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Rate the last film you saw


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All I can say is....WOW.


Jennifer Hudson put so much emotion into her performance, but I thought Beyonce was a bit...bland?


Still liked her in it though, oh and also, why so darkkk? The scene where Deena is around the pool having a meeting with those men was like, whoahhh colour!


But yeah, loved the film, and watching it in HD was the cherry on top ^_^



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Slightly confusing but then again it was meant to be. A realistic time travel movie and very interesting plot. Nothing was dumbed down.


hell yah! Gem of a film. The guy behind it doesn't seem to be up to anything else since, which is a real shame.

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Disaster Movie

Some vague lookalikes of lead characters from recent successful films and television programmes must try and survive a combination of several natural (and not so natural) disasters.


I found it to be technically very good, the camerawork and acting was good and the level of spoofing was close to max. It seemed like they put a lot of thought into the jokes and really studied the movie trailers and adverts that they were spoofing.


I think these guys have a good career ahead of them and that in their next film they will have a topless Miley Cyrus lookalike say she is not fat.



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All I can say is....WOW.


Jennifer Hudson put so much emotion into her performance, but I thought Beyonce was a bit...bland?


Still liked her in it though, oh and also, why so darkkk? The scene where Deena is around the pool having a meeting with those men was like, whoahhh colour!


But yeah, loved the film, and watching it in HD was the cherry on top ^_^




'Triforce_Keeper in 'Intenet Bigotry' shock revelation'.

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Kung Fu Panda


One of my favourites if not favourite 3D animations. Well...bar Toy Story, but obviously thats pretty much untouchable. But yeah, loved it! And Seth Rogen!








Possibly my favourite film of all time.



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I really liked the idea of the film and for me Hancocks character seemed like the make or brake. Will Smith saves the movie because he fits the role so well.

I actually hoped it would get darker in the second half and was quite happy how it turned out to be. His character is still funny but his surroundings are more serious. The whole lovestory and his origins are a bit crude though but entertaining none the less and it didn't even need a super-villan.

I also really enjoyed the score.



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28 Days Later


Brilliant film that I have seen many times before. Everyone still classes it as a zombie film, but its not really one; because zombies are dead brought back to life, and these are humans infected with a virus...there is a different, haha.

A great soundtrack accompanies the superb visuals in this film.

Usually, the soundtrack can cause some films to lose their edge, but it really does wonders to make the scenes that bit more unique. Terrifying.

I can't think of more ways to describe this - it really is a good movie.

Forget all these slasher movies that try to class themselves as horror or scary.

Unbelieveable that I still feel this way about this film even after I've seen it a good load of times.

Love this film, especially the scene at the end which takes place in the house, with the gradually building up of tension and music - its too perfect.



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There Will Be Blood


"I see the worst in people. I don't need to look past seeing them to get all I need. I've built my hatred up over the years, little by little, Henry... to have you here gives me a second breath. I can't keep doing this on my own with these... people."


And we know how that ended up. Love this film. The score is brilliant.



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The Wicker Man Remake : lulz




Wow. Now I know what I have avoided it. The original is amazing. That...not so much. I think it barely qualifies as "a". In fact I don't think its even a noun.


Anywho. Rewatched (well, watchedish. Had it on in the background hoping a familiar film would make me sleepy) Battle Royale. Always fun.

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Did a session at the cinema yesterday.




I have to admit, after seeing the trailers for this i was hypped up about it. And it did not fail to impress me. Will Smith suited the role which was quite funny in places. Reminded me a little of Highlander with immortals living thousands of years. 8/10


The Forbidden Kingdom


Now, Jackie Chan and Jet Li separatly have made some awesome movies including Once upon a Time in China, Drunken Master, Police Story and Fearless. Never did i imagine these two to come together and make a movie together. Nor did i think it would be that good either. This movie took the best bits of Hero and Fearless from Li's collection and the best bits of Drunken Master and Dragon Lord from Chan's collection and made a movie so good i can't describe it really. 10/10

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The Forbidden Kingdom


Now, Jackie Chan and Jet Li separatly have made some awesome movies including Once upon a Time in China, Drunken Master, Police Story and Fearless. Never did i imagine these two to come together and make a movie together. Nor did i think it would be that good either. This movie took the best bits of Hero and Fearless from Li's collection and the best bits of Drunken Master and Dragon Lord from Chan's collection and made a movie so good i can't describe it really. 10/10


Either that's a fantastic joke, or it's just become my personal belief that you are the world's biggest idiot. Your deadly combo of a Number 23 avatar and a 10/10 rating to Forbidden Kingdom is unbeatable. :blank:

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What a fantastic movie. I loved every minute of it. Possibly one of my favourite 3-D animated movies now, I'm going to see it again very soon.




The Forbidden Kingdom


Jet Li and Jackie Chan are great but together, they're awesome. Brilliant movie and I'm going to see this again soon as well.




(What can I say, I seriously enjoyed these movies) :smile:

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I watched it before and now after the whole Season of Firefly. Needless to say I understood much more of it now. It's really a great continuation of the storyline and has a very cool villain.

The different environments are all very atmospheric and full of little details. Dialogue is funny and it lacks a bit the feeling of Wild West Sci-Fi which I was actually glad about.

All in all one of the best Science Fiction Films.



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The Forbidden Kingdom


Jet Li and Jackie Chan, ground breaking, almost to the point of literality. A flawless cinematic classic that re-writes the rules of film making. Cinema starts NOW.




Haven't seen it. Don't want to. I just love reading OW's comments.


I think Jet Li is the cinematic version of cataracts.

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Jesus, Forbidden Kingdom was so bland!!! Why the fuck are people rating it 9s and 10s? :| I can't comprehend anything beyond a seven. And personally, it's a 3.

I loved it, and while I would not give it a 10, specially because I don't score movies, let them score whatever the hell they want :P

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28 Days Later


Brilliant film that I have seen many times before. Everyone still classes it as a zombie film, but its not really one; because zombies are dead brought back to life, and these are humans infected with a virus...there is a different, haha.

A great soundtrack accompanies the superb visuals in this film.

Usually, the soundtrack can cause some films to lose their edge, but it really does wonders to make the scenes that bit more unique. Terrifying.

I can't think of more ways to describe this - it really is a good movie.

Forget all these slasher movies that try to class themselves as horror or scary.

Unbelieveable that I still feel this way about this film even after I've seen it a good load of times.

Love this film, especially the scene at the end which takes place in the house, with the gradually building up of tension and music - its too perfect.




I agree, I have the song or tune on my ipod and it can be quite terrifying to listen to at night because of it being placed within the movie!


The ''newer'' italian job


I don't know why but I actually love this film, I watched it a while back and re-watched it again. I find it quite quirky and I love the newer minis just as much as the old ones.




ps. plus the music is awesome too :yay:

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I agree, I have the song or tune on my ipod and it can be quite terrifying to listen to at night because of it being placed within the movie!



Yeah, the tune by John Murphy, right? Its such a choon. :)


It was also used for a car advert a while back, can't remember which one, though.


Infact, the whole soundtrack is awesome. Check it out, there's some belters on there. :)

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