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If you tell Flinky to use the clasp instead of using his teeth, the cheap ones will last alot longer.


Hahah, (sadly) that's not the problem. These cheap ones just loose their shape/form after a while, so they really don't sit well. Plus I still don't know what size I am exactly (makes bras sit a bit uncomfortable) and would love some professional advice from the woman who sells those super expensive bras. X3


Just tried to nap, but I think I failed. Actually, I can't even tell if I slept or not. But since I still feel tired it's been a failure anyway, heh.

Anywayyy, time for work!

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Hahah, (sadly) that's not the problem. These cheap ones just loose their shape/form after a while, so they really don't sit well. Plus I still don't know what size I am exactly (makes bras sit a bit uncomfortable) and would love some professional advice from the woman who sells those super expensive bras. X3


Just tried to nap, but I think I failed. Actually, I can't even tell if I slept or not. But since I still feel tired it's been a failure anyway, heh.

Anywayyy, time for work!


Next time you're in the UK get yourself to a Marks & Spencers - they'll tell you your bra size for free.

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Next time you're in the UK get yourself to a Marks & Spencers - they'll tell you your bra size for free.


Oh I'm sure I can get it for free somewhere here too, but I really do want one of those decent bras, because they actually will last a lot longer and are supposed to sit better (according to everyone in my family). =P


Plus I think the sizing in the UK is different? Pretty sure it is.

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You have a weak point on your app? PHIAL!


February 18th 2009


The day that the last remaining fragment of my soul was obliterated, the dim and flickering light of my inner existence was extinguished and I died inside.

What mundi said.

I am coughing up blood and my tonsils are the size of a malteser. Somebody please run out and get me lozenges. I don't want to have to keep sounding like a dinosaur.

Sure it's your tonsils and not your uvula?

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(Just work is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit today. Want to get on with my amazing new comic idea which I will 100% see through, but can't cos too busy/old annoying people/patronising internal colleagues/people I want to murder etc)


I'm back.


Interview went pretty well I think. I got some pr0 answers out and I think I covered my only weak point on the application pretty solidly.


Should know by the end of the day. I'll let you guys know :)


Well donez! Good Lucksz!

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Next time you're in the UK get yourself to a Marks & Spencers - they'll tell you your bra size for free.


Except M&S don't tend to measure the right size..


Eenuh, I'd say that when you have some pennies it's worth every single one to buy an expensive bra.


Woke up with a nice fever, walking to uni and sitting in class was interesting, but got forced out after half an hour because I could see stars infront of my face..stars I can still see. Not sure about even stepping out my flat tonight, although I need to get some food shopping done and get this disgusting room cleaned..gah..sleepy..

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Didn't go into Uni today. Just sort of wandered about. Really should be going to my psychology lectures as it's what I'm at Uni to study but it's been really boring lately. The whole memory/cognition thing was sort of interesting but it's not what I want to study and not why I'm doing psychology. Want to learn about dreams and stuff. Moved onto Biopsychology and have spent the last hour or so going over the first two lectures which I've missed. Sounds like it's going to be an interesting topic and the fields of work you can get into from it are interesting enough. Kind of what I'm wanting to study.


Will have to attend more of my lectures though and give it a fair chance to see if I want to continue it or change over to study english full time, which I'm enjoying much more, even though the reading load has been horrific so far this semester, as it allows me to be creative and use my mind in the way I enjoy when writing essays on books and poems (which we aren't doing this semester which sucks as I enjoy doing poetry). Can see my mother going a bit ape-shit should I change over from Psychology to English in the summer seeing as it would be a third career move. But I'll see how the next 2 months go with psychology as I've only 2 months, roughly 6 or 7 weeks, until I'm finished Psychology for the summer (ridiculous isn't it. Gonna have to get a job :heh:)

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Today was awesome!


Some german woman came to visit us in college today, and we spent the day making outfits from clear plastic :D

I also got a killer corset pattern out of it!



Im gonna finish it tomorrow.


Also making posters/tickets right now for Project Rainbow.

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I've had a busy evening! :grin:


I spent two hours watching Cbeebies watching with my nephew! The programmes are not a touch on what I used to watch. Except In the Night Garden as that is just my mind in television form! :p




Oh and I now know the dance off Lazytown. ;)


And then I had to cook dinner for 5! :yay: Which was crazy as all things were ready at different times. I didn't plan it very well!

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And I got up to 3rd gear (not bad for my second lesson) :awesome:


A lot of people have trouble with getting into 3rd, so here's a tip: don't try and push the stick from 2nd the 3rd - instead, release it from 2nd, let it reset it's position to neutral, and push it up into 3rd.

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A lot of people have trouble with getting into 3rd, so here's a tip: don't try and push the stick from 2nd the 3rd - instead, release it from 2nd, let it reset it's position to neutral, and push it up into 3rd.


And when you get the hand of it you can just push it straight up into third. No need to go up and right as it's spring loaded.

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I had another driving lesson today ^^


I didn't conk out the car once, and she hinted towards going on REAL ROADS next time! ^___^ And I got up to 3rd gear (not bad for my second lesson) :awesome:


Lots of shit going down in work... Bleh. I've got a 4 day weekend so I'll forget about that til Monday.


Well done dudette!!


Too many times have I accidently gone into 5th whilst between two cars or something >.<

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A lot of people have trouble with getting into 3rd, so here's a tip: don't try and push the stick from 2nd the 3rd - instead, release it from 2nd, let it reset it's position to neutral, and push it up into 3rd.


That is pretty much EXACTLY what my instructor said. Bloody good Sir. :heh:


And when you get the hand of it you can just push it straight up into third. No need to go up and right as it's spring loaded.


Hmmm... I see what you mean. I don't really find the gears toooo much of a problem. The car is new and the gears are lovely. Its just remembering when you need to go down, and getting it timed right when I'm stopping at a junction.


I think I'm getting the hand of this stupid biting point thing. I lost a hell of a lot of confidence in myself when I did a couple of lessons with someone else about 5 years ago.


He was really bad at explaining the whole process. He never stated stuff that made logical sense. Of course when your in a panic doing several things at once, all logic goes out of the window. =(


But now I feel like I'm actually cracking it, something I never expected to happen so soon.


Maybe I am awesome after all. :indeed: :awesome:

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Hmmm... I see what you mean. I don't really find the gears toooo much of a problem. The car is new and the gears are lovely. Its just remembering when you need to go down, and getting it timed right when I'm stopping at a junction.


I think I'm getting the hand of this stupid biting point thing. I lost a hell of a lot of confidence in myself when I did a couple of lessons with someone else about 5 years ago.


He was really bad at explaining the whole process. He never stated stuff that made logical sense. Of course when your in a panic doing several things at once, all logic goes out of the window. =(


But now I feel like I'm actually cracking it, something I never expected to happen so soon.


Maybe I am awesome after all. :indeed: :awesome:


It becomes a hell of alot easier as you go on, now I just jump in my car and don't have to think about it, well done and learning fast. :bowdown:

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