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Rate the last film you saw


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Flash Gordon (1980)


Pretty uninspired story but the retro-feel made up for it. The costumes were very awesome in their own special way. The other races were a little two dimensional though and I didn't get why exactly Flash was so awesome and could steer all the spacecrafts and stuff. Also the theme by Queen wasn't exactly pleasant to hear but strangely fitting.


7/10 because of retro-sci-fi-ness




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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull




Classic Indy! Maybe I'm just being biased since I'm an Indy fanboy, but that was the best film I've seen in ages (not including the original trilogy which were screened on the BBC over the past few weeks).

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The Breakfast Club


Wasn't expecting anything special but I was pleasently surprised. I really enjoyed it, and laughed out loud a fair few times. Definitely worth a watch, I might have to pick it up on dvd sometime.



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The Breakfast Club


Wasn't expecting anything special but I was pleasently surprised. I really enjoyed it, and laughed out loud a fair few times. Definitely worth a watch, I might have to pick it up on dvd sometime.




Nice film, can get it on DVD for cheap (less than a fiver). I remember when I watched it I had teenage drama going on during it. Kinda lols (except the drama itself...)


Got some 80s films I still haven't watched. 'St Elmo's Fire' and 'Pretty in Pink' namely. My friend bought a load recently, may have an 80s marathon.


You should check out Heathers. Its awesome.

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This morning I have watched Man On The Moon and Super Mario Brothers. Man On The Moon is a classic, seen it tonnes of times before and it has possibly the most heartbreakingly tragicomic sequence I have ever seen.


Super Mario Brothers on the other hand is regarded as one of the greatest misadventures in movie history. I have not seen it since I was a child and my memories of it before viewing it today were vague, all I could really remember were the realistic interpretations of Goomba's and Yoshi, which I thought were awful when I was a child.


After viewing I can safely say that I am absolutely astounded by the film. From a game with absolutely no story the many, many screenwriters who worked on Super Mario Bros. managed to concoct one of the most confusing, bizarre and downright outrageous stories in big budget film history. It's a little long winded; 65 Million Years ago a meteorite strikes the Earth, wiping out the dinosaurs but also creating a paralell universe in which dinosaurs evolve to become humanoid reptiles who are pretty much like us. But the world is stripped of the resources avaliable to us and it is a desolate, lonely place. 65 Million years later there is an uprising by Koopa against the Royal Family of this world. The King is de-evolved into fungus and the Queen flees to our world, taking with her, her daughter and a very important stone. She manages to get her daugher to a safe place, but upon returning to her Kingdom she is struck down by Koopa.


20 Years Later and Princess Daisy is an archeology student working on an important University dig in New York. At the site there are fossils which show dinosaurs with human characteristics, she is being chased by Koopa's cousins Iggy and Spike who want to kidnap her in order for Koopa to get the very important stone, which when reunited with the metorite it came from will merge the two universes, allowing him to rule both worlds.


All this and the Mario brothers haven't even been mentioned yet. Clearly the film is very flawed, Hoskins' true voice regularly breaks through his shoddy Brooklyn accent, the CG is terrible, the majority of the costume designs are outright laughable, the cinematography is often amateurish and the script always lousy. The only similarities the film has with the game is in various passing and forced references and the names of several characters. In terms of a faithful adaptation it is a nightmare.


But it is a wholly entertaining film and it's astounding that this film has been so universally derided, with no real and fair retrospective analysis of the piece presented thus far. Super Mario Bros. is now a fascinating film to me, how the writers managed to glean such an outlandish - and at times brilliant - story out of such spare source material is fantastic and I plan to write more on this subject over the next few days.


2/10 for quality but an Ebert style thumbs up for effort.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


Up there with Mario Sunshine and The Phantom Menace on my list of soul-crushingly disappointing turds.


Full of cliches, plot holes, poor acting (although Ford is good), a pants-on-head retarded story, an over-reliance on special effects (especially at the end), lame humour and action scenes that mostly fall flat.


All in all, a fantastic four (out of a possible ten).

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull




Classic Indy! Maybe I'm just being biased since I'm an Indy fanboy, but that was the best film I've seen in ages (not including the original trilogy which were screened on the BBC over the past few weeks).


You have GOT to be kidding. It was a shocker. See the Indy thread. 4/10... at best.

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Into the Wild


An excellent movie. Based on a true story. It's very moving. Made my girlfriend cry.





Lucky Number Slevin


A good movie. Quite predictable though.




It's apparently one of the worst films of the year.


I liked it. Not the greatest of films but worth a watch.

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A bit of a mess of a film, tried to include a bit of everything with nothing truly standing out, apart from the gore.


Bet it does wonders for the Scottish Tourist Board too, seeing as it shows how much Scotland will improve in the years to come :laughing:


Scores 4/10, but only because Rhona Mitra, the female lead is H.O.T.


I saw this last night. Hands down the worst film I have ever seen.


People joke about bad shit making them want to kill themselves, but I was truly contemplating suicide all the way throughout this, and seriously, I am not shitting you.

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War Of The Worlds


I love this film, did do from the first time I saw it in the cinema. Tom Cruise is excellent in it, and so is the little girl whatever her name is. A couple of funny lines along with some fantastic action sequences make for a really fun movie.



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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


It's been hyped to the neck, and in my opinion it lived up to some of the hype. Saw it today, yes it was a good movie but it was let down with a few things. The end for example reminded me of Raiders in a few ways, but unlike Raiders this was an OTT style ending with way too much CGI for this type of movie. Harrison Ford does do well in this movie, especially for his age as well. Some good acting and an ok story to it. I shall give this an 8/10

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The Others


As with all "twist" films, it's always better the first time you watch it, and as this is my second time watching it, I knew what the twist was.


Still, I bloody love this film, the mood it sets throughout it amazing and really sucks you in.


I love Nicole Kidman though, so I'm a bit biased.


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Mean Girls


Seen this loads of times over the years, and it's still the best "girly" teen film, in that it's not cliched, and actually funny in parts.


I don't know to rate it really. 8's too good, but it's really enjoyable. 7.

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What the hell, where was Stallone in this, all I remembered was a bunch of gay marines and some irritating Christians. I didn't find any of the characters interesting and Rambo himself hardly did bugger all.


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Watched a couple of movies these past few days:


The Big Lebowski: Before I saw it I knew nothing about this movie except that it´s funny and the word: "fuck" is used regularly and they were right about both things.

I enjoyed it and will probably re watch it soon.


Mulholland Drive: Only way to describe my experience watching this movie is using Penny-Arcade and my elite photoshopping skills




Indiana Jones 4: I was disappointed, I wasn´t expecting much but still was disappointed. Too me it didn´t have the signature "Indiana Jones" shazam do it and the scenes that could conjure it up were outweighed by the bad scenes in the movie

Oh and:

The whole thing with Mutt being his son, I fucking RAGED.



Silent Hill: I like the games and all but this movie feels a bit weird. It had nice scenes of gore and good acting. (apart from some people in minor roles)

But the movie just gave me a "meh" feeling all over. I´m not sure if I enjoyed it or disliked it.

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Ok, so i loved the first 3 films, even the second had it's awesome parts, and the not so awesome parts, but this was better than i had expected...right up until the last few scenes.


First, i was kinda let down with the whole little rat thing, cgi in the opening credits? ehh...i thought they were trying to make it like old indy...>.< then, i gotta say, i loved mutt! i know, flame etc, but i thought his role in this was awesome, if underplayed...and how can anyone have not have seen him being indys son is beyond me.


Again the CGi... 'that' monkey scene was cringe worthy..and the alien at the end , what was with that! The main villain you know, the Russian woman, she was too emotional, too shocked and too scared by the ants and the aliens.




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I'm a Cyborg (But its ok) 7/10


A crazy kinda romantic comedy set in a Korean mental hospital, from the producer of Oldboy. It's frequently funny, thought provoking and odd. Fantastic in HD, too. I liked it, but at points I was sitting there thinking "this is too weird" or "get on with it..." lol

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Ok, so i loved the first 3 films, even the second had it's awesome parts, and the not so awesome parts, but this was better than i had expected...right up until the last few scenes.


First, i was kinda let down with the whole little rat thing, cgi in the opening credits? ehh...i thought they were trying to make it like old indy...>.< then, i gotta say, i loved mutt! i know, flame etc, but i thought his role in this was awesome, if underplayed...and how can anyone have not have seen him being indys son is beyond me.


Again the CGi... 'that' monkey scene was cringe worthy..and the alien at the end , what was with that! The main villain you know, the Russian woman, she was too emotional, too shocked and too scared by the ants and the aliens.





Spielberg went out of his way to say that Mutt wasn't Indy's son. But he did play a really good character, the ending pleased me (when Indy nicked his hat :heh:). And the aliens were dodgy in retrospect, I don't really think the bit where the 13 skulls were combined to make a life form was necessary, they could have left it stationary then let the vortex go 'Ark of the Covenant' on her.


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