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My dad just came up and asked if I wanted to work at his place for a while. I quickly accepted.


I start tomorrow. Have to get up very early, but I don't care. I'm finally gonna have some money, so I can start an anime DVD collection I've been wanting for fecking ages! :yay:

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My day has been great! :D


I spent about 15 minutes staring at an optical illusion thing today with someone and we ended up tripping in the middle of the computer room! :p


As soon as we looked away everything was spiralling, objects were moving, the walls were closing in on us and peoples heads were expanding!


Your only meant to look at it for about 20 seconds, my eyes were melting! Twas Awesome :awesome:


I also sat and locked myself in a cupboard for about 10 minutes in History for no reason.


Also decided to wear different things as hats such as the paper bin and triangle for pool! :grin:


It's my final day before study leave tomorrow! and I'm feeling a lot more confident today than yesterday!!!!


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Watched new HIMYM and Gossip Girl this morning. Both were not as good as I had hoped. Then back to my hometown and my parents. This place is empty, emotionally. Its eeire. Im not sure if I want to be here summertime (although granted I should be working a lot). May see if I can crash at my nan's.


Spoke to my mom about it all. Was going to suggest an honest sit down family meeting kinda thing this social worker I know suggested, but I think its too late. The only reason shes still here is to make sure she gets her share of inheritance money.


Meh. I feel apathetic toward these people ultimately. I'm only here for this summer. I plan to travel next, and then go either onto an MA or into the 'proper' world.

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Been working on my super duper mega awesome forum game today.





Holy hell. Is that some kind of... FMORPG? Is it launching here? If so, colour me intrigued and count me in. Now doesn't this feel more interesting than "insult the person above you" games?
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Holy hell. Is that some kind of... FMORPG? Is it launching here? If so, colour me intrigued and count me in. Now doesn't this feel more interesting than "insult the person above you" games?


I dont want to reveal too much, but it is kinda a forum card game. By winning matches you get money, you can spend the money on boosters (I PM you the cards) or singles from the "shop".


I wasnt doing sign ups yet, (and there will only be about 6 spaces for the first game ~Will probably do it as one tournament with storyline at a time~ (of course cards carry over) at a time blah, so its easy to keep track of at first, but there will be space for more people as it progresses) Anyway, yeah wasn't doing sign ups yet, but as you've shown interest Ill put you at the number one spot.


I did a proper forum RPG once, and it was really cool, but took too much to keep track of. I have a good feeling about this one though, got all templates in Photoshop today, very happy with the look. Rules are pretty much done (after the first thread/portion of storyline/"tourney" they may need tweeking) but tomorrow Ill start putting together the actual cards/and stuff.


Certainly keeping me busy at work. :heh:




....Revealed more than I planned lol.

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Well i did okay in my last exam, and then got somee drinks with a friend at terrace (Union bar), beat her at pool after making a terrific comeback (after potting the black in the first game which i was winning too), bought four dvds for £20, helped another friend buy some shoes which she loves (i now have to come with her everytime she buys shoes), then met her friend and had some coffee at starbucks along with some carrot cake. then we bought some ingredients for her mate to make something for us. Awesome day.

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Went to school today... There was absolutley NO REASON to though - I only went so my EMA counts >.<


I was the only person in my biology class!! Awkward!



Aaaalso, theres this really old woman who stinks, who comes into my work every evening - and a customer came up to me after she left and complained about the smell!! wtf was I supposed to do??

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Went to school today... There was absolutley NO REASON to though - I only went so my EMA counts >.<


I was the only person in my biology class!! Awkward!



Aaaalso, theres this really old woman who stinks, who comes into my work every evening - and a customer came up to me after she left and complained about the smell!! wtf was I supposed to do??


Sound like you had a nice awkward day. :hmm:

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I did a charcoal selfportrait tonight, and sprayed it with fixative. Now my entire room is smelly. @____@;


Worked for school a bit (will do more now) and watched some tv. Though I first had a nap (1.5 hours) after school cause I was so tired. So I'll be staying up a bit later tonight probably. Hooray.

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I FAILED at replying to this thread about a million times today. Ashley, Bagic Muttons, ReZ, Tom; I had lots of words to say to you all but they appear to be jinxed and cannot get pass the "Post quick reply" or even "submit post" button.





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well thats the nicest thing anyones ever said jay ;)


Iam really going for it on the househunting now, I have 2 viewings booked, plus a couple more in the pipeline. Man, I hate moving, but I reckon that even if i move into somewhere at the same rent as I'm on now thats a house share rather than just me i'll be £100 a month better off. One place i'm looking at is only £200 a month, which would leave me about £250 a month better off. So nervous about living with people again.... Letting agents should have to warn you when they let you a property that living on your own my seriously harm your social compatibility! Nearly 2 years now.

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I FAILED at replying to this thread about a million times today. Ashley, Bagic Muttons, ReZ, Tom; I had lots of words to say to you all but they appear to be jinxed and cannot get pass the "Post quick reply" or even "submit post" button.






bagic muttons?



well.. funeral was today

got a wonderful day for it (sun shining and all that)



one semi bad thing happened today (with the sermon) anyone that wants to hear me rant about that just ask me on msn (cant be botherd to type all it now) - kinda got me a lil angry with the minister.. but meh

i thought i would cry loads but im a very private person (well i did cry obviously.. but i wasnt hysterical) and i wanted to wait till i got home (grief in peace u know) and was petrified people would think i was cold hearted cause i wasnt crying away


i miss her terrible and its gonna be so hard. poor dad has to deal with insurance (though since her death was kinda alcohol related its debatable whether we'll get it - not that it matters cause we dont really need it or want it but insurance people can be cold hearted bastards) and to deal with clearing out her clothes and stuff (really really dont want to do that)

but we;ve got ages to do that last thing so it can wait till we are ready :)

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Well, it seems like a long time since I last posted here, I think it was Friday which to be honest isn't really that long in the big swing of things but for me it's actually quite a while considering I've had very little to do otherwise. So this is really going to be a round-up of everything that's happened since Friday until today... Aren't you guys lucky? :yay:


Soo.. Friday night I was working for an hour and a half. One of the bastard children turned up at the wrong time so I had to sit in the jacuzzi for half an hour at the beginning because he wasn't there and then stay half an hour longer at the end because that's when he turned up. The virtues of being self-employed... If you don't do the work you don't get paid. After work I went pretty much straight over to a local villaage to the a disco where I was helping the DJ (keeping him company really) which was pretty good. It's awesome putting on a good song, and then the strobe light and seeing everyone bouncing. I now have an awesome party playlist which I'm going to put into use at my next party whenever that is. Euan (the DJ) was using my laptop to do the music so I have loads of great tracks on it.


Saturday... Did revision during the day and then in the evening I was getting paid to pour people drinks at a party. £50 for 7 hours which was great. Some random drunk dude gave me a £20 tip too which was nice. Never opened so many bottles in one night! Was seriously opening a new bottle of wine or champagne every 10 minutes!


Sunday... Was apparently meant to be working in the morning, so my work phoned me up to ask why I wasn't there. I seriously thought I was meant to be there i nthe afternoon so because o fthat I had the day off. Did loads of revision that afternoon to make up for it.


Had a chat with one of the girls I was out with on Thursday that evening to discuss what actually happened. I couldn't lie to her so I told her everything and she's probably a bit pissed off with me because of it because it was involving her best friend. She's one of those people who can't stay annoyed with someone so it's OK though. Still feeling embarrassed about Thursday night even after loads of people ensuring me it's actually OK, it'll pass in time.


The thing which is annoying me the most is that I don't really ahve anyway of contacting the girl in question because she doesn't have MSN, Bebo or even an email address. I'd have to resort to her house phone which I could get if I really wanted to, but I'd rather just text her or something first to smooth things over before I talk to her properly.


Monday... Had an exam from 2-4 which wasn't actually as hard as I thought it was going to be although it was still bloody hard. Went over to a friends in the evening for a few drinks. Ended up pretty drunk, came home at 11ish and started to talking to people on MSN. Managed to get a girls number out of though who I've been bebo'ing for awhile so that was good. Text her a bit this afternoon but not really sure if anything's going to happen or if I even want anything to happen. Kinda in a hard situation at the moment which I don't really want to go into.


Today... Didn't get up until 3pm which was a nice change. Really needed a long lie. After that I tidied up my room a bit although it's still a complete mess. Nowhere near as bad as it was though. After that I was playing Halo with my brother and sister who are at home on their Xbox and I was on mine. Good fun playing alltogether, can never do it unless I'm at uni and my brother is at home (which is rare). Later on a friend came up and we did some 4 player Halo. Decided that he was going to have a flat partyon the 6th of June and then I'm going to have one on the 21st so that'll be good. Everyone will've finished exams by then so no one as any excuses not to come! Then went out to the union for a few drinks with a mate, it was £1 drinks tonight, normally really busy but not many people were there because of exams so we just came home at about 12, and that's the end of my longest post of the year (apart from the bit below which I typed out before this message)!



(i now have to come with her everytime she buys shoes)


I feel for you dude, unlucky. :(

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Today has been and will be full of revision for my Maths Core 2 tomorrow. The strange thing is, i'm actually understanding it all. As well as revision i'm searching auto trader for a car, i quite like the look of the Astra.

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Eenuh, that sounds awesome!! We'd love to see it :D

Ah, it's just a simple portrait, really boring. Besides, it's only a study for the "real" portrait I have to do for my composition class, which will be in oil pastels (probably). If it's any good, I'll post it. >.>;


bagic muttons?



well.. funeral was today

got a wonderful day for it (sun shining and all that)



one semi bad thing happened today (with the sermon) anyone that wants to hear me rant about that just ask me on msn (cant be botherd to type all it now) - kinda got me a lil angry with the minister.. but meh

i thought i would cry loads but im a very private person (well i did cry obviously.. but i wasnt hysterical) and i wanted to wait till i got home (grief in peace u know) and was petrified people would think i was cold hearted cause i wasnt crying away


i miss her terrible and its gonna be so hard. poor dad has to deal with insurance (though since her death was kinda alcohol related its debatable whether we'll get it - not that it matters cause we dont really need it or want it but insurance people can be cold hearted bastards) and to deal with clearing out her clothes and stuff (really really dont want to do that)

but we;ve got ages to do that last thing so it can wait till we are ready :)


*hugs to you*

People won't think of you as cold hearted sweety. And if they do, -they- are the ones who really are cold hearted. Don't let what other people think get to you. You deal with this the way you want to, the way you feel is best for you.

Take care.






Sitting in class and it's freaking hot. I feel like my bum is slowly becoming part of this plastic chair or something. D:

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Guest Jordan


Sitting in class and it's freaking hot. I feel like my bum is slowly becoming part of this plastic chair or something. D:


Thats highly unattractive Eenuh XD.


My morning has been a little shitty, i woke up really early no seemingly no reason. Which sucks ass... I'm at work, playing around with a database to try and replicate and issue a customer is having with no success at all. Which sucks balls.

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Thats highly unattractive Eenuh XD.


My morning has been a little shitty, i woke up really early no seemingly no reason. Which sucks ass... I'm at work, playing around with a database to try and replicate and issue a customer is having with no success at all. Which sucks balls.


Well sweaty people sitting in a hot room -is- highly unattractive. Unless it's some kind of orgy and you're into that stuff...


I'm hungry and I have to wait till 12:30 for food. That's still 1.5 hours. =(

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