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  ReZourceman said:
Number of films Burton has made, -1 = Number of films Buton has made that aren't good.



(I'm kidddinggg I'm kiddddingggg)


Going to see Earth Stand Matrix tomorrow, despite my better judgement/listening to reviews. If the Wolvie trailer isn't attached then I'll be pissed off.


Kidding or not, I can't quite make sense of what your kidding about...


On the other part, do you mean "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (I'm guessing so, but want to make sure)


I refuse to see this remake as I own the original and this is a different freaking genre let alone a different movie. Perhaps they should have just named it something different, then it may have looked good.

  leetpants said:

I refuse to see this remake as I own the original and this is a different freaking genre let alone a different movie. Perhaps they should have just named it something different, then it may have looked good.


Yeah. I havn't seen the original though, which probably helps. I love how no film on Odeon.co.uk gets rated less than three and a half stars. Amazing.


Hercules in New York


The first film with Arnold Schwarzenegger. His english was so bad, he got dubbed. However I watched it with his original english voice which transformers this movie from a very bad movie into it's very own league.


"Wat is zis chairriot? Where is ze horses?"


Brilliance in its own way.


Moving McAllistar

Meh. Mila Kunis was her usual charming (and hot) self. Everything else was meh.


And the reason I borrowed it from work; it is the only 'official' copy of The Format's song 'Swans' (which I fucking love) as they made it for this film and broke up shortly after. But Nate Reuss sounds odd, higher pitched and I don't think its the more fps here issue either. Glad I have a rip of their live concert.


(yes I spoke more about one song than the film itself but the film really wasn't at all special)

  Konfucius said:
Hercules in New York


The first film with Arnold Schwarzenegger. His english was so bad, he got dubbed. However I watched it with his original english voice which transformers this movie from a very bad movie into it's very own league.


"Wat is zis chairriot? Where is ze horses?"


Brilliance in its own way.


Genuinely the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. It's unbearably shit. Watching it is almost physically distressing.

  tapedeck said:
Currently watching Ace Ventura 2.

Forgot how bloody funny it is. Jim Carey = legend.


The birth scene with the rhino is still genius to this day!




I watched this the other day and it's as awesome as it use to be, which quite supprise me I thought it would have aged but it's a true classic. I wanna watch Dumb and Dumber again to see if that's as good again!


Anyways, I watched some footage from Delicatessen the other day in a lecture for sound design and it looks really creepy! Is it as bad as I imagine or a really good film?

I don't want to get hold of it and be dissapointed!


All About My Mother

The second Almodovar film my dad gave me. Seriously one of the best films I've seen this year.


Also, it was probably this good, because I don't read DVD blurbs. It literally gives away the entire story.


Anyway, I love how he directs films that are both heartwarming and heartwrenching. Very good, incredibly well-acted, and sad. Funny too.



  Nami said:
I watched some footage from Delicatessen the other day in a lecture for sound design and it looks really creepy! Is it as bad as I imagine or a really good film?

I don't want to get hold of it and be dissapointed!


It's a great film. Really enjoyable dystopian sci-fi with a bit of a comedic bent. Was Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet (of Amelie fame) and art directed by his then best friend Marc Caro. It's worth checking out The City Of Lost Children too, the only other film they made together before Marc Caro went off the radar for ten years.




Amazing powerful movie about revenge. I'd recommend it to anyone.


8/10, I'd give a 10/10 but the english subs (idk fan or official) were bad, not translation wise though. There may be an english dubbed version but idk for sure. If there is bumb the score to 10/10.

  Paj Meen Ah said:
All About My Mother

The second Almodovar film my dad gave me. Seriously one of the best films I've seen this year.


Also, it was probably this good, because I don't read DVD blurbs. It literally gives away the entire story.


Anyway, I love how he directs films that are both heartwarming and heartwrenching. Very good, incredibly well-acted, and sad. Funny too.




I've seen this.


Powerful stuff. Very moving, artfully controlled bit of cinema if memory serves.


man, that was ages ago. My old english teacher was a movie buff and used to run art house film screenings for us at school. some of the best films I've ever seen and an education unto itself.


High School Musical 3 (3rd time)


I saw it in a Gold Class screening for free (Only 18 or over and there's nicer seats) and it was great. It was better than the first and second time I saw it.




Lower Learning

Utter load of crap even though Jason Biggs, Kyle Gass and the sexy Eva Longoria is in it. A disappointing comedy.


2/10 (the reason it's not a 1 is because of Eva Longoria, mmmmmmm)


The Myth


Jackie Chan stars. There are actually 2 versions of this movie, the American dubbed version or the original Cantonese version. This is the original un-dubbed movie which is 25 minutes longer than the American version


This is actually quite a good movie, which got better as it progressed through. 2nd viewing of it as well, wish i watched it more often but alas haven't really had the time. Film is in full Cantonese with English parts within and has full English subtitles. Great movie, 9.5/10


The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008)

A bad movie, but for some reason it was very watchable, maybe because I was expecting it to get better any second. Many useless and pointless scenes and characters, awful CGI (Gort looks like a cartoon of the Oscar statue), Will Smith's son is very annoying and the ending is very anti-climatix.


The Graduate.

Fantastic! The ending was very random :heh:

  killthenet said:
It's a great film. Really enjoyable dystopian sci-fi with a bit of a comedic bent. Was Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet (of Amelie fame) and art directed by his then best friend Marc Caro. It's worth checking out The City Of Lost Children too, the only other film they made together before Marc Caro went off the radar for ten years.


They did mention that film too thinking about it! I did notice recognise one of the actors from Amelie but didn't think about the director being the same! Yep it's defiantly on my to watch list, thanx :yay:




This film is shit. I only stuck with it til the end because the lass in it was tasty, plus Mary Steenbergen from Back To The Future III.


Four Shabba's


I think I'm being generous here.

  nightwolf said:
Prince Caspian


I loved it, it's a pretty damn good movie, shame about the ending but yay for more narnia films!




It was awful though.

  nightwolf said:
See I liked it alot. I loved the first one alot too :yay: Besides why say that when I put 9/10? Not like I'm going to agree?


I was probably just shell-shocked.


I dislike the fact it's a Christian allegory, too. That seriously tarnishes the story, and it's not like the acting was much to write home about.


Best thing was the return of the Snow Queen, and that Bird-Gypsy-Woman.

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