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:yay::bowdown::heart::yay::bowdown::heart: :heart: :bowdown::yay::heart::bowdown::yay:


:heart: :heart:


I get my mini christmas with my mates today, going to be awesome!


Getting abit sick of stuff today, this guy I said who likes me was bothering me last night and I just basically had to tell him to fuck off because of how emo he was getting...


Getting annoyed with my flat also..for some reason my room stinks of like yogart and some other smell..I can't understand why it does when my room is so clean! Got frikkin oust and everything and it still won't go away! I suppose it might be because the kitchen stinks..but surely kayleigh's room would smell also...gah..


Yeah mini xmas...ftw!

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Today is going well (other than sleeping in longer than I should but ah well).


Lecture was okay. Presentations which are never fun but I did get my grade back, B :D One of the highest.


Then my housemate left for six weeks so im going to be alone but I won't notice that for a few days...


Work rang asking as I worked extra on Monday would I mind giving up Saturday which was whatever. They also said they have boxing day sorted which I think means I'm in Sunday, and then the following Saturday.


And then I remembered I bought a scratchcard yesterday and it turns out I've won £20 :D! Will claim that bad boy later when I drop Batman back at work.


Also making good progress on these photos. 65 down, 69 to go.


(oh and not so good: speaking to my mom and she got all sad and guilt-feeling for not having a home for me to stop at over xmas and not having much money to spend on me, which then made me feel guilt for making her feel like that. Oh silly emotions)


Oh and more. My christmas present from my housemate turned up and it was a rather cool Threadless shirt.

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And I don't know what to get anyone. :(


I think this is the first year I have done all my Christmas shopping before December even began. I'm usually so terrible at it and wait till the very last minute, but this year I knew exactly what I was getting people.

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I'm bloody knackered. My brother roped me into have a co-op session on Guitar Hero. Lasted an hour and a half. Managed to beat the three DLC dragonforce songs on expert, but it was painful. ANyways, other than that, I've done sod all today. Still need to go out and pick up some last minute things for xmas but I've been told to wait till tomorrow by my bro (such a cheeky shit and yet he's younger than me. :shakehead).

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And I don't know what to get anyone. :(


Ditto on that, brutha. Browsing amazon/play/threadless but not really sure what to get anyone. Facebook says my sister likes Desperate Housewives so I can just get her season 1... but then I always get everyone DVDs, which isn't very thoughtful and nobody watches them like I do. Plus for every DVD i see for someone else, I see two for me. Sigh.


In fact, I started this browsing on sunday. Since sunday the price of pretty much everything in my amazon shopping basket has gone up. Except The wire, which went down a penny.


Besides this, I suppose I ought to call my mother and let her know I am coming home for chrimbo and, in fact, I'll be jumping on a train two days time. I ought to wash more clothes... Tidy my room a bit... pack my bag... I don't know, just do anything with myself besides sitting around, napping.


Last night Dan came over, we watched Waking Life then played some Fluxx, 1,000 blank white cards and a bit of poker before nami started falling asleep on the table. Was a pretty fun night - Dan got to see the mental side of us. I hope we didn't scare him away.

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Haha damnnn, today was looooong. Last day of the semester (not counting exams), and they decide to make it an 8 hour long day. *tired*

Also, one of the course books I need won't be in until tomorrow, so I have to go all the way to school to pick it up (plus extra copies for my friends... wonder how much that is gonna cost me).

But I do have a trip to the cinema planned with friends. And some nice dinner hopefully. And sleeping over at a friend's place (on her floor). =)



Alsoooo, just got home to find on the kitchen table two tickets for Disneyland! Apparently dad won those tickets. =O

Wonder who will get to use them... >.>;

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What's the things with the photos Ashley?


Also, my Terry Tibbs just this minute arrived. pr0.


Wedding I photographed during the summer. They gave me the list of what they want at the end of September and I slacked off (blaming uni) since then. Now trying to do them all uberspeedily to ensure I get it to them by Christmas. (and at present im having to erase a child from some photos as it crept in the way and wouldn't move)


Went to town and secured some more xmas presents, now I only have my mother left.


And checked with work. I am doing this Sunday and then the following Saturday (which means that week I'm only doing five hours but oh well eh?). Least busy christmas in five years, what am I going to do with myself.

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