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The dark rooms door got stuck so a girl was trapped in the dark room for a while.


Heh, funnily enough exactly the same thing happened at my college once. The person that got trapped I hated and she was in there for a good half and hour and was quite shaken up. It was awesome.

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The weathers gone fucking crazy today, out shopping earlier and it was nice and sunny then out of nowhere black clouds appear and it's hailing like fuck. Then an open top bus comes past with George Galloway dancing on the top of it. Strange day.

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Its been a weird day because I've been trying to remember my dreams from last night. I kept wakening up all night but got back to sleep asap cos I needed to see what was happening in my dreams. I don't think they got resolved but I've spent all day trying to remember the details of them.


In a fairly epic one, I was maybe Superman, and there was some mad stuff happening where lots of people were in danger- I think it was all people I know cos it doesn't feel like they were strangers. There was a kinda big cabin that was near the sea and... on a mountainside? I can't remember what the danger was, but it was fairly sci-fi... not aliens but not your normal sorta plot either. So I was saving people and giving them instructions on how to get to safety- this somehow involved there being a revelation with Zelda: Links Awakening which coincidentally was

all a dream too.


So I was hiding people in this cabin, then formulating a plan to get them out to safety and everything (there were "portals" in the cupboards as well but I can't remember all the details of them) and at one point I remember being up in the air looking down on the cabin and everything (this is why I think I was a Superman type character) and I thought something along the lines of "ok, so I can save everyone here, yet I'm powerless to fix my own life and get it on track."


Thats about all I can remember of that, but there is more, I know it. I had another lengthy dream too because it feels like it got tangled up with this one- like I dreamed some of this, woke up, back to sleep and dreamt some of another one, woke up, back to sleep and back to dreaming about this one and so on.


Aside from that all, I remember briefly a dream where I was an author and was writing a small piece of a story. It involved a woman and basically she was rushing to get herself ready in the morning and she just quickly threw the sheets over the bed without straightening up the undersheets. When she did this she took a second to think that it was just like her life- she could cover over everything and make it look like her life was in order (like a made bed) but at the same time, it was still in disarray underneath the surface.


Interesting, eh! So that covers my night and also my day seeing as I've been trying to remember every detail of these. I also picked up Mario Kart Wii but got no hat cos they didn't get them in yet. I bought two Mario Kart Gacha's and got two Bowsers which is a bit of a let down.

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Best day ever:


Pyschology was beyond awesome - One of my best mates was sat next to me, and we were discussing how I should go about poking her. Miss then said "arse" (talking about sexual pyschology and the ego) and she goes to me "Nah, I'm not into anal". But she said it rather loudly, and everyone in the class ended up hearing it. Miss took it so well, and just said "Don't knock it 'till you've tried it" and the whole class was in fits. She's the best teacher ever, so awesome. :D


I had to go and see the head of year because I dodged a pshe lesson to do coursework and lied about where I was so I could do this. (pshe is utter bull, there's no point in it and I don't get an a level out of it so I don't care). He started shouting at me for no reason! I didn't mind, I knew I kind of desevered it for lying which I shouldn't have done. But he then said "We've bent over backwards for you this year. All the trouble you've caused us with whats been happening to you". I was like, excuse me? Trouble I've caused? I'm getting threatened with a knife on your property and it's my fault?


The people that run my college are just utter arseholes. Bar a few teachers, they should all be sacked for being so incompetent.




I've got to go to a birthday party I really don't want to go to tomorrow. What's worse is I can't get drunk and forget about it because he's banned me (and everyone else) from being anything. Damn! :p

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what a crap day.

Work dragged, and my confidence is feeling really low at work and I keep making small mistakes. I'm just really struggling to get my head in order.

The only thing that got me through work today was looking forward to Mario Kart. Went to pay for it, and my card got declined.

Im really feeling depressed. I haven't had a chance to get to the doctor yet, and i'm just feeling worse and worse. I was queuing for a drink today and nearly started crying for no reason, crazy. luckily, I managed to catch it in time!

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God, a few hours later and it's all turned fucking crappy.


My housemate promised me yesterday that we would do something nice together. She promised that yesterday evening we would go to see a film together, then she said she work to do so we rescheduled for tonight. Then, she wanted to reschedule for tomorrow night, which pissed me off. See the pattern here? It would be fucking MARVELLOUS if somebody put ME first for a change. Just once would be great, even before themselves. Why are people so fucking selfish?


Anyway, the plans have fallen through for the evening and we have the option to go now, but I might not go purely because I feel messed around. I've gone out of my way to please her, but she won't do the same for me. So, I think, fuck her, and not in the pleasent way.

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I had 14 acupuncture needles todaayyy ^___^


would have been 16, but since i had surgery on my toe very recently (like Wednesday) she didn't put two there.


So basically 2 on each hand, one on each arm (mid way, on the inside.. which is a lot sorer than outside), elbows, 2 on shoulder area, and 2 on my neck JUST below my skull (uber weird) and two on my right foot.


She said that needles in your toe are meant to be a good for pain.. I think she meant that they are good for CAUSING PAIN! Aw man it hurt like hell.

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I had 14 acupuncture needles todaayyy ^___^


would have been 16, but since i had surgery on my toe very recently (like Wednesday) she didn't put two there.


So basically 2 on each hand, one on each arm (mid way, on the inside.. which is a lot sorer than outside), elbows, 2 on shoulder area, and 2 on my neck JUST below my skull (uber weird) and two on my right foot.


She said that needles in your toe are meant to be a good for pain.. I think she meant that they are good for CAUSING PAIN! Aw man it hurt like hell.


Massive ouch! That deserves a *Massive Hug*.

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Massive ouch! That deserves a *Massive Hug*.


I actually find now, that yes it is very sore during the process! (its about an hour long when you have a fair number of needles)


But it has majorly awesome after effects. Its minimised my pain a lot and I feel very happy for it! :yay:


Also really good if you have bother sleeping.. Totally knocked out every night after the seesions.. Its GREAT :D

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Heh, funnily enough exactly the same thing happened at my college once. The person that got trapped I hated and she was in there for a good half and hour and was quite shaken up. It was awesome.


It didnt sound awesome for her to get shaken up by it ReZourceman. :hmm:

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My days been good and it's a Friday, Hurray!


Nothing out of the ordinary, Biology was good, we got to stab ourselves and see our blood under the microscope. It was quite interesting, although my stain was pretty crap and i couldn't see any of the white blood cells clearly. I know we make like a couple of million red blood cells a second, but i found it quite good to see how many were present just in one little blood droplet.



Wasn't really expecting a professional image down a microscope lens


Also there's been two ducks walking around the school and they just appear in wierd places everyday, which is quite good to look out for (Yes, that's how boring it is) This morning they were on the green infront of the school, by dinner they were on the roof of the graphics block.



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Flinky: She's a girl. Don't be taking this shit. Go right ahead and book yourself solid for a week if you can, doing things with other people. If she really really wants something with you then she won't be put off by your lack of commitment. You're living with her, so it's not like you have a matter of days to finalise any sort of relationship. Don't let her steer you.


My day; bbq called off due to crappy weather. Watched about 4 more episodes of the 2nd series of x-files (watched first 7 eps now) and am starting to like it muchly! S'posed to be going out to the union club thing tonight. I hate going clubbing as I have no good clothes to wear - so if I do end up going out I'm going in my shitty homeless-guy-esque attire. I figure if I'm going to meet a girl and have a good time, it'll only be if I'm honest to the both of us. Of course I'm just going to get pissed and dance like a nutter, but hey whatever. Three cans of strongbow brewing in my gut... if I don't go out tonight then I'll but another 8-pack and 'bacco and straddle the joy that is Mulder. Sexy spookiness indeeed.

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Oh I disliked her for a reason. She was cocky, a bitch, know it all, extremely judgemental and she cheated on one of my friends. :blank:


Okay ReZ. I understand now, so she one of those types that love themselfs and a quite tart. :blank:

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Okay ReZ. I understand now, so she one of those types that love themselfs and a quite tart. :blank:


Loves herself is the perfect word (or words) but yeah, I wouldnt find it funny if I respected the person (well...maybe a little, but Id ultimately feel sorry)


Basically Im a good person unless you piss me off/I think you're a cock, then Im less than willing to help. More than willing to help/listen etc to anyone else.

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Flinky: She's a girl. Don't be taking this shit. Go right ahead and book yourself solid for a week if you can, doing things with other people. If she really really wants something with you then she won't be put off by your lack of commitment. You're living with her, so it's not like you have a matter of days to finalise any sort of relationship. Don't let her steer you.


I'd go with this Flink. She is plainly just fucking you around and the more you respond to it emotionally the worse it will get each time and you'll end up blowing your top over something tiny. On top of this she will think that you're being "weird" and be put off even more.


Show her that you want her but you don't need her.

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My day has been ok. Went to work got home around 6pm, ate some dinner, watched hollyoaks then checked over my car, topped up the oil, pumped up the tyres etc as going to a wedding tomorrow quite far away.....


Now im just sitting here browsing the interwebs and watching gavin and stacey :D

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My day went really well - first, Clannad arrived, way earlier than I expected, and then I went into Cambridge, got a load of t-shirts I ordered from Threadless ages ago, then met up with the guy in charge of Linguistics who turned out to be a bit of a legend. It seems I can do linguistics next year, which is awesome, and when I mentioned I liked Japanese phonology, he went to his shelf and pulled out a book on it and lent it to me. It's great, it has an entire chapter on the velar nasal. I then went and bought some cool things.



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Set my alarm for 9. Got a text at 8.30. Phonecall from maintenance at 8.45. They turned up at 8.58.


Went and cleared the house out. Came back did a bit of unpacking. Town with friend. Unpacked the rest. New 30 Rock (8/10). Mario Kartage. New Scrubs (6/10). Socalised with people in my flat (well, the two french and one of the americans) which was quite nice.


Not bad.

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Well today has been awesome, went to my mates, sat around playing viva pinata and caught an eaglair! Was amazing and felt so fulfilling :D


Then went southend and bought mario kart, had some good times in town then went back to my mates with a few more of us to play wii. 4 hours flew by! Then we went for a drive and did random stuff and sung to some tunes.


Cheered me up. The girlfriend is still acting a little weird but I just reckon shes a bit sad. Still missed her though.

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