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Rate the last film you saw


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I agree about the clock scene Oxigen, but not about the taxi scene. It was her fault for prancing around in the first place. And although the clock scene is nice, it ends on a ridiculous note with "Mr Cake" rowing off in that silly little boat, and it's also brought down by Cate Blandchest's terrible voice acting, she's never been so bad.


I still can't believe I've watched the ruddy thing twice.

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I agree about the clock scene Oxigen, but not about the taxi scene. It was her fault for prancing around in the first place. And although the clock scene is nice, it ends on a ridiculous note with "Mr Cake" rowing off in that silly little boat, and it's also brought down by Cate Blandchest's terrible voice acting, she's never been so bad.


I still can't believe I've watched the ruddy thing twice.


I quite liked the movie, but overall, it was a disappointment. In fact, the whole year's been mostly one for disappointments.

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Wasn't expecting much from this, but i was wrong. Such a good film. It stars Liam Neeson as an ex "Preventer" for the government. Basically that means he is a kick-ass brawler, investigator and spy. He uses these skills to help find his daughter after she is taken by Albanian traffickers in Paris. Investigation and violence ensues, and its awesome.


They play down the awfulness of trafficking quite alot, but i guess they have to for the cinema screen. That's not to say that what you see isn't awful. In fact, i'm sure its horrifying to see for those who dont know anything about trafficking and the effects it has on the victims, but hey, thats the only negative thing i can say about this film. Still a powerful film and a thrill from start to finish.



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Zomg my stream's just finished downloading for Taken, so I'll be one of the cool kids in a couple of hours :D


Ok so just started watching it and ZOMG!



... They actually sang the birthday song.


Robert Redford and Jason Bourne has sex in the back of a volvo and this was born nine-to-ten months later. No women were involved. There must be some sort of irony in this; they've turned a hugely macho movie into a noble one by resorting to the age-old stereotypes of men and women. It's fine to kick, shoot and electrocute men, but not jab girls full of heroin and penises. Ok, so maybe there's some sort of morality thing going on here, I duno...


In all seriousness - It was awesome. You can pretend there are a few more layers to the movie than there really are, but I'm sure Steven Segal did pretty much the same thing 15 years ago.


I liked it a lot :) Very tense, very woah-some, and neeson does a surprisingly good job of looking-mean-while-driving-a-car.


EDIT: Taken, btw *doi*

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Disney have outdone themselves again.


Stunning to look at. Brilliantly written story. Genuinely like-able characters (apart from the Hamster, who is pretty much the only negative thing about the film. I hate that kind of comedy - when people laugh at "goofy" characters.) Lovely music (I'm going to download the ending theme now (I love Miley Cyrus' voice considering she's 16)).


I enjoyed it. So did my 12, going on 20, y/o sister. So did my 5 year old sister.


A brilliant family film, which didn't feel like it was aimed exclusively at children. The climax sequence was thrilling. There was genuine peril in the air.


The show was somewhat ruined by a rude disabled kid who was shouting crap at random points, but I got over that.



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Robert Redford and Jason Bourne has sex in the back of a volvo and this was born nine-to-ten months later.

You attribute this cinematic greatness to the procreation of those two pussies?! For shame good sir.

In all seriousness - It was awesome. You can pretend there are a few more layers to the movie than there really are, but I'm sure Steven Segal did pretty much the same thing 15 years ago.

I say it's the modern day Commando. Which as we know isn't Segal, but Arnie. And I'm sure Segal was a Green Beret in his youth [even if he wasn't], whom Arnie, as we all should know, eats Green Beret's for breakfast. And he's very hungry.

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Disney have outdone themselves again.


Stunning to look at. Brilliantly written story. Genuinely like-able characters (apart from the Hamster, who is pretty much the only negative thing about the film. I hate that kind of comedy - when people laugh at "goofy" characters.) Lovely music (I'm going to download the ending theme now (I love Miley Cyrus' voice considering she's 16)).


I enjoyed it. So did my 12, going on 20, y/o sister. So did my 5 year old sister.


A brilliant family film, which didn't feel like it was aimed exclusively at children. The climax sequence was thrilling. There was genuine peril in the air.


The show was somewhat ruined by a rude disabled kid who was shouting crap at random points, but I got over that.




Woo. :grin: someone who recognises the genius of this film. Pretty much agree with everything you say. The story was very well thought out and one of the strongest plots i've seen in a 3D animated childrens movie. :)


The ending was brilliant and very fitting. I almost cried... :p


Disagree with you about the Hamster though. I thought he was very good, though I do like the goofy sidekick characters in these movies. I felt he was need to keep the dellusion present. Also he wasn't overused which I feared he would be. I liked the part when he is singing along to the "Save Mittens" tune it made me laugh.


I'm going to get that song I stayed to listen to it in the credits. (but I love Miley anyway. :heh:)


Probably one of my favourite movies. I'm a sucker for animation!


Anyway today in a shocking twist of events I went to see,


Slumdog Millionaire


A very good movie. :D


I loved the whole way the story was told. It was very interesting to witness, although predictable.


The journey it took you on across India was very convincing. The child actors were very strong I felt and I felt myself getting more drawn in and concerned about them during the movie. The film made me laugh and it also made me sad but there was something that didn't quite grab me.. there was something missing. I felt the hardship the brothers faced but it didn't feel edgy enough. I guess I was expecting a darker movie than I got which I should not have from "the feel good movie of the year" I would have told a different tale but I like my sad endings!


Also the actor Dev Patel, unfortunately did not draw me in in the same way as the child actors. He was so emotionless it was hard to warm to his character in the end which drew me back out of the experience slightly. The music was excellent and expertly utilised during the film, I don't usually notice it but I felt it was particularly strong here. I think my favourite character was the brother.


The ending was solid and I definately felt uplifted while saddened at the same time. Overall I enjoyed the movie and it is very solid, just some things didn't quite work for me!


Would definately watch again.


5 Bears out of 7 :grin:

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Iron Man


Now its been many a year since I used to watch the Marvel Action Hour, so I didn't remember Tony Stark to be such a playboy type character, nor do I remember that much about Iron Man in general. I liked the way the film was... realistic, if you can even say that about a comic book film, lol. And Gwyneth Paltrow, with a gingery rinse in her hair, had the look of a Kirsten "Mary-Jane" Dunst, which I must say was no bad thing, tiger.


The film was actually quite long, but didn't seem to drag on too much. Definitely one of the better comic book films though probably not quite the best.


7 or 8/ 10

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It's not like he's a genius, ReZ, he is a bit overrated.


I'm not claiming him to be a genius.....


I contest that he's overrated aswell, he doesn't seem hugely rated at all. Half the population wouldn't even know who he is. At best "The one from Knocked Up."


Why do you jump on everything I like and have to say something negative about it? I have strange taste, I know this, but theres nothing wrong with liking Seth Rogen ffs.




I do still love you but, yeah. Stop jumping on me. :(

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I only jumped on the "Oh dear, oh dear" comment. I think he's decent (not seen enough, but Superbad was fine) as far as I know.


But the "oh dear" is the kinda comment that would make sense if someone said they didn't like Meryl Streep or whatever...like a really establishedly-good thing. As if it's impossible to not think they're good.


And in my defence, it was one of my less scathing jumps. :p


The Hours


Watched this due to it being "about" Virginia Woolf, as well as her area of study, and the effect her novel/ideas have on those in the future. I'm readin To The Lighthouse in English atm.


Nicole Kidman is impreccable and unrecognisable as Woolf, and Julianne Moore and Meryl Streep portray the women of the future with pathos and realism.


Tightly constructed and clever story and directing, making us think and question ourselves as an individual, and perhaps our own perceptions of "crazy" people, and those who take their own life.


Powerful and recommended heartily. The letter (I already read) Woolf writes to her husband is heartwrenchingly uplifting, read by Kidman.



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Strung to appeal me by the pegged words of "it's like jumper, but with more psychics" and "the guy who directed Lucky Number Slevin, I was accepting of the chance to see the movie.


While the main gripe is with teh lack of depth the movie offers, there are several minor points;

Nick should've fired the guns immediatly. The secondary cast was wasted and insignificant. The opening rise-shot of the shanty-style flats failed to fulfil their promise of further exploration of score and/or magnitude. Nick was a mannequin. Pacing was wrong and ill-fattened- by this I mean that the promise constructed by the galvanising scenes forgot their words and tripped over the props. Th (chinese) enemies were a joke, unable to garner any serious fear or hatred, and their deaths were weak and stupid. Dakota is clearly going to be hot one day and I feel bad for recognising this fact. They were concerned with too many powers at once. They never really answered Wossername's Mother issues. STUFF. THINGS. The movie is quite annoying, in retrospect, despite the charming, innocent pairing that the film revolves around.



I still think the trailers were teh best bit of the movie. And the OrangeTEE-EM advert sucked.

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At first I thought it started rather slow and thought it wasn't going to be my sort of film, but it soon got me gripped. Amazing film, and I looked up after to see how much of it is a true event (You know how they say things are based on true events but really not, thats lame). Most of it is! Which makes it all the worse for Angelina's character.


A brilliant film, wish I'd caught it in the cinemas when everyone else was talking about it. I won't be watching again for a while because it doesn't have that playback ability for me, but most films don't.


Still 10/10 I haven't given a 10/10 before I think but I feel this deserves it.

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I watched Sex Drive yesterday with my housemates, and I have to say that it is one of the poorest films I've ever seen. It sums up exactly why I rarely go to watch comedies at the cinema.


It just tries waaaay too hard to be funny. The only audience I could ever see enjoying this film would be white teenage males who cry at the sight of tits on screen.


What the fuck has happened to comedy? Is this even comedy? It's more cringeworthy than anything, but that seems to be what many people find funny these days.


Not even going to bother rating it.

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I watched Sex Drive yesterday with my housemates, and I have to say that it is one of the poorest films I've ever seen. It sums up exactly why I rarely go to watch comedies at the cinema.


It just tries waaaay too hard to be funny. The only audience I could ever see enjoying this film would be white teenage males who cry at the sight of tits on screen.


What the fuck has happened to comedy? Is this even comedy? It's more cringeworthy than anything, but that seems to be what many people find funny these days.


Not even going to bother rating it.


Exactly what I said.

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Austin Powers Trilogy


The first film is sexy, Hurley making it so. There are two main sad things about the movie, as with other [not all] comedies once you've seen it, some things aren't that funny anymore. Also is the fact they use alot of American only jokes that we probably won't get, and if we do they're not funny. The first example which comes to mind is the Lucky Charms assassin.


The Spy Who Shagged Me has the best lass of the three: Heather Graham. Makes some events from the first film bullshit, and in many ways makes absolutely no sense in how the plot works, which they actually acknowledge in the film. Plus muchos cameos from some actors. Also shows the start of Dr. Evil becoming a right fruit.


Goldmember. Easily the worst out of the three, even with Michael Caine. Hampered by Beyoncé, doesn't look that bad, doesn't sing that bad, but can't act for shit and given an ugly afro. Dr. Evil's character gets even worse. But it has a Charmander in it! [One of the greatest starting Pokémon (All fire ones are {Since the ones in the wild aren't that great})]


"Hey Assholes! I'm Mini-Me!" A choice Danny DeVito quote.


Eight Shabba's



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