hour to sort it out and get there to hand it in.

On extra page? :| That's no bid deal dude. Is it? I dunno.

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