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Acutally fairly sure that that avatar sealed the number i got. Because i showed her the background and she was WTF MUST SEE CLOSER and then she must have put the number in at that point. cause at this point i was hugging the OTHER girl and I think number-girl was all like "wtf? gizm ois mine" so gave me her number. So i have an email of one girl and number of another. SURELY I CANNOT FAIL NOW. SURELY I WILL NOT END THE WEEKEND A SINGLE MOGWAI.


edit: to explain, the avatar is also the background /wallpaper of my phone


*shakes head at self*


Anyway, yes. I decided I wanted number-girl rather than email-girl. Neither of them went to the Saturday party though, so instead I have to do it the hard / sober way. Was texting her most of Saturday (though she stopped replying at one point. Can't remember what I said, maybe I didn't give her anything to reply to, whatever, dunno). Spent about half an hour sitting in my car deciding what and how to say, eventually called her.


And got an answering machine :weep::weep::weep:


Me is sad panda. Shall try and call her again tomorrow. Feels 50/50 on what she'll say.


my day has been kinda lame.


so its my birthday, but apparently, all the friends i made at uni seem to have forgotton. just one of them has said happy birthday, feel kinda gutted about that. was out with my friends from round here last night, it was nice, had a load of laughs, got loads of drinks bought, danced horrificly and generaly behaved like an idiot.


having to go to work on your bday sucks, working with a hang over sucks, working when ill sucks. i did all 3.


totaly amazine coincidence, my first call at work was a mother calling for her son, who's birthday it was today, and who was called chris. it was pretty amazine. i was just thinking wouldent it be freaky to get some one who shared birthdays with me to phone in today?

so its my birthday, but apparently, all the friends i made at uni seem to have forgotton. just one of them has said happy birthday, feel kinda gutted about that.


Don't feel too downhearted I had a similar situation last year, I got like 1 text, and friends I've known for years couldn't even be bothered to leave me a message on facebook. I got more best wishes from people I've never met.


Happy Birthday btw. :)

Don't feel too downhearted I had a similar situation last year, I got like 1 text, and friends I've known for years couldn't even be bothered to leave me a message on facebook. I got more best wishes from people I've never met.


Happy Birthday btw. :)


Thanks! :)


its more irritating then anything, i mean, some of the group have an excuse, they are in cornwall and probly dont have internets right now, so how'd they know?


outhers, well it just goes to show, alot of talks about being friends for life don't necicarily mean you'l get birthday wishes.


mehhhhh. I feel like a complete douche these days.


Just nooooooottt getting used to my car at all. My mum wont is fretting and worrying about my safety. I haven't been out by myself yet, and the more I leave it the harder it will be.


Every time my mum gets in the car she shouts at me for not braking hard enough, but I've been taught a different way to her. My instructor shouted at me for slamming the brakes, and I got a minor in my test for braking too hard, too quickly.


And because I've got no depth perception its very hard with placement on the road. I'm relying very much on sound to detect how close I am to the kerb, and my mum often panics and shouts at me for being too close. Which then panics meeee >_<


Just not what I expected at all, everyone said that passing is such a buzz, and you'll be out in the car all the time, but its been such an anticlimax for me. =( I have to actually FORCE myself to go out everyday.


Augh, I remember when I passed I got lots of comments from my mum based on how I drove onto the driveway. The best thing is to just jump in yourself and drive. Put some music on, feel awesome, and siiiing.



Best £5 anyone has ever spent?


Quite possibly! If it causes her even a second of misery for what she caused me then it's entirely worthwhile (by the sounds of things - quite a few). :p


It's kind of strange that she can't fathom that heinous actions have knock-on effects. She messaged me on MSN earlier (thought I had blocked her, actually) and tried to discredit the many great things in my life right now. Including who I'm going out with now. Clearly she's either annoyed that I'm happy or just jealous. :)


My last week as a simple summary: Freshers' Week fun, set up Atheist, Humanist & Agnostic Society properly (already over 100 members, I feel powerful :heh: ) and I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!! Woo! :yay:


Damn, I miss Uni... Shame about the lectures - my minimum of 27 hours of lectures a week starts tomorrow, and I've had too much caffinee to sleep. Shit.


Ahh, Well Done, Fish! :D


Raining: Try not to worry. I felt exactly the same as you. I thought "ok, test over, I now know how to drive. Here I come!" But being on the road, in a different car to the one I passed with...it was difficult. Not easy at all. Just take things slowly, get more used to the car and your surroundings, and you will persevere. Importantly, don't panic. Don't try to force it. Stay calm and composed, and it will work.


Congrats Fish! =)



I got told for the millionth time again today that maybe it's time for me to learn how to drive. But pfff, it takes so much time and effort (and money) and I just don't know when I'd do it. Plus I'm still terrified of it all so yeah. =P


I spent the entire evening trying out my first linocut thingie! It took me ages, and in the first minute I already cut into my finger, ending up with lots of blood everywhere. =P

I need lots more practice with it, as it didn't really turn out well heh. Need to look up how to do certain things properly.


And now it's 2:30 am while I have to be in school at 8:30. Heh. Honestly think I'm gonna skip the first hour(s). We'll see.

mehhhhh. I feel like a complete douche these days.


Just nooooooottt getting used to my car at all. My mum wont is fretting and worrying about my safety. I haven't been out by myself yet, and the more I leave it the harder it will be.


Every time my mum gets in the car she shouts at me for not braking hard enough, but I've been taught a different way to her. My instructor shouted at me for slamming the brakes, and I got a minor in my test for braking too hard, too quickly.


And because I've got no depth perception its very hard with placement on the road. I'm relying very much on sound to detect how close I am to the kerb, and my mum often panics and shouts at me for being too close. Which then panics meeee >_<


Just not what I expected at all, everyone said that passing is such a buzz, and you'll be out in the car all the time, but its been such an anticlimax for me. =( I have to actually FORCE myself to go out everyday.

Yeah you totally have to get out on your own. You passed your test, so you're completely capable.


Yeah you totally have to get out on your own. You passed your test, so you're completely capable.



Completely capable? That sounds scary :heh:


I think I'm still waiting to wake up from the dream that I've actually passed. :laughing:

Augh, I remember when I passed I got lots of comments from my mum based on how I drove onto the driveway. The best thing is to just jump in yourself and drive. Put some music on, feel awesome, and siiiing.


He's completely right, I've not once let my dad in my car because he's a very very good driver/motorbike rider so I know he'd shake my whole ideals of 'I can drive pretty well' if I let him in with me.


Get in the car, without your mum, go have a drive for an hour or so, park your car.


I ever learnt how to park in a carpark with my driving instructor and had to basically learn myself, eurgh. :blush:


Happy Birthday Chris

Congrats Fish


Weekend was alright, I barely did anything for the most part, except the annoyance saturday, yesterday people were having revelations and telling me front, right and centre. Gah! Housemate also very nearly gave me germs and she's kept me awake with coughing most of the night. Not her fault, but when there's no heating in the house she really should wrap up more, she can't just go out in shorts like me. :blank:


Ney mind, class in like half an hour, I wonder how the tutors will take my 'plan' for the next couple of years bwuahahahah..hahaha...haha..hah.


Proud of your handiwork, EEVIL?


Well after work on saturday I was supposed to go out suited and booted to town, but i thought I was too tired so had a few cans with the housemates. Anyway it gets to around 4am and I'm having my goodnight cigarette, when a woman walking on the otherside of the road with a massive backpack shouts at me "excuse me, which way to the station?" I shout out a pardon, as I couldn't hear her, so she crosses, then also asks to use our loo. I let her, then we sat and had a smoke, she pulled some wine from a bag and drank with me, then we talked for a while, read my poetry, looked at her paintings. Found out she had stormed out of her 'girlfriend's' house. then it got cold and housemates went to bed so we went into my lounge, drank more, talked a lot, then walked to town at about 9am for a 'swift drink' before she got her train. On the way we went through a gap in a fence and took some photos by the river, sat in an old sofa, with balloons in teh stream.


Basically, we went from pub to pub drinking, and eventually i got home at 8pm, completely exhausted. Still tired now. Braindead. A very strange day. Essentially made friends with a 41 year old lesbian.


Today has pretty much sucked so far. It's been an uninteresting day. Woke up, got a call about going into a school today, but I wouldn't have had enough time to get there. So, had to turn it down. But, thankfully I'm working tomorrow all day, so that's ok.


Got a call from another agency about working today, but I can't do that as I'm working elsewhere. So, I've had to turn down two bits of work in one day. Nooooo.


I've tried filling in application forms today and just can't get motivated. To top it off, I can't find my Microsoft Office disc to install it on my computer, meaning that I'm filling in forms using shitty Microsoft Works. It's craaaaap. Not only that, but some forms can only be viewed in PDF format, but need to be filled out manually...as they're "locked" so you can't edit them. I fucking hate it when this happens. What really is the point in printing off an application then filling it in manually when it is so much quicker doing it straight onto the document? What about proof reading and stuff? You make a mistake, and then you need to do the whole printing off and re-filling it out again. Not only that, but usually you have soooo little space to fill in your details and generally I think it just looks very untidy. Plus my handwriting sucks arse.


Spent most of the day listening to Joy Division and the Manic Street Preachers, which helped me relax a little. But then, listening to them made me want to pick up my guitar and play, so I have only filled out a teensy weensy bit of my application today.


Oh it's been a fun day :nono: Had to print something off the PC this morning so rushed into the shower, got changed for going to uni and set about waiting for the damned thing to load. So I'm sitting there and pet one of the cats (the one that's come back from a cat show at the weekend) and almost instantly, my skin goes awol and is itchy as hell. Got so agitated, I couldn't speak or move. I was there thinking 'crap, one of the cats has got fleas and now I have them!' Mother wasn't best pleased at me because of how agitated I was but I couldn't help it. Very little sleep, as I haven't been sleeping well, and then that. Anyway, 5 minutes later, I'm fine. Nothing to do with the cats so don't know what the hell was up. Just 5 minutes of sudden and intense itchy skin.


Struggled to stay awake in lectures and on the bus to and from Uni. Really need a good night's sleep but have work to do. Got to read Hamlet, then write an essay on visual agnosias and then read Plato and finally do some reviews. Someone get me some alcohol 'cause it's gonna be a long week. Although I shall endeavour to make it half decent when I ask out the girl I like. Better say yes. :laughing:


*Orders something from Waterstones.com*


*Uses all points balance on my Waterstones card to get £4.40 off my order*


*Order is on "special order with out suppliers"*


*Cancels order due to delays*


*Points balance shows as zero*


*Emails off querying*


*Doesn't know if its in response to the email, because they havn't replied and it says 5 days trt, but checks points balance and it states £8.80*



That was the hilight of my day.


Bring on Master Cheif to be honest.

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