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The Butterfly Effect

I watched this film on Sky a while ago, so it's not really the last film I saw, but what the hell. I was intrigued by it because I'd read a review that compared it to the likes of David Lynch and Charlie Kaufman, but ultimately expected to be disappointed due to it's ultra slick look and the appearance of celebrity twot, Aston Kutcher.


And I was. I found every "flashback" scene to be more hilarious than the last, particularly when he stops his future girlfriend from being sexually abused by her father. There's nothing believable about it and each character is incredibly one dimensional. Kutcher as the confused but "sensitive" main character; Melora Walters as his constantly upset mother; Elden Henson as the consistently angry model plane enthusiast, Lenny and William Lee Scott as the overprotective criminal older brother. Amy Smart is so transparent I don't even remember any of her performance.


The filmmakers clearly intend for "The Butterfly Effect" to be taken as heart breaking drama, which most of it's cretinous audience praise it as being, but to the more discerning viewer it's more of a... riotous comedy.


It jumps the shark though when Kutcher awakes from his "time travelling" to find his usually angry best friend is now cured and staying in the same college dorm as him. Kutcher is about to go back to sleep, when he notices that he has no arms and is now a hugely deformed cripple, that everyone seems to enjoy poking fun at. His best friend Lenny - the one who is no longer angry and enthused about model planes - is now dating Amy Smarts character. This depresses Kutcher's character. When being wheeled around the college campus the "jocks" and "nerds" continue to mock Kutcher's armless state, which depresses him even further. So, he decides to end it all and attempts to drown himself in the bath - cue the gratuitous 'turning on the water with my stump' shot. But of course, the disabled are useless so Kutcher's character even fails at suicide. "I can't even kill myself!" he yelps as Amy Smart clutches his wavering stumps.


If you're looking for a good drama, avoid this film like the plague but if you're looking to be cheered up one solemn winter night then look no further than "The Butterfly Effect". Rated R for Refreshingly Offensive.



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Lol, not that I wanted to see the Butterfly Effect anyway... but I doubt I ever will now!


Well, I watched The Matrix Reloaded. Its the only one of the trilogy I own - got it for about 5 euros near a year ago, so I couldnt pass it up. I think its also my favourite of the three as I find it very watchable.


Everyone knows what it is so I'll not bore you with a run down of the story nor my opinion on all three as a whole.


Reloaded gets an 8.5/ 10 from me. Great special effects and a fast paced story win me over. :yay:


(I'll check back later with my Rocky score!)

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Saw Smokin' Aces at the cinema on wednesday - felt like (and pretty much was) one of those gangster flicks with the ol' Lock, Stock feel. Lots of intense situations involving bullets and blood, and the odd twist here and there.


I quite liked it. Not the best film ever but it was pretty fast paced, and kept you entertained enough for your money; enough to not notice your ass rotting on those shitty cinema seats...



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Not to put down other people's opinions, but don't take them as fact, first watch things for yourself and see if they're good or not.


Bingo. Besides, killthenet is a moron, the movie is not GREAT, but it's good.

And if you rate Reloaded 8.5, you clearly have problems. It deserves a something between a 5 and a 6.5.


Saw Dare Mo Shiranai(Nobody Knows) last Tuesday, and I was very impressed. The humanity of the characters is godly. A solid 9 out of 10.

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Whoa, apologies for liking The Matrix Reloaded and having my thoughts that the Butterfly Effect was rot being confirmed. I stand by my opinion that I find Reloaded an extremely watchable film so :kiss: .


Chicken Little:

Suprisingly OK. The animation had this nice stop animation quality to it at times so that was good. The fish and little orange kid alien were cool - Kirby?! A solid and suprising enough 5.5.


Rocky Balboa:

Just realised I'd not preached about it in here to you all. Really excellent. I was expecting some sort of film that was primarily for getting Sly back in the public eye. Not in the slightest, a reminiscent look at how Rocky's living now so many years late. Superb! I wanna give it a ten but maybe its effect'll die off after a while so a conservative 9/10 will do for now. :bouncy:

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Whoa, apologies for liking The Matrix Reloaded and having my thoughts that the Butterfly Effect was rot being confirmed. I stand by my opinion that I find Reloaded an extremely watchable film so :kiss: .


Who said it wasn't watchable? 5 means average. 6.5 means slightly above average. The truth is, the movie is... disappointing. ^^


Can't wait to watch Rocky Balboa.

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Star Trek Nemesis


It's a cool film with an interesting evil character but it's not Star Trek.

So don't get me wrong it's entertaining, has a good script, good acting, nice music, good special effects but it focuses too heavily on Picard and Shinzon and it somehow is just the Enterprise and no sign of the Federation.

Also the death of Data and leaving of Troy and Riker was far too quick and unemotional. Furthermore it annoyed me that Shinzons motives changed all the time and the space fight carried on for too long. It almost felt like Bridge Commander.



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The Breakfast Club


After referencing it in several essays I've finally watched it. Theres a reason its referred to as a classic teen film. Good film, a good character driven film even if it is a tad dated.




This film is awesome! Anyone seen the Family Guy episode where the alien, can't remember his name right now, is acting along with the film? Its my favourite FG bit!

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Oh I meant to mention this earlier in the week. Smokin' Aces. I rate it similarly to the way Emo did earlier in the thread. Hey wow, that was way easier than actually reviewing it.

This film is awesome! Anyone seen the Family Guy episode where the alien, can't remember his name right now, is acting along with the film? Its my favourite FG bit!
There's an alien in family guy? Well I do remember a scene where someone goes into the library and sees the breakfast club, but its actually Tony the Tiger and the Trix rabbit et al, but I can't remember if that was FG.
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Star Trek Nemesis


It's a cool film with an interesting evil character but it's not Star Trek.

So don't get me wrong it's entertaining, has a good script, good acting, nice music, good special effects but it focuses too heavily on Picard and Shinzon and it somehow is just the Enterprise and no sign of the Federation.

Also the death of Data and leaving of Troy and Riker was far too quick and unemotional. Furthermore it annoyed me that Shinzons motives changed all the time and the space fight carried on for too long. It almost felt like Bridge Commander.




Yes, quite possibly the worst Star Trek movie of all time, maybe even worse than that one with Spocks brother, was it the final frontier?


Tonight I watched Star Trek First Contact and Hollow Man.


First Contact is an example of how to do Star Trek properly, time travel, the Borg, good storyline, some excellent action scenes, Star trek at it's best, only rivalled by Wrath of Khan. 10/10


Hollow Man, just the Invisible Man brought up to date with some great special effects and some truely chilling scenes, along with a little bit of comedy, love the scene with the kids in the car. 8/10

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Flags Of Our Fathers


Terrible. Boring and all over the place. They tried to give it a complicated narrative, but it would've worked much better if it were entirely in chronological order. That would'nt have improved it too much though as their is hardly a plot to begin with and it just says the same things that hundereds of war films have said better in the past.



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The Breakfast Club


After referencing it in several essays I've finally watched it. Theres a reason its referred to as a classic teen film. Good film, a good character driven film even if it is a tad dated.




I am not ashamed to say that that fim is probably one of my all-time favourites.

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