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What substeinar said. Also, if any planet has little living cells that's enough to be considered aliens, they don't need to have bodies. Also, the fact that a planet isn't like earth doesn't mean it can't support life, who's to say that all life forms need water to live and whatnot?


You're right, and infact they have good evidence that there are bacteria and small microbial lifeforms on Europa, one of Jupiters moons. It looks to be covered in Ice.


But really, from a scientific point of view, as the Universe is basically infinite there must be aliens. As if we take the universe to be infinite, then we must also accept that due to the nature of infinity an infinite number of possibilites are played out over different solar systems and galaxies. Thus at some point other life will naturally occur.

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Probability pretty much suggests that life is bound to exist elsewhere in the universe. Whether it'll be similar to anything we've seen before though depends. If the planet it evolves on is similar to ours, i.e. one star about the suns size, similar gravity etc. then it is likely it will look pretty similar to stuff on Earth as evolution is just the adaptations most suited to a certain environment. For example the eye as it is seen in insects is seen to have evolved on about 3 seperate occassions in Earth's history. So it is possible humanoid creatures may have evolved and exist elsewhere in the universe! Asgard ahoy.


So anyway, yeah I believe in aliens, but the chances are they exist too far away for communication with them to ever be possible.

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Given the infinite scale of the universe and the countless planets within, I find it hard to believe we're the only planet to have evolved life. Maybe we're just the first planet though, maybe the universe is still relatively young.


If we found plant life on another planet I'd class that as alien existence.

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Was contemplating starting its own thread, but didn't wamnt to bother with an elaborate post. Searched for "aliens" in general. This came up. Congrats to Rummy as well I suppose ;).


Seriously though, yeah, probably some bacteria fossils from Mars, but I'd love that too.


But if the world ends in 2012 because of some epidemic, you know where it came from.

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Holy shit, I didn't realise this was an old thread. When I saw names like Gaijin von Snikbah and Hellfire, I knew I'd gone back in time! :D


It was the mention of the Everybody Votes Channel in the first post that did it for me. ;)


I think it took me the3rdchildren to figure it out.


I clicked the thread and immediately looked at the date on Rummy's post...


Anyway, I agree with what The Peeps said.

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In September astronomers announced the discovery of the most Earth-like planet ever found – a rocky world three times the size of our own world, orbiting a star 20 light years away.


The planet appears to have an atmosphere, a gravity like our own and could have flowing water on its surface.


The discovery came three years after astronomers found a similar, slightly less habitable planet around the same small red star called Gliese 581 in the constellation of Libra.


The planet, named Gliese g, is 118,000,000,000,000 miles away – so far away that light from its start takes 20 years to reach the earth.



That is just incredible, You cant even begin to comprehend just how large the universe is when you hear / read things like that.


amazing! I wish I were alive in another time era far in the future (if the world doesn't end in 2012) as I'd love to be around to hear / see more advanced developments into space exploration.

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Fuck that. I wanna see things that will exist in a million years.


If the universe is exactly the same in each Big Bang Cycle (which is entirely possible now they have found evidence of cycles), then you are always looking of things that will happen in billions of years.

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