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Guest Stefkov

Was in Uni from 9 till half 5 today. Bastard teacher organising extra lessons in an afternoon I'd like to have off. It was alright though, talked with her a bit. Argued why without technology we wouldn't have like anything today, even her. I should've said that but it would probably have come out wrong.

Also overheard a woman speaking in Russian on the phone. I've not heard that area of language in a while I was beginning to forget about it.

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When I tried to watch Murder She Wrote recently I just couldn't get into it. Mainly because of her bullshit snooping. Diagnosis Murder does this also, but it doesn't seem as bad.


I've been planning on getting the Columbo boxeset. Now we're talking pr0.


i love the snooping! if i had the courage i would do a bit o snooping

diagnonis murder is also awesome (lol)

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the best usa crime shows Columbo> Diagnosis Murder> Murder She Wrote



eew no. columno is awful


what you talking about?! you are always snooping miss :heh:

SNOOPING? since when have i snooped missy :P

Yay! Some love for Murder She Wrote and Diagnosis Murder. Both fantastic shows, although DM is better obviously because of Dick Van Dyke's presence.


a guy that can carry off a name like that is obviously a legend. sometimes i prefer DM to MSW but other times it changes..hmmm

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the best usa crime shows Columbo> Diagnosis Murder> Murder She Wrote


You're missing one :p


Forgot to mention. Got a phone call earlier from Picture Pal offering me to go to a training/first day tomorrow night. An induction followed by being unleashed on the club to take photos and sell but I said I have to be up early on Saturday as its my mom's birthday and have to travel to see her (exagerrated the distance but still I'd only get a few hours sleep). They said they'll see how the people get on tomorrow and if some people are dropped they'll ring me next week.


Said they'd offer at least one night a week (wouldn't want to do much more anymore) and its £7 and hour plus bonuses (presumably for hitting at least the 50 photos sold target). Could be interesting. Could remind me why I hate drunks... we'll see.

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Yes - you're missing Quincy!


I had a dream that I was basically in the Mirror's edge world, except it was FIGHT TO THE DEATH and I didn't know the controls.


Yes I know, boohoo, but was just putting things into perspective - you guys are very lucky! I'll probably be blind in a few years!

Are you wanting some sort of competition? because I will win. I bet you I will go blind before you. I bet you that I am more blind than you currently. Seriously.


So today wasn't really anything for ages. I went to a committee meeting for my juggling thang, only not enough people turned up so I bascally had dinner cooked for me (fajitas ftw), and drank lots (7 cans of strongbow), and taught them the game my grandparent made up, which is now known as Smedley. Also played some Yahtzee, and lost a-plenty. Borrowed House season 1 and Babel the movie, which I'll try to watch.


Those guys here with access to my facebook will perhaps know that I got a bit down last night after some self-investigation, but in the end I figure I have at least 20 years before I need to start getting depressed.


So yeah! Here's hoping my laptop isn't in the mood to melt DVDs so I can watch some House...

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gym was a mixture of awsome and awful. aful cos ive started to get a cold. 2.5 miles on treadmill left my chest feeling like it was full of shards of glass.


awsome in that, despite being full of grown men, most of whome looked fairly strong, i was doing higher weights then most of them. made me feel strong.




outher then that, fallout 3. its worth buying anouther console for. its THAT good.

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Urg, I'm up far too late. I've spent the last hour and a half (after going out with someone to hand coursework in at 1am :heh:) reading the analysis of the latest polls for the US elections. I wish they'ed just be over with it, the tension is killing me, not to mention ripping my sleep patterns to shreads. I may do a late-nighter on Wednesday if it's a close-run thing.

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Got into uni at roughly 8:30 this morning, god damn, it was awful. Luckily the room I was in at 11 was empty til then so I got abit more done on my game.


Presented it..god it was nerve racking and I expect lots of fps from the guys in my class (to those who don't know similar to when I was in college, I'm the only girl in the class on fridays and tuesdays which is because my surname is near the end of the register whilst the other girls are near the top) they did some quite interesting and diverse games, some of them were pretty awesome too!


So glad that's over, apprently nobody failed, so that's something to look forward to, it's worth about 20% so not too bad if I only make 10% or lower as I can make up in other parts.


Looking forward to going to town in abit, pick up some stuff for my pirate outfit (white shirt, blood, eye patch, face paint) ^_^. Going for food with somebody too, which I've been looking forward to allllll day.

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Edinburgh Open Day, hadn't arranged to meet with anyone to go with, assumed I'd find them there. Course I only saw one person, and they were doing their own thing.


So busy and chaotic that I left without actually seeing any talks. The queues were ridiculously long...


Got info sheets and prospectus I guess.

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