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Lol. But dude, its a bad bad film. I say this objectively speaking, or at least subjectively in so far as I'm not retarded. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it when I first watched it, although I'm beginning to think that was more because of the expectations I had seeing as its a pretty iconic film...for some reason, even though everything about it is so transparent. It doesn't even work as a comedy, like Predator =p. Phailyurrrr.


I'm just a geek for the first two and the whole universe, anything Terminator related. It's a film I grew up with, and have seen so many times, and will probably see again for many more. For me, it's just got everything: the action scenes are really well crafted, and you never have "Die Hard 4" syndrome where you can't tell what the shit is going on. The storyline is a neat little twist from the first film, although I think Arnie plays a much better Villain than he does a hero. For its time, and still now I think the effects are pretty well done. I can look at it and still feel engrossed in it. Some films I have looked back on and wanted to puke inside my mouth, but this is definitely not one of them.


There's a real heart to this, too. The way John interacts with the Terminator, much to Sarah's initial dismay. It's all brilliant, I could happily watch it right now even though I feel sleepy. It's probably not for everyone, but it's served me well.


Also, yeah...Predator does work much better as a comedy than TeeToo.


"If Eet Bleeds, we can keel eeet!"




I have a theory about Bale. Basically, any scene that he is in, you can almost guarantee that every other actor will be better. Both Sam Worthington and Anton Yelchin gave far superior performances than he did.



I remember seeing an interview and the interviewer asked Christian Bale "Do you worry that Heath Ledger's performance in the film will distract viewer from your own work?"


I mentally edited it to:


"Do you feel that small, slightly out of focus inanimate objects in the background will out-act you?"


Edit: Iun, Thank You! There is someone out there who cannot stand Christian Bale, either. He's played a poor Bruce Wayne (In The Dark Knight anyway) and has played an equally poor John Connor. Average at best in both of these roles. I got slated by some of my friends for saying that I really couldn't stand him in The Dark Knight.

To be fair... The 'concept' of John Connor is very shaky throughout the series.


And Keaton all the way.


My view on Christian Bale has been tainted by the time he made an Epicock out of himself by ranting at the lights guy. I was saying to Happenstance the other day, if I was the director or whoever has the authority, I'd have told him to fuck right off of my set and don't come back untill he had an apology lined up.

Terminator Salvation


Too sleepy for a real review now but I didn't particularly like it.


When the camera came over the wall and we first saw Skynet did anyone else think...Mordor? Or just me. Also, when Kyle said ''Come with me if you want to live'' I turned and smiled at ReZ and...*blank*. He told me after the film he's never seen the originals, heh.


Oh I got it. I havn't seen the films, but I know the quotes (ridiculously famous)


I just thought the film was shit to be honest. And you all know how bad my taste in films is.


Terminator Salvation


Did anything of any importance actually happen? Just....none of it made any logical sense. Why didn't they have the magic signal with them all the time on portable speakers? How can they afford jet fighters and heart surgeons but not a stereo system? Where were all the Terminators for 95% of the film? Why didn't they die repeatadly? The action was meh to be honest.


The best thing were the opening scenes, (not the cheesy/ridiculious pre-credits one) but the post credit war scene one. Very immersive, and very awesome and somewhat experimental camera angles, that was really cool. Then the rest of the film happened. Everything just seemed pointless, and Christian Bale was boring.


Sam Worthington was good though.....I thought he'd make a good Captain America.




Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian


This one seemed to lack the heart of the first one but I much prefered it overall for some reason. I started watching it but started falling asleep. :p so took an hour and a half nap and finished it afterwards. I was basically watching the whole movie waiting for Aslan to appear! The children kind of annoy me though. The action and fights I enjoyed at the end and the storming of the castle. The problem is it would have worked better as a darker movie I think. I never felt the peril they were facing as no one really got hurt.


I've just realised not many positives in my review but I liked it.


4 Bears out of 7. :D


Yes Man


I love me some Jim Carey. He looks a bit old now but I still love the guy and he does these kind of movies the best. Different to what I thought it was going to be and overall I think I prefered the story, though not as funny as I would have liked. It focused more on his relationship with Zooey Deschannel who is awesome in this which I did like. Her character is great and they gel well together. I nearly cried when she said "I think I love you.." It was just so sweet. :heh:


Even though it is your usual predictable flick. It was predictable in a good way! :)


4 and a half Bears out of 7.

My view on Christian Bale has been tainted by the time he made an Epicock out of himself by ranting at the lights guy. I was saying to Happenstance the other day, if I was the director or whoever has the authority, I'd have told him to fuck right off of my set and don't come back untill he had an apology lined up.

It's brought to life like never before! Skip to 6:06.


The Wrestler


3rd watch of the Mickey Rourke comeback movie as such. Still gets the same score as before 9/10


Jurassic Park


Haven't seen this movie in years. And for its time, it had amazing special effects. Stars Sam Niel, Jeff Goldblum and Richard Attenbourgh. Good story to it to be fair, i wouldn't like to be on that island to be fair. Who wouldn't. 8/10




Really enjoyable film, wasn't sure what to expect from it tbh aside from the obligatory Tarantino trimmings - and of course his cameo appearance which was awesome - but I was pleasantly surprised by it.


It's billed as his 5th film but it wasn't really hyped up even half as much as Kill Bill was and it works to its credit, the grindhouse style works well, the plot is engaging and I love the way the different sets of characters are built up before... well you will know what happens if you've seen it; the deserving role reversal at the end is most satisfying too.


I was gonna also add that it doesn't involve gawping at the actions of a mentally ill murderer but that would be a bit stretching the truth given the nature of the film and some of the scenes :heh: but it was a really decent film for what it is in any case. :)




I thought the grindhouse films were massively hyped up before release - just the critics were fairly brutal with them, and they kinda slinked off with their tails between their legs.


I was fortunate enough to see a proper billing of planet terror and deathproof back-to-back, complete with the spoof trailers in between, at a nice little cinema in leeds. I'm a wee fan of 70's b-movie stuff anyway, so I found then to be pretty cool. Actually, I haven't seen either since...


Not nearly as hyped up as Kill Bill was though, I enjoyed both of the grindhouse films and feel that it was a good direction for both directors to take, the end result was two very decent, watchable and enjoyable films and while they won't ever be regarded very highly in comparison to other films at the time they are still pretty damn good for what they are; pure entertainment. :)


Planet Terror was amazing. I thought it was absolutely hilarious.


not that familiar with the grindhouse genre though, so maybe the critics found fault there. I was more than happy to sit back and enjoy the spectacle though.


I shall harass the YouTube tomorrow. Prommie.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels


I fucking love this film. Funny lines, serious danger of fingers being removed and Jason Statham. I watched it last night and the night before. I am tempted to watch it again, but I'm resisting.


I prefer this to Snatch, which I think means I'm in the slight minority. Gringos?


Ten Shabbas



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