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Rate the last film you saw


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The Dark Knight

Nowhere near as taut, visceral, claustrophobic or as terrifying as Batman Begins, they ironed out a few kinks, but gave the film a lot more creases because of it.


First of the film is too long, and they have way too much packed into it. A lot of it works, some of it doesn't. It's been seemingly wrongly hailed by critics as having a complicated structure, but in my eyes the film is convulted and complicated simply because they've put too much into it.


When it works though, it is sublime. The opening of the film, which with sequels is always a difficult task, was handled perfectly. Heath Ledger surpases all the hype as a fantastically sadistic Joker, though it was disappointing that the atmosphere was broken by morons laughing, all the fault of the theatre patrons though and nothing to do with the movie.


Overall it was slightly disappointing, it was unconventional in places I hadn't expected it to be but it was far too formulaic in others. The whole Sonar thing was completely unnessecary, it looked ugly and served no real purpose, they could have utilised other methods in order to serve the plot better.


It may open up to me more on a second viewing, which I will definately undertake this weekend, but on first impressions it does not quite match up to Batman Begins. Now don't jot this down to me being over hyped, I really wasn't. I avoided all TV spots, haven't seen the trailer in months and read none of the reviews. Will just have to see if it picks up with a second viewing.



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First of the film is too long, and they have way too much packed into it. A lot of it works, some of it doesn't. It's been seemingly wrongly hailed by critics as having a complicated structure, but in my eyes the film is convulted and complicated simply because they've put too much into it.


I think it's the right size, and personally believe that all of it works.

I don't think it's complicated... critics must be dumb. I thought it was pretty simple, and grand, too.


The whole Sonar thing was completely unnessecary, it looked ugly and served no real purpose, they could have utilised other methods in order to serve the plot better


Agreed on the part that they could have used something else... but it was satisfactory, if not exactly the best choice.

I thought you'd rate it an 8. :D


I think it's near perfect, considering what it is, it's a masterpiece of it's genre, afaik. :heh:

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Young People Fucking


Bluddy funny. I laughed outloud a fair few times, and I loved the whole way the movie was set out. Basically the film follows five sepearate young couples as they each have a sexual encounter with 5 stages occuring throughout the film, these being prelude, foreplay, sex, interlude, orgasm and afterglow - with 5 seperate stories occuring throughout.


Seriously, watch it if you can. The title makes it sound cheap and teen movie likes. But it's not, it's pretty damn funny. The moment with the couple, and the guy realising he's enjoying his wife using the strap on floored me.



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Young People Fucking


Bluddy funny. I laughed outloud a fair few times, and I loved the whole way the movie was set out. Basically the film follows five sepearate young couples as they each have a sexual encounter with 5 stages occuring throughout the film, these being prelude, foreplay, sex, interlude, orgasm and afterglow - with 5 seperate stories occuring throughout.


Seriously, watch it if you can. The title makes it sound cheap and teen movie likes. But it's not, it's pretty damn funny.




It is a great movie. I saw that not long ago, I thought it was funny too.


All the boys love Mandy Lane


It was really good, same old usual horror storyline but with some pretty good twists in it.





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Blue Ray No Country for Old Men


My 5th time watching it. Excellent movie, everytime I watch it I notice little quirks and actions I had missed before. The movie stunned me in the cinema and still stuns me everytime I put it on.




Also Intolerable Cruelty Which is another Coen Brothers film. It's more of a romantic film with excellent dialogue. It kinda bores in the middle, but the start and end are filled with high points.




And closer was rubbish.

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Ghost in the Shell


Well, it was about bloody time I got to watch this. :indeed:

I enjoyed it a fair bit. Although watching it with two non-anime fans meant that I found some bits more awkward than usual, and I probably had more of an idea about what was going on than they did. A LOT more, if I'm honest.


Nevertheless; it was good, and easy to see why it's so popular.



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Ghost in the Shell


Well, it was about bloody time I got to watch this. :indeed:

I enjoyed it a fair bit. Although watching it with two non-anime fans meant that I found some bits more awkward than usual, and I probably had more of an idea about what was going on than they did. A LOT more, if I'm honest.


Nevertheless; it was good, and easy to see why it's so popular.




Haha, what bits did you find awkward to watch with them? :p


I really love the film. I need to watch the series >__<

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Three films again today! (granted the first started yesterday and finished at 1am...) Although im not in the mood to go on about them so just short reviews.




Remy was fun, the romance was a bit forced but alright but I found it amusing how Remy controlled Linguine.






Enjoyable but not brilliant. Some funny lines in there. During the credits when they're watching Pixar films with vehicles was probably the best part.




The Iron Giant


A delight. Although the ending seems to suggest they wanted to make a sequel but seeing as it wasn't that successful guess not eh? Still, nice take on 1950s paranoia and the bomb race (or whatever it was called).



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The Dark Knight


Not as good as Begins. But amazing.






Sorry, but it's a lie, and I hate lies.


This is in a league so far above Begins it's ridiculous. Begins is amazing too though.


The Dark Knight




Probably my favourite ever film. I have to scale the other Batman films down a notch. I think I gave Batman Returns a 10...it now gets a 9, I think.

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The Brave One


It's an okay movie really, hadn't heard about it before, so didn't know what to expect. It was entertaining, but not in the funny kind of way (as the story is about revenge and all that). Not an outstanding movie, but worth a watch if you've got nothing else to do. =)


If I had to give it a score, I'd say a... 7.5/10.

I don't know, I usually don't give scores because a number seems silly. =P

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The Brave One


It's an okay movie really, hadn't heard about it before, so didn't know what to expect. It was entertaining, but not in the funny kind of way (as the story is about revenge and all that). Not an outstanding movie, but worth a watch if you've got nothing else to do. =)


If I had to give it a score, I'd say a... 7.5/10.

I don't know, I usually don't give scores because a number seems silly. =P


may I recommend Bears out of 7? a much more accurate score. :heh:





6 and a half Bears out of 7! :grin: I loved every moment of it and the Joker was amazing. one of my favourite films ever! ^____^

The Incredibles


It was Incredible! :p (as if you didn't see that coming!)


I seriously forgot how great this film is.


5 and a half bears out of 7. :D very entertaining!

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may I recommend Bears out of 7? a much more accurate score. :heh:





6 and a half Bears out of 7! :grin: I loved every moment of it and the Joker was amazing. one of my favourite films ever! ^____^

The Incredibles


It was Incredible! :p (as if you didn't see that coming!)


I seriously forgot how great this film is.


5 and a half bears out of 7. :D very entertaining!


Why 7 bears? Why not 10? :)

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