Eenuh Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 I think I'm feeling a tiny bit better today. My email account hasn't been working for two days so maybe that's why. Have a massive headache at the moment and am working for school, but still feeling relatively okay. Watched some old home videos with mom and my sisters, was funny.
Eddage Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Had an awesome night last night. It was a mates birthday so I drove myself and a couple of others down to Canterbury (about 4 hour drive) for a night of boozing. Played a bit of table tennis and then I kicked arse at Goldeneye. At about 10 We went out to a club that no one had ever been to before, so we weren't quite sure what to expect, thankfully it turned out to be pretty good and a fun time was had by all! Drove back today, which wasn't the most pleasant drive, hungover and all, but we kept ourselves entertained by playing guess the song using my iPod. The only trouble is, I'm now at home, on my own and am starting to feel like shit again! As soon as I got home I actually started missing being around my mates, I get so ridiculously bored on my own and nothing I do seems fulfilling. I've also now started thinking about my ex again and how she seems to be ignoring my texts despite the fact she was the one who said she wanted to be friends but then seems to be too busy every time I suggest doing anything. Oh, yeah and there's also the small matter of no job and a quickly diminishing bank account! Great I feel depressed as well now that I've just typed that out...
Dan_Dare Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 I have a spiteful hangover. Last night was pretty good: went for drinks with a bunch of mates etc. Some shithead stole my coat though. I love that thing and they just stole it. Cunt. Had some uni mates up for the proceedings though, so they kept me in good cheer. Good times.
EEVILMURRAY Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Eddage said: Oh, yeah and there's also the small matter of no job and a quickly diminishing bank account! Great I feel depressed as well now that I've just typed that out... Don't worry, I can make you feel better by bitching about my wank job: First started on 15 hours a week. 6-11 for 3 nights, suddenly downgraded to 7:30 – 11:30 on 2 nights. Whereas Hannah, who started shortly after me gets 6-11 on other nights. My two nights are some of the busiest of the week, quiz night and Saturday. I ask what the craic is and why I’m being downgraded, I got some bullshit about things being tight or some shit, and if there are any other free shifts to let me know. Next thing I know, Hannah gets another 5 hour shift. So I’m stuck on 13 hours and she goes from 15 to 20 a week. When I am asked to cover Hannah the night is suddenly designated less busy so I’m on half 7 start. But when we swap days, suddenly Saturday is more busy so she has to have 6-11 again. I’ve just noticed last night that I’m scheduled as 7:30-11 on the two nights now.
MoogleViper Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 I've just broke my fucking desk. Leant my elbow on the bit that slides out where the keyboard is and it's snapped off one of the screws.
Chuck Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 EEVILMURRAY said: Don't worry, I can make you feel better by bitching about my wank job: First started on 15 hours a week. 6-11 for 3 nights, suddenly downgraded to 7:30 – 11:30 on 2 nights. Whereas Hannah, who started shortly after me gets 6-11 on other nights. My two nights are some of the busiest of the week, quiz night and Saturday. I ask what the craic is and why I’m being downgraded, I got some bullshit about things being tight or some shit, and if there are any other free shifts to let me know. Next thing I know, Hannah gets another 5 hour shift. So I’m stuck on 13 hours and she goes from 15 to 20 a week. When I am asked to cover Hannah the night is suddenly designated less busy so I’m on half 7 start. But when we swap days, suddenly Saturday is more busy so she has to have 6-11 again. I’ve just noticed last night that I’m scheduled as 7:30-11 on the two nights now. Wank job. Talk to me.
dan-likes-trees Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 MoogleViper said: I've just broke my fucking desk. Leant my elbow on the bit that slides out where the keyboard is and it's snapped off one of the screws. I did that a while back. I was livid, especially because I used to do it all the time and then one day, out of the blue, it just randomly snapped off. I swore pretty loudly. My weekend involved a whole load of pretty much absolutely nothing whatsoever. Yawn.
Dyson Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 I've been stuck inside for nearly a week now because of this cold. The only reason I've been going out is to either do a munitions shop or go to lectures. I feel like crap, bah. Nevermind, with any luck I'll be alright for Friday when a great friend comes to visit She's staying til Monday too. Would fail if I'm ill..
Jimbob Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 I think i drank too much this weekend. Not that i feel ill, i just don't feel like drinking for a while. Anywho, i keep getting asked to do bingo duty on Fridays now that my mate who did these got banned and fired from the club, my answer is always no as i already have a full time job working 8am till 4:30pm and i want to go out on the weekend and enjoy myself. So i hand my keys over to the bar and head into town. Unlike some other members who don't do this and make up excuses, i told the secretary of the club i was at the Measure getting "pissed" as it were. If they keep asking me to do Fridays, i will basically quit my Wednesday night duty and Sunday morning cash-count and stay in/go out elsewhere. I can't do everything duty-wise.
Ganepark32 Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Been feeling down all day. Haven't done much. Sunday's really do suck: nothing on tv and not much to do. Applied for a job as a part time sales advisor at one of the 3 stores. Pay is good (£6.82 p/h) but if I got the job I wouldn't expect to get anywhere near that seeing as it'd be my first job. I'm not hopeful though as I know they like to hire people with previous experience of working in the mobile phone retail area. I'm just hoping that I do get the job, as I really do need the money, and that they would let me work around my current Uni timetable. The good thing about the job is that it's 5 mins walk from my house so it'd be easy enough to get too. That was the highlight of an otherwise very depressing day. Roll on tomorrow where I have a practical on how to use Excel ( ), and english lecture on how to write essays and a lecture on god knows what for Biology. I am enjoying Uni, it's just I'm doubting myself far too much.
Coolness Bears Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 I need to wear a cloak like in the olden days (or LOTR) it would suit me better than a hood and then I could welcome people who knock at my door in a mysterious way! Though that may only work with a beard.... I've had a good day thus far! Tidied up and moved my TV set up in the room around which is much better now. Apart from that it's been a lazy Videogame playing, Movie and anime watching day. Though there was a severe lack of snacks, so I bought some Skittles.
EEVILMURRAY Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Chuck said: Wank job. Talk to me. No. You Talk to Me.
Molly Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Wesley said: Woo! Lincoln! Er... that is all I wanted to say... Woo! Lincoln! Again. Oooh you live in lincoln? I just got back, I love it much character, particularly up the hill around the cathderal. Although we went for dinner up the hill and i had to take my shoes with big heels off to get down the hill. Such a classy bird. I had a great weekend, last night was amazing. Lovely to catch up with my friend, discussed each others man woes/successes as well as everything else, and we then proceeded to get wasted. Ended up in this cheesy club where we were seriously busting the moves and cutting some shapes, not gonna lie. Probably looked ridiculous, but didn't care. So good, wish I wasn't home now. Thank god I booked off tomorrow morning from work. MoogleViper said: The thing that makes me happy is making people laugh. That's why I feel depressed all the time. Moogle I know I haven't been on here very long but your posts pretty much always make me smile or laugh. You're good.
Ellmeister Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Dyson said: I've been stuck inside for nearly a week now because of this cold. The only reason I've been going out is to either do a munitions shop or go to lectures. I feel like crap, bah. Nevermind, with any luck I'll be alright for Friday when a great friend comes to visit She's staying til Monday too. Would fail if I'm ill.. Is it that special 'friend' that you came on here talking about a little while ago? Don't want to be ill for that.
Chris the great Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 punched a whale, right in the face. down he went like lisdon.
Cubechris Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Molly said: Oooh you live in lincoln? I just got back, I love it much character, particularly up the hill around the cathderal. I live in Uphill Lincoln, and yeah Steep Hill is a bastard. I just got back from a weekend away with my lady, fun times. Oh and DanDare you bitch, reply to my messages.....
Daft Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Got up. My Touch decided to delete all my music after an update. My hatred for apple grows each and every day. Was late getting to Paddington so I Ashley was left waiting. We wandered round the shops. Bough a "Jaffa" milkshake (not quite as tasty as I imagined). Bought Pure for £22.50, bargain. Had dinner. The dash for the last train was epic. I basically managed to trow my exhausted body between the closing doors after sprinting about a mile while Ashley slowly skipped behind nonchalantly catching the last train. :p T'was a fun day.
Ellmeister Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 ReZourceman said: *Implodes* You ok? Tell Uncle N-e whats up mr ReZ
Ashley Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 Daft said: Got up. My Touch decided to delete all my music after an update. My hatred for apple grows each and every day. Was late getting to Paddington so I Ashley was left waiting. We wandered round the shops. Bough a "Jaffa" milkshake (not quite as tasty as I imagined). Bought Pure for £22.50, bargain. Had dinner. The dash for the last train was epic. I basically managed to trow my exhausted body between the closing doors after sprinting about a mile while Ashley slowly skipped behind nonchalantly catching the last train. :p T'was a fun day. Hey I lept over a freakin' pigeon to get that train :p
Letty Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 Awesome. There's free wi-fi on the train! The boat was shitty last night. And I've only got another 4 hours on this train
EEVILMURRAY Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 Discovered this morning that I can't really go to the London thing tomorrow as I checked the train prices and it's going to cost me about £90-100 to get there and back. Bullshit. Plus I'm primed to give work a pr0 Shabba'ising tonight.
nightwolf Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 Spent the night watching scrubs and eating pizza, was fun and I was able to sort of relax for five minutes! Going to have a shower, eat and do some storyline work (ideally in that order, but I know I'll have to do work first) grr. So not really much going on for me today. Luckily I won't need to go shopping for a week as I've completely stocked up! woo.
Eenuh Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 Fucking crap day. Was about to leave for school this morning and found one of my cats, dead. Hit by a car. I feel fucking horrible. ='(
nightwolf Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 Eenuh said: Fucking crap day. Was about to leave for school this morning and found one of my cats, dead. Hit by a car. I feel fucking horrible. ='( oh eenuh I'm so sorry about your cat.
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