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About GoonFace

  • Birthday 03/08/1989

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  • Interests
    Music, Football, Games


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Gamecube, GBA
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  • Favourite Game?
    Resident Evil 4
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  1. Great, Eboue, Ljungberg and Baptista out of the next two games...
  2. My personal highlight of the match was Borat on the advertising boards, "I like your tackle, high fiiiiiiiive". Yes, England were that poor.
  3. Haha. That episode was great. Now I feel like playing World of Warcraft, even though I've never played it before in my life...
  4. Thanks for that, but I managed to do that mission first go after that post without the magnum.
  5. This smells like bull, but I wouldn't put it past Sony to do this. I mean they are cracking down on importing, so stopping the resale or lending of games would be the next step for them.
  6. This game is brilliant. I just put my own music on there which is a good touch. The only problem is that the f*cking Portland Chainsaw Masquerade mission is damn impossible
  7. MSN is incredibly annoying. MSN 7 would not let me sign in at all, so I downloaded MSN 7.5 and success! But then after a while, the problems came back. I couldn't sign in again and I was forced to use Windows Messenger, which has its problems of its own. When I'm online with Windows Messenger and I'm talking to people, somehow I am not displayed as being online. Sort it out Microsoft
  8. I'm in year 12 at the moment, studing Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Business Studies. I seem to be in a bad situation, where I hate all my subjects and teachers. The only good point is that recently Business Studies has become mildly interesting. Here's hoping the same happens with the other subjects.
  9. Well, there is a Bin Laden version which I didn't post because it's not really suitable. By that I mean he's naked and you can see everything, and I mean everything.
  10. http://www.planetdan.net/pics/misc/georgie.htm This is great You can also click on him to control him, I swear I could play this for hours.
  11. All I can say is don't believe the hype. I very much doubt this news is true.
  12. That Huth is some player :wink:. That should shut up my mate who thinks Huth is better then Senderos . I can't wait for the Chelsea fans to start saying they don't care about the Carling Cup, when last year it was a completly different story.
  13. I will resist the dark side of the force and wait until a boxset of all six films is released.
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