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The Year That Was... 2006


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So then, 2006 - how was it for you?


Was it as pretty average year, or did something amazing happen to you, like discovering Narnia in an akward place upon your girlfriends person, or did you just spend far too much time on 4Chan this year? Any views on world events over the past twelve months? Any hopes for the future?


It has been somewhat uneventful year for me - moved to a new college and inherited a shite flatmate. Elsewere, it's been a pretty sickening year for English sport with our Rugby, Football and Cricket teams all suffering from a severe case of sheer and utter suck. Determined to get a flat with my mate next year. Which will be nice.

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I started off 2006 with the last 2 months or so of my trip to America, so I was living in New Jersey. The snow was 6 feet high and I was visiting New York City a lot, I got to see central park in the snow, wandering around listening to mellow emo tunes on my iPod. That was absolutely amazing. When I came home I spent a few months doing very little - played a lot of the mmo City of Heroes, which I don't touch a lot anymore. I finalised my University details and nervously made my way here.


Finally met my best mate from Cube-Europe, as it was, who most of you remember as j7wicked, and we're now neighbours. The two of us then met your favourite pop-culturally-inclined admin, Ashley, for a brief drink and a few games of pool. Ashley became the fifth person from the internet I'd met this year! A strange experience but cool too. University is harder than I expected it to be, with assignment after assignment layered on. Christmas is the first real break I've had since uni began - and even now I know I have something to finish by the 8th Jan and an exam on the 24th. Made some other good friends, broke up with my long-time girlfriend (feeling surprisingly un-sad and free after that), watched a lot of movies and totally got into Naruto, making it one of my favourite things to watch ever - I've got games, manga, dvds, figurines - all that stuff.


Also went to see AFI earlier this year. It was hard to get in to the tiny single venue at Camden's Electric Ballroom, but I drove down there with a couple of friends and had a really amazing time, even though my friend Emily passed out. I missed their second appearance here, on their UK tour - but don't care too much because their new stuff is pretty sucky, and not the music I got into them for. It was the third time I'd seen the band in twice as many years, and absolutely awesome. Camden is a very cool place too :) It's also where I met the other three "internet" people, one of them was a good friend of mine from when I frequented the afi boards, and I suddenly noticed in the middle of the pit that he was stood next to me.


So yeah... looking back 2006 was more eventful than I realised :D Roll on 2007, Summer, Naruto Part 2 and some nice new accommodation please!

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Guest Stefkov

2006 was Ok.

I moved up to college, no big deal.

Made new friends which was cool.

Still not got a job.

Got a Wii.

Finished Zelda.

Played football with said friends.

Oh I went to Spain which was a bore, it was with my High School, with all those 'friends'. It was a meh holiday.

I bought 2 albums of Hot Hot Heat and listened to each song over 30 times. What an achievement!

I think I got a 360 this year aswell...I'm not very sure though.

I discovered Fullmetal Alchemist and came to love another thing.

Actually quite a lot happened that I cant remember.

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Went to South Africa.

Got severely attacked by a penguin (true story).

Did SATs, surprisingly got full marks in one English paper and passed all subjects.

Did an early GCSE in Biology and passed.

Bought a DS Lite.

Got rid of my Xbox for a Wii and Zelda.

Acquired Darth Tater.


Which brings us to now. Those were my highlights of an overall good year.

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I drunkenly pulled a fat chick, failed to get a job, got a track released on a compilation, almost got chucked out of college, had several haircuts, foolishly went to see "Casino Royale", went to All Tomorrow's Parties twice and saw a lot of amazing bands, I got a Wii, embaressed myself on several occassions, embaressed myself in front of a chick i apparently liked.


Oh, and Joanna Newsom released a new album.


So all in all, 2006 was quite good, despite there being many, many low points.

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A very good year on the whole....


Passed all 5 of my Highers.

Was in Glasgow the day Scotland beat France. Best day of the year, and not only for the footy result. ;)

Loads of awesome drunken nights.

Passing my driving test first time

And ofcourse the long-standing joke between my friends, Kate.

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Pah 2006 was a pile of shit as far as I'm concerned. I had to go back to uni after my year placement (more work and pretty much no money), split up with my girlfriend, which I'm still gutted about and I can't think of any one point in this year that sticks out as actually being good.


Roll on 2007 when (assuming I actually graduate) I will be earning enough money to finally get all the stuff I have been missing out on since I started uni nearly 5 years ago and crack on with my career!

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Bar December, 2006 has been pretty good.


There's been a few low points towards the end of it, but overall, it's been a great year. Just wish I was going into 2007 on a high.


Memorable moments:


Leaving Halls after my first year finished, and realised that I have so many happy memories and experiences that I can take from that.

Moving into a flat with my girlfriend and that's going great.

Getting my love for gaming back. December may not have been all that great, but one of the high points is definitely getting a Wii! Had so many great moments on that already.

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The highs

Went to Budapest in April which was awesome.

Somehow graduated with a 2:2

Watching pretty much every World Cup match before moving back home

Got a pretty wicked job

Got a car

Colchester getting promotion and then kicking arse in the championship


The lows

Having to move back home after I graduated

The town I live in being utterly boring and wishing I wasn't here pretty much every day

Being unemployed for 5 months

Despite vowing not to I have already managed to lose contact with some of my uni friends.


so yeah pretty eventful year the highs outweighing the lows at a glance.

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been a pretty mixed year for me.

my old house was permanently full of druggies taking everything under the sun, which was not fun at all. I fell out with a friend I had known for 10 years because of it.

I ran out of money, so had to leave uni with only 2/3 of my degree complete.

I'm now stuck in an office job with no direction and no means of getting anythign better slowly getting more and more miserable whilst financially supporting my sister so she can finish her degree and go off and do really well in life. I hate being the older one.

my mum is also getting pretty ill, and looks like she will have to go into hopsital again soon so i don't know what will happen then.


A few plusses though. I found myself a nice flat, so didnt have to go home after uni so I still see all my friends from when I was at uni.

Metallica were awesome at download.

Rediscovered my love of gaming with the Wii.

I have also starting writing 2 books, which hopefully will do something so I can do what I actually want to do with my life, rather than feeling like a failiure.

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Ooh yeah 2006 was also the return of Superman :D big for me, I'm a fan.


Oh yes, got to love the plane stopping scene.


2006 was a pretty good year for me, obviously the love life sucked but in general, the rest was pretty good.

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Determined to get a flat with my mate next year. Which will be nice.


That'll be nice although my parents are worried as hell about me leaving.


Overall its been a pretty shitty year:


Left school and got a job at a training agency for a while untill i got fired for reasons i am not willing to discuss


Started having panic attacks which spirald into me getting diagnosed with schitzophrenia


Couldn't get a girlfriend this year either


and for the past couple of weeks i've been relapsing like hell


so yeah overall its been pretty god damn crap for me

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Hasn't been a fantastic year for me really, possibly my worst yet, mainly due to family matters.

Highlights include finally finishing high school/GCSEs, going to Paris to see the champions league final, going to spain on holiday, starting my A Levels (well, AS) and having my first amateur boxing bout. Although these could have all been great and memorable, none were really, due to certain things that happened at the time...

The year has finished quite positively for me though, this month in particular, and i'm kind of optimistic about a variety of things for 2007. Although I don't wish my life away, I anticipate the time in 2008 when I leave Norwich to go a uni somewhere else, and then after that when I move away from England.

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