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I hate Mondays at Uni.


Maths lecture at 11, was doing Java work after till 12, then a Computing Science Pratical at 1, then a Tutorial Straight after it which finished at just before 3.


Then at 3 it was time for my Maths tutorial which ended at half 4 and i'm finally on a break, but only to go to a Criminal Law lecture at 5 T_T


Then I need to hang about for my bus since it comes once an hour then sit on the bus going oh god I have an assignement to do for tomorrow.


C'mon Uni!


P.S I've had no time to eat yet. I'm using my last few minutes to devour whatever I can :)

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Guest Stefkov

It's wierd how during the day it feels like it goes slow. Then at the end of the day you wonder how fast that went and you just say 'god, we've been in college for over 6 hours'.


I got 119048 points in Tetris on my phone so overall a good day. Would have been better if the only guy I hung around with wasn't such a moody bastard all day.

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I've just spent the last half hour in tears watching Tokyo Crystal Mew on nicovideo.jp


The comments make it a comedic masterpiece I tell you!


EDIT: Also replied to ym uni offers and applied for accomodation at Kent so :D

I love the comments thing on nicovideo, it's such a great idea. Makes it really easy to troll though - go into a Fire Emblem video, and add the comment "ゼルダwwww" at a decent moment and watch the otaku fume.

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My day welll...-.-


first lesson at 9 the lecturer turned up at 9:15 then buggered off, so we went to our next lesson at 10, this time the teacher turned up on time then left us 5minutes later...so we went for lunch at 11...which is the usual...and then come back at 2, only to get annoyed with my last tutor who I asked could help me with my portfolio but instead kept rambling on about a website


she also had the cheek to say that doing a portfolio wasn't a good idea and that I should just concentrate on the website...yeah thats going to get me into uni...tit.


Overall a pointless day!

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I love the comments thing on nicovideo, it's such a great idea. Makes it really easy to troll though - go into a Fire Emblem video, and add the comment "ゼルダwwww" at a decent moment and watch the otaku fume.


Yeah, the comments are brilliant. Wouldn't work on youtube though as most youtubers are fuckwits ¬_¬


If you haven't seen Tokyo Crystal MEw, then seriously do, i've literally had to pause every few seconds because the comments were making ym eyes water from laughter and I couldn't see : peace:


http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1996458 - ep1

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1996952 - ep2

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2002933 - ep3


For those not registered, and want to see this, PM me and i'll give you instructions.

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I hate Mondays at Uni.


Maths lecture at 11, was doing Java work after till 12, then a Computing Science Pratical at 1, then a Tutorial Straight after it which finished at just before 3.


Then at 3 it was time for my Maths tutorial which ended at half 4 and i'm finally on a break, but only to go to a Criminal Law lecture at 5 T_T


Then I need to hang about for my bus since it comes once an hour then sit on the bus going oh god I have an assignement to do for tomorrow.


C'mon Uni!


P.S I've had no time to eat yet. I'm using my last few minutes to devour whatever I can :)


I feel the same; Mondays suck.

Get up at 6:45. Classes from 8:30 till 5:30 with only a one hour break. One hour to get home, half an hour to eat. So now it's 7 pm and the rest of my evening (until midnight or later) will consist of working my ass off for school even more. -____-;


I could seriously use a break again, but won't get one for another four weeks or something. =(



Edit: oh and wtf at a possible Autumn release for SSBB? Fuck that Nintendo. >(

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I feel the same; Mondays suck.

Get up at 6:45. Classes from 8:30 till 5:30 with only a one hour break. One hour to get home, half an hour to eat. So now it's 7 pm and the rest of my evening (until midnight or later) will consist of working my ass off for school even more. -____-;


I could seriously use a break again, but won't get one for another four weeks or something. =(



Edit: oh and wtf at a possible Autumn release for SSBB? Fuck that Nintendo. >(


What??? :o




My school is from 8:30-5:30 and i always only just make it through the day! I need a break to but have to wait four weeks for that but then it will be serious revision for my A levels!


Well, I usually hate Mondays! but today was slightly different! I walked into my first class and i usually recieve some sort of sracastic comment from the guy already in there but today he was much more polite! :)


Also i think people are now deciding to except that i'm different and go with the flow. I also made people laugh again during my lessons by giving them fashion advice. :heh:(long story) :D

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Urgh, stuck on the last mission of devil may cry 4!! D:


(ps. my mock results are as follows:)

English (not got yet because teacher is crap)



Biology - No award >.<



Welldone getting a A in computing and a C in Art.


My day was just normal monday for me.

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Urgh, stuck on the last mission of devil may cry 4!! D:


(ps. my mock results are as follows:)

English (not got yet because teacher is crap)



Biology - No award >.<



I'm looking to get the same biology grade in my final exam. I'm so screwed, I've got 2 months to learn the entire years course, with 1 hour and a half lesson every friday afternoon. I need a B too.


Question! If I was to get a C this year and then an A next, would the equate to a B as my final mark? Or do you put 2 seperate marks on your uni application?

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I'm looking to get the same biology grade in my final exam. I'm so screwed, I've got 2 months to learn the entire years course, with 1 hour and a half lesson every friday afternoon. I need a B too.


Question! If I was to get a C this year and then an A next, would the equate to a B as my final mark? Or do you put 2 seperate marks on your uni application?


We need to like, study on msn together!! I got 2/20 in the essay questions..

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Yesterday was my Mum's birthday and I gave her flowers (never done that before) - then I drove back to Sheffield, first time I'd driven on a motorway - although it was really easy and quite relaxing (until the small stretch of the M1) - but it means I finally have my car with me at home. Feel like some sort of adult or something. It's weird.


Today... meh, uni, lecture, library, books, essay due, take-away food, slow download of Halo full game on 360, n+ XBLA game, I'm tired.

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Yesterday was my Mum's birthday...

Not so interesting fact: it was also my mum's birthday yesterday. We went out for lunch and were served by a guy that was a mix of John Cleese and Errol Flynn.


I've an interview at my local semi-independent games retailer tomorrow. There's no reason why I shouldn't get the job, but... well, you know what interviews are like; they are not things of reason.


In case you missed it, neither of these things have anything to do with today.

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We need to like, study on msn together!! I got 2/20 in the essay questions..




There's essay questions? Oh god I'm screwed. *High Five!*


At least you got 2!:D Thats double what I got on my memory essay for pyschology. My teacher was not pleased.

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I'm looking to get the same biology grade in my final exam. I'm so screwed, I've got 2 months to learn the entire years course, with 1 hour and a half lesson every friday afternoon. I need a B too.


Question! If I was to get a C this year and then an A next, would the equate to a B as my final mark? Or do you put 2 seperate marks on your uni application?


You'll get an overall grade that takes into account all six modules accross AS/A2 :) But, of course, you don't get your final mark before you apply to uni's so you put your AS mark and your predicted grade, amiright?


Back to ME ME ME MEEEEeee.... Decided to have a nap instead of go out (Y) HARDCORR. *breaks open the wine*

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The day has just turned shit. What started out as a normal conversation with the girlfriend soon went downhill. Supposed to be going to hers but I think I'm just going to go watch some tv because to be fair, I don't want to see her when shes being weird and a little moody. >_<


I hate it when girls are moody for no real reason. :(


I hate it even more how they get even more annoyed when you think it's because of their period.

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In case you missed it, neither of these things have anything to do with today.


off topic! ban them both!!! :grin:

i cant even REMEMBER yesterday......... O___o i remember the evening, work and coming home with a bag full of stolen chips and dips, then going to bed... :hmm: but i just cant remember what i did during the day :indeed:


.....O___O eep! ban me too!

I hate it when girls are moody for no real reason. :(


I hate it even more how they get even more annoyed when you think it's because of their period.


ooh!! i was all moody on the phone for no reason yesterday too!! poor jamba - i said i'd go to bed but he cheered me up ...manipulative bastard~ yay for him!! :yay:

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