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A cute girl got on the Uni bus this morning with a 'I'm only here because my server is down' tee on. I was like, AWESOME. I deliberated the whole journey what to do, like, maybe chat, say 'I like your tee', 'FOR THE ALLIANCE' etc. So in the end I gave her a note as I got off saying.... 'i hope you roll alliance'. I NEVER DO THINGS LIKE THAT.


I don't know what came over me.


Dork dork dork.


Dork dork dork.

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It's been Arctic-style conditions this afternoon. I went bowling then rang my mum for a lift back since I would have been soaked otherwise, and she started having a go at me for wanting a lift, saying it wasn't that bad and that she was busy. My sister gets a lift if she needs the bloody toilet, and the one week I ask for a lift rather than getting soaked and frozen, I get shouted at. :/

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So in the end I gave her a note as I got off saying.... 'i hope you roll alliance'. I NEVER DO THINGS LIKE THAT.


I don't know what came over me.


Dork dork dork.


Dork dork dork.

It could have been worse. You could have sidled up and said, "Looking for group?" Actually, that's so bad it might have looped right around into being amazing...

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Started off good. Got my wireless router from AOL in today, set it up - all worked without a hitch.


Got my 360 and Wii (for the first time) connected online, everything went very smoothly.


After set up went out with a mate for lunch, had a few drinks then come back home to enjoy some online Gears. I go to find my copy for Gear of War - its no where to be pucking found - pucking great! Definitely one of my smaller brothers have been messing about with it, nobody is owning up!


I am so extremely pissed off, not because they have touched my stuff (I expect it) but the go and lose my game and the worse thing is that they sit there saying "its your game, not my problem". If you are going to play with it, look the hell after it!


Basically mad over the principle of things but what the heck, nothing I can do but sit here gear-less. Loud music always helps. :P

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My day just got better.

Tonight was a choice between watching some kid who gave me death threats because I apparently told lies about his girlfriend being a slut to everyone (she was, but my friends were talking about it and people overheard, meanwhile I'm not part of the band him and some of them are in so I got blamed).




Watching TV with my girlfriend.


The girlfriend won, the mates are unhappy, I'm happy :D

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Phew, nearly finsihed my script, all well before the deadline. I can relax soon.




Are you guys really getting nothing? We've had gale force arctic winds for a couple of days now, and I'm sitting in Uni watching heavy snow start to fall along with it. The 45-min walk home is going to be great fun.


Where do you live Gaggle?


Its stong winds and raining here.


Edit: hmm snowing all over UK tomorrow but going to rain here. :(

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The snow was bluddy terrible from 12pm to about half 4. Lessons were cancelled because there was a powercut town-wide. We were stuck in the common room freezing our arses of with no heating from 12 till it was time to leave. The walk home was hard too, everyone was falling over because the ice was really slippery, and when mixed with slush it made it hard to move a few metres, let alone the way home.


The weather was awesome though, so much snow, it's great!:yay:

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Grrrr! Started off the day pretty well and was making progress towards what I thought was going to be a very good level design day. But NO! I spent 2 hours slaving away at this thing to get absolutely nowhere. It bummed me out so much that I got sod all animation done.


So great... resigned to texturing for the rest of the night. YAY.

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Today involved doing an all day biology Experiment (Water potential of potato things). T'was quite good.


90% of the time there was no teacher in the room which made it more fun. I ended up finishing with half the day to spare so decided to amuse myself by trying to play 'Twinkle twinkle little star' by hitting different sized beakers with water in. I didn't manage it.

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A cute girl got on the Uni bus this morning with a 'I'm only here because my server is down' tee on. I was like, AWESOME. I deliberated the whole journey what to do, like, maybe chat, say 'I like your tee', 'FOR THE ALLIANCE' etc. So in the end I gave her a note as I got off saying.... 'i hope you roll alliance'. I NEVER DO THINGS LIKE THAT.


I don't know what came over me.


Dork dork dork.


Dork dork dork.


You totally should have left your character name and server on the note.

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Weather = crap.


Work was a pain too, there's this one woman who I swear must have OCD, my manager even said not to clean the mats at the front of the door, but no...when there's only two of us trying to mop the whole of the damn shop she leaves me to go clean it. Then when me and my manager want to leave (at 8:30) she goes and cleans everything in the staff room, I was near screaming when she came down. Stupid woman.


Luckily my parents had chinese when I got home, so at least I had food.


Lets hope mmu is ok tomorrow.

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Where do you live Gaggle?


Its stong winds and raining here.


Edit: hmm snowing all over UK tomorrow but going to rain here. :(


Cumbria. We got the worst of the winds, but we should dodge the snow. It's just turned dastardly cold now though. Brrr.


My heating is buggered! Fuck yeah!

Oh dear. One of the more tropical species are we?

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My girlfriend came back from uni, she was ment to meet me at 4, shes a bit late. We will probally break up because she always does this, I havent seen her in about a month, and she pisses about. Also there is a skate jam i need to enter tomorrow, but i dont think i will because she will just bitch at me 24/7 like a bitch.

The conversation will go like this:

Hai i ttly have a skate jam today so i need to go to the park.

but you ttly has not seen me the whole time i have been here

(please note how it is my fault ktnkzbai)

then i will not go.

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