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O.k, I no im gonna get abused for this thread, but do anyone else here think the Cube has a been a big letdown? compared to the N64? N64 had so many good games, Mario Kart, Zelda OOT and Majoras Mask, Lylat Wars, Donkey Kong, 007, The could go on, but on the Cube, we aint has half as many good games, and also games like Star fox Assualt have been a letdown?, hope the Revoltion brings alot more good games to the Table.

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I think a lot of people went into the Gamecube era and was expecting a replica of the N64 era. If that had happened then we probably would of been a tad screwed. Nintendo needed to rework their 3rd party relationships. The idea of handing out franchises was a nice idea, although some of them backfired (Starfox Assault should of been better).


I think the Cube has had some great games, maybe not as mind breaking as the N64, that's because the N64 was this all new powerful 3D machine.


I mean could you really miss a chance to play Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX, Zelda: Wind Waker, Tales of Symphonia, Soul Calibur 2, Eternal Darkness and so on?


To be honest, I have really enjoyed my gamecube. I have had some great experiences on games like resident evil 4, killer 7 and paper mario. And some amazing multiplayer bashes on Konga and the Mario Party series.


Yes some of those are updates of N64 games but they are all improved and better than previous versions.


I had more games for my GameCube then for my N64. And I also think there are more great games on GC then on the N64. Games like Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4 and Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos and more spring to mind.


I think the Gamecube has more variety and indeed more games but they all lacked the " magic " of the N64 era. I dont know whether it is because most of the games, like was said before, were basically graphical updates or if it was because I was younger when playing the N64 games. Either way not one game yet has come close to the excitement of release of Zelda: OOT.

But I have to say that the third-party support is better on the Gamecube than on the N64.


I don't think the Gamecube is a letdown. To be fair, it could have had a few more killer titles but on the game side of things we got Resi4, Tales of Symphonia, Baten Katios, Donkey Konga, Monkey Ball, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, Final Fantasy:Crystal Chronicles, Eternal darkness: Sanity's Requiem, Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat, Metriod Prime 1+2, F-Zero GX and many, many more great games.


In my view, the Gamecube has been the ultimate party box. Whenever my friends come up, whenever family come up they always go towards my cube and we all end up playing Donkey Konga and Wario Ware: Mega Party Game$ for hours.


In a business perspective the Gamecube again was great but not a sucess. Sales could have been a lot higher but, saying that, Nintendo has been a lot of money from it. In addition, I believe that through the gamecube Nintendo has made a lot of progress trying to make friends with 3rd party developers such as Namco, Konami, Capcom, Sega etc


So overall, the gamecube was/is no way a letdown. Just a step in the right direction and hopefully the Revolution will take a a few more steps in the same path.


Nah, I wouldn't say the 'Cube was a letdown.

I mean:


Resident Evil 4

Baten Kaitos

Metroid Prime

Eternal Darkness

Super Monkey Ball

Viewtiful Joe


Donkey Konga

Zelda: Wind Waker

Battalion Wars

F-Zero GX

Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat

Super Mario Sunshine

Soul Calibur 2


All great games, some with even better sequels.

Not to mention upcoming games.


I think it has.


It has some good games, but their key titles such as Mario Sunshine have lakced quality somewhat. And to me, I didn't buy Wind Waker because of the style. I don't care what you are going to say eg 'It has a great story/gameplay' etc because I made my mind up and I don't regret it. An evolution of OOT would have been unbelievable and infinitely more preferable to me than a cel shaded one.


Metroid Prime was the highlight for me, holy crap it was awesome. Well worth the 13+ hours I put in. I liked the original RE remake aswell though I never completed it (and have now got no memory card *sigh*). I would have got SoA for it as I loved the original on the Dreamcast but I never got round to it. I would have probably loved it heh.


Not the worst console ever by far. And am I the only one who thinks that people see the 64 through rose tinted glasses? I mean, it had great games but they took their time didn't they? They were also incredibly expensive. The amount of time between the AAA titles was pretty long. It still set standards though i.e. 'It's a good shooter, but it's not Goldeneye good'.


Gamecube had a few games I wanted to love, that I ended up strongly disliking.


Luigi's Manison - I never liked it. I tried to like it.

Pikmin - I wanted to love it, but the time limit ruined everything.

Metroid Prime - Everyone said it was great, so I bought it, I sold it after a short wile, I just didn't like the gameplay. Sure the graphics were neat, but it wasn't fun for me.

Mario Sunshine - I bought it, hated it, and sold it quickly. By far the worst game I have owned on my Gamecube. Too bad, I guess it was just not my kind of game.


Great games that I loved :

Tales of Symphonia - I loved the style, I loved the world, the storyline was a bit thin, but it was great anyway.

Phantasy Star Online - 4 player splitscreen! That was one of my most played Gamecube games.

Super Monkey Ball 2 - Multiplayer madness! I also loved the 1 player game.

Skies of Arkadia Legends. I used to have it on my Dreamcats, luckly I got to try this version too.

Animal Crossing, funny game, I played it for ages.

Baten Kaitos - Nice RPG.


The rest of my games were neither great, nor bad.


..for me, it hasn't really been a let down.. there's been some fantastic games, and I have quite a big collection (about 50 :indeed: lol) but none of the games have felt as special as when I was playing games on the N64 like Goldeneye or Banjo Kazooie or 1080.. and many more.. whether that's with getting older or because the games on the gamecube arent as good, I'm not sure.. maybe it's because when you were playing the games on the N64 they felt new and fresh, but on the Gamecube they were mostly updates (there's obviously exceptions) ..but maybe this is where the Revolution comes in.. totally different way to play games, could be great :)


The N64 is held so highly because it brought Nintendo games into 3D and it was the first time we were all experiencing that and such games;


The Cube however has had some FANTASTIC games that i would never had wanted to miss out on; SSBM, Zelda WW, Zelda TTP, Resi 4, Metroid Prime etc...


IMO the Cube has been the best console for games this generation; so if anyone says that the Cube has been a letdown, then....

  Tailzo said:
Gamecube had a few games I wanted to love, that I ended up strongly disliking.



Pikmin - I wanted to love it, but the time limit ruined everything.



Get Pikmin 2. I felt the same about Pikmin and did sell it back but after reading reviews of Pikmin 2 and finding that the time limit had been removed you're free to do what you want. It is truely a fantastic gem :)

  Retro_Link said:
IMO the Cube has been the best console for games this generation; so if anyone says that the Cube has been a letdown, then....


Then nothing.


The great thing is that you said 'IMO'. As in, I could say 'IMO the Xbox has been the best for games' and that wouldn't make me wrong.

  Shmotz said:
Then nothing.


The great thing is that you said 'IMO'. As in, I could say 'IMO the Xbox has been the best for games' and that wouldn't make me wrong.

Exactly; i was saying that i think the GC has been the best for games, but then it does have all the type/range of games that i like to play;


Just like people here are saying they think the GC's failed; i'm just stating my opinion.


I would agree with you that the Xbox has also been great, it's just it didn't have enough games that interested me for a purchase (though i thought about it).

I think whilst the GC has excelled in games with fantastic gameplay, the Xbox's biggest success has easily been in its online capabilities and bringing online gaming to a much bigger audience; and for that i applaud it!


I think the Gamecube was a bit of a let down in these last two years for me.


But that is only because in the last two years gaming in general has been a let down.

  Retro_Link said:
I would agree with you that the Xbox has also been great, it's just it didn't have enough games that interested me for a purchase (though i thought about it)


I also think the same. It had nothing that appealed to me really (appart from Conker, which rules by the way)


I think even my bro isn't bothering with next gen. He got an XBox, but it hasn't got that much use because the games just don't stand out enough n things. We've played the GC WAY more and since I'm probably getting a Rev (We'll wait & see if i really is great) he'll focus on getting a DS & PC games.


Yes and no. Whilst there have been many brilliant games such as Viewtiful Joe, Wind Waker, MP, MP2, Resi 4, Mario Kart, Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Brothers and the list pretty much goes on. However, I feel that Nintendo has failed to establish good relations with third parties. I mean, no Pro Evo, MGS or GTA.... Hopefully this will be fixed on the Revolution.


The cube has definitely not been a let down for me. It's treated me to some classic games moments, and has even opened my eyes to new styles and ideas. If it wasn't for the gamecube, i doubt i would have gone back and played my snes, nes or other retro consoles, nintendo or not.


I've loved the games, and the multiplayer moments have been off the scale. :)

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