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I quite like strawberry and orange creams...


Just remembered this amusing convesation me and my mother had last night as I was prepping to leave (ie headphoning up)


Mother: "Why do you have those big headphones now anyway?"

Me: "Do you really want to know? Really?

Mother: "Yes."

Me: "I could hear Jodie [housemate] all the time...see, told you you didn't want to know."




Hope you feel better soon Haggis :) And yup, going to the doctors probably is a good idea. If you don't you'll have to be ill and clueless for 48 hours.

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I just chanced upon a list of symptoms of depression — my dad used to work in mental health — and every single one applied to me. So, either I'm severely depressed or a hypochondriac. Life is like a box of chocolates on Boxing Day: the only options left are strawberry or orange creams.


"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get, unless you look at the label."


I said this when I was younger and thought I was hilarious.




Sadly only the jokes have changed...

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What ever happened to the coffee cremes? I was destroyed when I couldn't find any in any tins at all. ;_;


I hear ya. Its crazy. Someone should bring out just....a whole thing that is only coffee creams.


You slag.


Orange creams >>>>> Coffee creams. :D


So untrue it hurts.


So I'm at work and it's really cold, like massively cold. That's not really newsworthy but I'm booooooored and wish I was asleep or watching christmas tv.


Damn, sucks dudette. Not long now though. Past the halfway mark. Their lack of heating is stingy/ridiculous.

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Cremes ain't that bad, it's always the pinks and blues that get left really, fudges and coconut things innnit.

I'm due to a christmas party tonight, well excited! However, I would quite to try and obtain some mistletoe, santa hat, and food beforehand as I'm going round early to help my friend setup her shiz/straighten my hair, but I am unsure as to where I could procure the two former at the moment? Where would sell mistletoe and santa hats? My first thought'd be a christmas shop, but then I realised it'd be totally silly for such a shop to exist!

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I just chanced upon a list of symptoms of depression — my dad used to work in mental health — and every single one applied to me. So, either I'm severely depressed or a hypochondriac. Life is like a box of chocolates on Boxing Day: the only options left are strawberry or orange creams.


Hope you feel better soon mate, i know exactly how you feel.

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My day today has been very lazy! I gotta pack at some point today, Going to Vegas tomorrow for the week! woop!


Ooooh, have fun! =D


I did most of my packing yesterday, but still have a tiny bit left to do today (mostly just toiletries, heh). Getting a bit nervous now, but travelling always does that to me. X3

And I keep thinking I'm forgetting something...

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Contemplating going out again today. Went out for a bit yesterday, mainly to pick up Animal Crossing Wii, and didn't really get a look anywhere else (GAME was a nightmare as was Gamestation so I just gave up). Wanting to check Woolworths to see what I can get on the cheap, which will probably be nothing but with my local one not set to close till the 5th I'm hoping they'll stock up again.


Had a bit of bad news last night. My grandfather has been ill and last night he was taken to the doctors. Haven't been told what's wrong with him but apparently he was talking to my mother and my grandmother about a football match that was played in pitch black darkness. He also thought the doctor was my brother. :S He's got some medicine so I'm hoping he gets better.

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Ooooh, have fun! =D


I did most of my packing yesterday, but still have a tiny bit left to do today (mostly just toiletries, heh). Getting a bit nervous now, but travelling always does that to me. X3

And I keep thinking I'm forgetting something...


Don't forget the chocolates!


Although, we have loads here, haha.

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Ganepark, I hope your grandfather will be fine and gets better. Take care! *hugs*


Don't forget the chocolates!


Although, we have loads here, haha.


Heh, I'll see if I can buy some at the train station in Brussels, but don't count on it too much. X3

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I've been drunk every day I've been in Brighton, each time with at least three new different people. tonight will be a wear-all-the-clothes-I-can-find night as a mate (who was at the hyde park meet) comes to stay with me for a night or two and we go to The LAGOOOON!!! Cannay wait.


Just cleaned my room, took me ages cos it was a bit of a state. I've also realise that I own some pretty awful CD's, just wasted my money on such shit music in the past :D


Going to spend the rest of the day munching away at christmas chocolate, wahey..

GOOD PLAN. I just remembered I haven't touched any of my chocs yet.


Terrible week of losing things, lost wallet friday, got it back Monday. Lost bag on tuesday, got it back just now...but some prick stole the book I wanted to read from it! Luckily left my others, one of which was a library book...I'm also missing an SD card but I'm not sure if that was even ever in the bag or has fallen out of a pocket.

Did you have your lucky chip on you?

Lolz, I'm playing a bit of festive roulette online/Sky Channel 190 and the dude just said my username (ReZource) a few times due to wins. Quite lol. Finally made it to TV.
I'm pretty sure you betting again means you owe me money...
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I've actually updated my personal blog today. :yay:


This can only mean one thing. I have now done everything to avoid my essay.


Only one thing left to do I guess...





procrastination is win. When the procrastination thread was around I promised myself I would clean the filters for my dyson... I did it yesterday, lol.


Plus your sig is made of all kinds of coloured win, daft! :D

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So it turns out I have work later...im sure it was yesterday. Ah well. Slowly doing uni work but not really getting 'stuck in'. Going to go to town early to have a poke around, see if theres anything interesting in the sales.


Watched some BSG, going to finish off season three later. Should give me plenty of time to watch 4.1 (4.0?) before it begins again in a few weeks.


Keep putting off checking when my assignments are due in. Two of them are pretty much finished. My screenwriting one I need a day to just really go at it. Its all in my head but writing it down...meh. And my forth is still a vague idea.

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