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What a crappy day, it reminds me why I had a depression and put school on hold for 2 years. Couldn't sleep, my stomach's completly fucked, can't eat, my bp is so low I can hardly feel anything and I'm so damn disoriented I can't do a thing. And I have an exam on Monday. Lady Luck smiles as usual.

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Dyed my hair, its a bit cool :D


Today I had work, it was actually mental, all day. I made 517 drinks.

I also didn't get my lunch break till half 3, but when I did, I saw this in a shop window!!




World's most blatant rip-off.


What colour is your hair now Letty?

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A spider just webbed down and stopped right in front of my face! O_O


It's like he came down to say hello. I carefully grabbed the webbing and put him out of the window. :)


Apart from that I have done nothing all day which has been nice.

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Oh Roffle waffles! I called some chump on another forum a n00b, and he's only gone and sent me abusive PMs and e-mails.


you clearly are a retard. newbs are fucking way better than you and remeber you used to be one. i know way more anime than you could ever know so shut up. by being a super memeber it just shows how much of a sad life you live in forums where your ony friends are virtual.




He sent me that in a PM and an e-mail. I sent him back a PM saying simply "O RLY?" and reported the PM to a mod.

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Guest bluey
A spider just webbed down and stopped right in front of my face! O_O


It's like he came down to say hello. I carefully grabbed the webbing and put him out of the window. :)


Apart from that I have done nothing all day which has been nice.


i've got this vision in my head of a tiiiiiiiiiny spider's voice (you might not have heard it~) squealing "go, web, go!!!" as it happened... :laughing:

that's gunna keep me entertained all day......


i'm turning japanese....

i've started calling rice-balls 'onigiri' instead of 'rice-balls'... and yesterday i sorta stepped out infront of a car pulling up to a junction (it was fine, he was stopping anyway...) but instead of mouthing "sorry!!" i mouthed "gomen!!" O___o nandemonai...

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i've got this vision in my head of a tiiiiiiiiiny spider's voice (you might not have heard it~) squealing "go, web, go!!!" as it happened... :laughing:

that's gunna keep me entertained all day......


i'm turning japanese....

i've started calling rice-balls 'onigiri' instead of 'rice-balls'... and yesterday i sorta stepped out infront of a car pulling up to a junction (it was fine, he was stopping anyway...) but instead of mouthing "sorry!!" i mouthed "gomen!!" O___o nandemonai...


Good you think that's bad? I've been getting aggressively more and more chinese as the months wear on! Some nerp on his moto nearly ran over my foot on the pavement, instead of shouting "hey, what the hell?" I squealed "Ai, ma-ta, gan ma ya?" and ran after him. Had a nice little argument that ended with my fist about an inch from his face, and we both went off happy and unbruised.


Then the other day this girl was in my assigned seat on the bus, I told her to show me her ticket (in chinese) and she was all like "Sorry foreigner, me no speak the bad Chinese like you" so I "got the bus driver on her" and he made her apologise to me for stealing my seat. Turns out she hadn't bought a ticket either, so they called the police. Mwa ha ha.

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Went to my mates 21st party last night. It went well up until 12am when it was time to go home. I watched my mate all night and he got more and more drunk. It was funny to a point but it got too much and i stopped the bar-maids serving him by 11pm for safety really. My other mate Andrew left at 12am pissed as a fart and made his way home with his folk leaving me and the 21st bday boy to make our own way home. He went and his brother came back to get me as he collapsed. Had to spend the next 2 hours getting him home along with his brother who helped me. Rob was wrecked.


Now at home with more booze by myself.

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I've been up since about 8 oclock doing this unit of work for maths this week. It should be pretty decent fun, we'll see how it goes.


In other related/non-related news, I may have bagged myself an older woman. Is 5 years older too big? Hmm, I think no, but I'm only 21. We shall see.

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Dyed my hair, its a bit cool :D


Today I had work, it was actually mental, all day. I made 517 drinks.

I also didn't get my lunch break till half 3, but when I did, I saw this in a shop window!!




World's most blatant rip-off.


Still pretty cool though! I want an xbox360 so I can have the viva games, my mate has two and they are brilliant...*shoves kid wolfy back in her box*


As always on sunday I have bugger all to do, which is a relief after finding out about my coursework yesterday, PHHHHEWWWW! is all I can say, I'll probably find some game on the xbox/ps2/computer to play and sit here all day. lazy much?:zzz:

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I've been up since about 8 oclock doing this unit of work for maths this week. It should be pretty decent fun, we'll see how it goes.


In other related/non-related news, I may have bagged myself an older woman. Is 5 years older too big? Hmm, I think no, but I'm only 21. We shall see.


dude, you're such a stud! Older women aint nothing when you're 21. I know a PHD student who's 25 and I definitely would.

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dude, you're such a stud! Older women aint nothing when you're 21. I know a PHD student who's 25 and I definitely would.


Hehe. :)


We met in such a strange way though. I went on that school trip to the Isle of Wight, and she is an ex student teacher who came along to help. We hit it off straight away and pretty much stuck together the whole time. A lot of the children were like "siiiiir, do you fancy her?!" blah blah blah.


The answer is yes, but I didn't tell them that! She's lovely, sweet, and we get on great. Hmm, there's going to be an obstacle here somewhere. A long lost boyfriend turns up? She is dying? She's actually my daughter! There will be something somewhere. Just you wait and see!

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Nothing wrong with dating "older" women Flinky. I know I would date an older guy (though still in his twenties) if I could find one. All guys around me at school are younger though. D:



Watched Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom last night. Monkeybrains and eyeballs, mmm. X3

Also worked more for school and didn't go to bed till something like 2:30-3 am. And now I'm back to doing even more work. I'll be soooooo happy when all this stuff is finally over. @____@;

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A lot of the children were like "siiiiir, do you fancy her?!" blah blah blah.


I've found the best way to deal with situations like that is to just say bluntly yes. They won't be expecting it, if the girl in question is there she won't believe you and it will stop the children asking again. And if this sort of thing gets to you, you weren't actually lying. :heh:

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Today is the second-to-last day I have to revise, and I kinda haven't done any at all for this last exam. I'm in that sort of blurry hangover phase, and there's Lost season 1 staring at me... so I'll probably waste at least 4 hours day watching that instead of reading about realismsissmim... gah.


Tomorrow = GRINDHOUSE BABY! And of course, will be meeting with the (hopefully) lovely Daniel too!


As always seems to be the case on weekends, I'm home alone again. Could go to some party thing later tonight for some people's 18th birthdays, but only people I will know there are some of my family (sisters, cousins). Plus I don't drink beer.

So I guess I won't be going.


Instead, I'll have to look for something to do (other than my school work I'm working on right now).


SOLUTION! Start drinking beer.

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Basically finished my exams on the friday so the last two days was me getting blindly drunk on both nights. Friday night was your run of the mill student night out. Went to town at friday afternoon and got pizzahut went shopping for a suit and thought about buying a ps3.


A large part of saturday involved me trying to wake up from the night after and spent the day messing around on the guitar playing a bit of wow swallowing a lot of panadol and getting ready slowly for the end of year uni ball!

me and my mate bought cigars just because and we sat around in the living room drinking cheap champaigne from a blackwells glass in our tuxs listening to mozart.

Got to the ball was also very drunk there, had a bit of a dance WIRELESS disco! with live bands and vernon kay..


and now I am just recovering >.>

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Guest bluey

well... don't i feel like a complete SHIT... (hehe)


i got home from work today and my housemate was like "wooyay i got a package from my boyfriend!!!" and while i'm busy thinking 'ooh great, rub it in some more - i never get mail...' she's still explaining that her boyfriend sent ME something O__o


he sent me a bag of sweets and a stain removal pen (i'm not sure why... but it's pretty awesome!!) i guess i can take it with me to restaurants if i ever plan on eating spaghetti in a white shirt.... :wtf:

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